Since its inception in the late 1960s and especially following its commercialization in the mid-1990s, the Internet has experienced exponential growth. As artificial intelligence (AI) has surpassed previously inconceivable boundaries, it has become evident that AI both poses a threat to aspects of human existence and offers potential avenues for a more human-centric future. This paper contends that a digital existence, by its intrinsic nature, engenders a sense of discontentment. Paradoxically, within this digital realm, remedies emerge that elude offline experiences. While chatbots initially served as sources of amusement, their capacity to provide accessible and dependable counseling services has now become indispensable. Our assertion is that in the years to come, as chatbot technology advances further in sophistication, hundreds of millions of individuals worldwide will gain access to improved lives through the provision of free counseling services. Consequently, therapy will