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ماهیت تمدن غرب مبتنی بر سیطره و سلطه بر هر تمدنی است. ازجمله نگرانی ها و دغدغه های متفکران اسلامی، نوع و نحوه ی مواجهه ی تمدن اسلام در مقابل تمدن غرب بود. در این راستا پس از انقلاب اسلامی، حضرت آیت الله خامنه ای با درک اهمیت و ضرورت چگونگی رویارویی دنیای اسلام با تمدن غرب، بیانات متعددی در خصوص تمدن نوین اسلامی داشتند. در مقاله ی حاضر، نگارندگان مترصد این هستند که با استفاده از روش تحلیل گفتمان جیمز پل جی، بیانات آیت الله خامنه ای در خصوص تمدن نوین اسلامی را مورد بررسی قرار دهند. سؤال پژوهش این است که تحلیل گفتمان بیانات آیت الله خامنه ای در مورد تمدن نوین اسلامی بر اساس روش نظریه جیمز پل جی به چه صورت است؟ یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد با توجه به هفت مؤلفه ی سازندگی نظریه جیمز پل جی در گفتمان بیانات آیت الله خامنه ای در خصوص تمدن نوین اسلامی مواردی همچون فرهنگ غرب به عنوان یک فرهنگ مهاجم و مضر برای ایجاد تمدن نوین اسلامی، رابطه میان علم و تمدن نوین اسلامی، رابطه میان دانش مسلمین و بهره گیری از ابزار و امکانات جهانی جهت تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی، کنش امت اسلامی در جهت تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی، رابطه میان دانشگاه ها و مدیران و رؤسای آن و ایجاد و تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی، سیاست بهره گیری از نرم افزار یا سبک زندگی در جهت تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی و جمهوری اسلامی به عنوان یک نمونه ی موفق از کشورهای اسلامی در جهت تحقق تمدن نوین اسلامی دارای اهمیت و ارزشمند است.  

Discourse analysis of Ayatollah Khamenei's statements regarding new Islamic civilization based on the theory of James Paul Gee

Purpose: The nature of western civilization is to rule and dominate any civilization. Among the Islamic worries and concerns was the type and manner of dealing with Islam in front of Western civilization. In this regard, after the Islamic revolution of Hazrat Ayatollah Khamenei, with the understanding and importance of the issue on the Islamic world of the West, there are many statements regarding the new Islamic civilization. In this article, the authors are the observers of these, using the discourse analysis method of James Paul G., the statements of Hazrat Ayatollah Grand Ayatollah regarding modern Islamic civilization are examined.Methodology: The method of analysis used in the current research is the discourse analysis method of James Paul Gee. In this method, with the combination of conceptual elements, it is possible to get to know the main elements of a discourse, the type of relationships between these elements, and finally the internal structure or organization of a discourse and show what order governs this discourse. In the present study, the author, after placing all the available data in different functions and determining the language parts related to each of these functions, with the help of James Paul Gee's discourse analysis method, identifies the key components of each language genre and the relationships between them. According to Paul Gee, if we can identify these seven linguistic actions and the linguistic elements and relations that make these actions practical in the analysis of a text, we have actually been able to analyze the descriptive discourse of a text.Findings: The findings of the research show that according to the seven constructive components of James Paul Gee's theory in the discourse of Ayatollah Khamenei's statements regarding the modern Islamic civilization, things such as the requirements of the software sector for the realization of the modern Islamic civilization, Western culture as an invasive and harmful culture for The creation of a new Islamic civilization, the relationship between science and the new Islamic civilization, the relationship between the knowledge of Muslims and the use of global tools and facilities for the realization of the new Islamic civilization, the action of the Islamic Ummah for the realization of the new Islamic civilization,  The relationship between universities and their directors and heads and the creation and realization of a new Islamic civilization, the policy of using software or lifestyle in order to realize a new Islamic civilization, a tool as a means to create a new Islamic civilization, the Islamic Republic as an example Successful from Islamic countries in the direction of realizing the new Islamic civilization and the role of education in the direction of the realization of the new Islamic civilization is important and valuable.Conclusion: In this article, an attempt was made to investigate and analyze the text structure of religious discourse books by using the seven components of James Paul Gee's theory, including identity, importance, relationships, connection, politics, symbolic system, and action. The results of the research show that according to the seven components of the theory of James Paul Gee in the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei, in the first component, dimensions such as the requirements of the software sector for the realization of the new Islamic civilization and Islamic unity for the realization of the new Islamic civilization as a prominent social and political reality. And it has become important. In the second component, in the statements of His Holiness, social and political identities such as Western culture are displayed as an invasive and harmful culture for the creation of a new Islamic civilization. In the third component, social and political relationships such as the relationship between youth, elites and officials have been established in the creation of the software part of the creation of a new Islamic civilization. In the fourth component, meaningful links have been established between the relationship between science and modern Islamic civilization, the relationship between Muslim knowledge and the use of global tools and facilities for the realization of the new Islamic civilization, the relationship between the realization of the new Islamic civilization and the obstacles of the Zionist capitalists. In the fifth component, actions such as the actions committed by young people to realize the new Islamic civilization, the action of the Islamic Ummah towards the realization of the new Islamic civilization, the relationship between universities and its managers and leaders and the creation and realization of the new Islamic civilization can be considered as actions Maatuf pointed out. In the sixth component, policies such as the policy of using software or lifestyle in order to realize the new Islamic civilization, tools as a means to create the new Islamic civilization, the Islamic Republic as a successful example of Islamic countries in the direction of the realization of the new Islamic civilization show to others. In the seventh component, Ayatollah Khamenei takes the signs and symbols of his discourse to the two parts of the tool and the textual part, and considers the role of education in the realization of the modern Islamic civilization to be appropriate, valid and privileged
