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یکی از مفاهیم کلیدی در بطن تعریف تمدن نوین اسلامی، مفهوم معنویت است. در این مقاله، مسئله اصلی ما، تحقیقِ مؤلفه های ذاتی و ماهوی معنویتِ موجود در تمدن نوین اسلامی و سرشار بودن تمدن نوین از معنویت و جایگاه هدایت گرانه و راهبری معنویت در این تمدن از منظر آیت الله خامنه ای است. هدف ما در این پژوهش، ارائه ی درکی عمیق از مفهوم معنویت اسلامی و احصاء وجوه تأثیرِ معنویت در زمینه سازی، تکامل و پیشرفت و تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی در اندیشه ی آیت الله خامنه ای است. در این پژوهش، از روش توصیفی - تحلیلی استفاده شده است. از نظر آیت الله خامنه ای، معنویت اسلامی، ایمان به غیب، طهارت باطن انسان در پرتو غیب و تسلیم و عبودیت نسبت به غیب است. مفهوم سرشار بودن تمدن نوین اسلامی از معنویت نیز ناظر به وجود ایمان آگاهانهو حاکمیت فضایل و محوریت عبودیت الهی در سراسر تمدن نوین اسلامی است. وجوه مؤثر و هدایت گر معنویت اسلامی برای تمدن نوین اسلامی، وجوه شش گانه زمینه ساز، هویت ساز، معرفت بخش، استحکام و استقامت بخش، مصونیت ساز و سرعت دهنده ی تمدن نوین اسلامی است. معنویت اسلامی، از آغاز تا غایاتِ تمدن نوین اسلامی را پوشش می دهد، زمینه ی شکل گیری تمدن نوین را فراهم می کند، به آن هویت و تشخّص می بخشد، معرفت زیربنایی آن را تأمین می نماید، پایه ها و موجودیت آن را مستحکم می کند و آن را در برابر انحطاط و ارتجاع و توقف و رکود، مصون می سازد و به حرکت آن برای رسیدن به غایاتش، سرعت و سهولت می دهد.

The nature and role of spirituality in modern Islamic civilization from the point of view of Ayatollah Khamenei

Purpose: One of the very key concepts in the definition of modern Islamic civilization is the concept of "spirituality". In this article, our main problem is to investigate the intrinsic and essential components of spirituality in the modern Islamic civilization and the abundance of spirituality in the modern civilization and the guiding place of spirituality in this civilization from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei's thoughts. Our purpose in this research is to provide a deep understanding of the concept of Islamic spirituality and to assess the aspects of the influence of spirituality in the foundation, evolution and progress and realization of the new Islamic civilization in the thought of Ayatollah Khamenei.  Methodology: In this article, the analytical descriptive method is used, relying on library sources. In the analytical descriptive method, first of all, the issues and topics of the article are tried from the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei by following and studying throughout his works and statements, focusing on the two concepts of "spirituality" and "new Islamic civilization" with three characteristics of conceptual system, deep description and systematic view. , be explained, and in the next step, based on deep and clear explanations and descriptions of the research subjects, we will analyze their different aspects, layers and levels in a logical, chain-wise, systematic and ijtihad way.Findings: 1. From the point of view of Ayatollah Khamenei, Islamic spirituality in such a way that the type of spirituality includes faith and knowledge of the unseen, obedience and actions based on the Sharia, and finally being adorned with moral virtues. In other words, the subject of Islamic spirituality, "spiritual intellect", " "spiritual soul" and "spiritual verb".A brief summary of the concept of new Islamic civilization being full of spirituality from Ayatollah Khamenei's point of view is that according to what forms the interior of Islamic spirituality, new civilization is a spiritual and divine civilization that is full of collective spiritual rationality, which is a sign of its expansion. Belief in the unseen and worldview is clear, full of meaning and divine, and the prominent feature of this faith is awareness, commitment, responsibility, and continuous reproduction. In the context of this spiritual rationality and the commitment and fertility of everyone's faith, humans become possessed of a spiritual soul and soul, the obvious effect of which is the existence and abundance and predominance of moral virtues in the modern Islamic civilization, and the scarcity, weakness, and lack of governance of vices, impurities, and rebellions.The first aspect of the role of Islamic spirituality in shaping the new Islamic civilization is the foundational and infrastructure-building aspect, in the sense that Muslims can once again realize great ideals such as the new Islamic civilization. And make their actions real in their intellect, soul and action.Another effective aspect of spirituality for Islamic civilization is that spirituality, just as it is a source of soul, purpose and identity for humans, it also gives meaning, identity and purpose to society and modern civilization.Another aspect of spirituality guidance for the modern Islamic civilization is mainly due to the spiritual view and knowledge of the world and man, and it provides the theoretical and worldview infrastructure of the modern Islamic civilization.The other aspect of guiding spirituality for the new Islamic civilization is to ensure the inner endurance of man and to fight against the internal factors that weaken this endurance inside and outside of man in order to realize the new Islamic civilization as well as its effective survival and continuity.Another effect of Islamic spirituality in modern Islamic civilization is that it prevents believers from being influenced by enemies' obsessions and following sensual desires as the causes of weakening perseverance in the direct path of Islamic civilization and deviation from it.Conclusion: According to Ayatollah Khamenei, Islamic spirituality is faith in the unseen, the inner purity of man in the light of the unseen, and submission and servitude to the unseen. The concept of modern Islamic civilization being full of spirituality also refers to the existence of conscious faith and the rule of virtues and the centrality of divine worship throughout modern Islamic civilization. The effective and guiding aspects of Islamic spirituality for the new Islamic civilization are the six aspects of grounding, identity-building, knowledge-giving, strength and endurance-giving, immunity-building and speeding-up of the new Islamic civilization. Islamic spirituality covers the modern Islamic civilization from the beginning to the end: it provides the ground for the formation of the modern civilization, gives it identity and identity, provides its basic knowledge, strengthens its foundations and existence, protects it against degeneration and It prevents stagnation and stagnation and gives speed and ease to its movement to reach its goals. 
