
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


در گنجینه نسخ خطّی فارسی، منظومه های حماسی و دینی بسیاری با موضوعات سیره، مناقب و مغازی پیامبر(ص) و حضرت علی(ع) بر جای مانده است. مثنوی ثاقب (حمله حیدری)، منسوب به محمدحسین ثاقب اصفهانی (م. 1258ه . ق.)، منظومه ای حماسی و دینی در بحر متقارب مثمن محذوف است که نسخه منحصر به فرد آن با شماره 15752 در کتابخانه ملی ایران نگه داری می شود. نسخه خطّی این منظومه ناشناخته، در سال 1255ه . ق. به کتابت درآمده است؛ اما به دلیل از بین رفتن برگه های نخستین و دیباچه آن، نام سراینده، عنوان منظومه، تاریخ و سبب نظم آن به طور دقیق مشخص نیست. پژوهش حاضر، ضمن معرفی این نسخه خطّی، در پی پاسخ گویی به این پرسش است که مثنوی ثاقب از نظر ادبی، بلاغی و واژه شناسی چه اهمیتی دارد و چگونه انتساب آن به سراینده اثبات می شود. تصحیح و بررسی این دست نویس نشان می دهد مثنوی ثاقب از منظومه های دینی مهم و باارزش است که افزون بر ارزش دینی و مذهبی به دلیل اشراف سراینده آن بر متون کهن ادب فارسی از نظر ادبی، زبانی و اشتمال بر نوادر لغات و واژگان کهن متون فارسی در خور توجه است. همچنین با استناد به متن نسخه و تذکره های آن دوره و نیز انطباق سبک منظومه با دیوان اشعارِ شاعر، فرضیه انتساب منظومه به ثاقب اصفهانی قوّت می یابد. این پژوهش براساس روش کتابخانه ای و سندپژوهی، نسخه خطّی مثنوی ثاقب و اثبات انتساب آن به سراینده را بررسی می کند.

Introducing the Manuscript of Saqib's Masnavi, an Unknown Epopee Attributed to Saqib Isfahani

In the treasure of Persian manuscripts, there are many epic and religious verses on the subject of the biography, beneficences, and battles of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS). Saqib's Masnavi (Hamleyeh Heydari) attributed to Mohammad Hossein Saqib Isfahani, is an epic and religious epopee, a unique copy of which is kept in the National Library of Iran by number 15752. The manuscript of this unknown epopee was composed in 1255 AH; however, due to the loss of the first pages and its preface, the name of the composer, the title of the poem, the date, and the reason for its composition are not known precisely. The current research, while introducing this manuscript, seeks to answer two research questions: What is the significance of Saqib's Masnavi from the point of view of literature, rhetoric, and terminology? How can its attribution to the composer be proven? The edition and examination of this manuscript show that Saqib's Masnavi is one of the most significant and precious religious poems, which, in addition to its religious worth, deserves attention in terms of literature, language, and the inclusion of rare ancient words of Persian texts.IntroductionCorrecting and introducing manuscripts, while preserving the cultural and literary heritage of the predecessors, aids in strengthening the national, religious, historical, and social identity. Among the treasures of manuscripts, Shiite epic poems have been the focus of research by editors and researchers due to their rich cultural, literary, and religious background. Saqib's Masnavi, attributed to Mohammad Hossein Saqib Isfahani, is one of those unknown Shia epic poems that no scholar or proofreader has corrected or introduced. This epic religious epopee is written in about 4,500 verses and is composed under the influence of the style of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. The narrative structure of the poem is written based on chronological order and important events of the Prophet's (PBUH) battles, from Badr, Uhud, and Ahzab to the conquest of Kheybar. In this way, in each of these battles, there is a narrative of the beginning of the combat. Then, its causes and factors, the influential decisions of the Prophet (PBUH), the description of the bravery of Imam Ali (AS), the reasons for defeat or victory, and the influential people in each combat, along with the details of the events are mentioned. During the poem, proportional to the description of the victories of Imam Ali (AS) in each of the battles, the poet writes beautiful poems about the Nabi (PBUH) and Imam Ali (AS), which gives additional charm to the narration of the poem. Materials and MethodsThe current research, based on the library and document research method, introduces the manuscript version of Saqib's Masnavi. In this way, the written version of this epopee has been carefully studied and its linguistic and stylistic characteristics have been extracted. Then, by referring to the clues and pieces of evidence of the text of the poem and the conformity of its style and content with the manuscript copy of the poet's poems, and referring to contemporary biographies, the attribution of the poem to the composer has been proven. Research FindingsThe results of the research show that Saqib Isfahani's epopee is valuable in several aspects among other religious epopees: First, in terms of content, this epopee is very brief and far from imaginative and boring descriptions. The second aspect is the transmission of narratives based on the historical facts of the epopee and its validity, which originates from the history writing and history reading of its poet. The third aspect is stylistic and linguistic characteristics. Although the poet is influenced by the language and style of Ferdowsi in Shahnameh, the selection of rare words and the high frequency of ancient words of Persian literature, the lexical benefits of the work, the use of the common and everyday language of the Qajar period are of its distinct stylistic features compared to the preceding religious epopees. Another aspect of the poem's value is the significance of its origin, that is, Isfahan is one of the origins of Shiite epic poems from the Safavid era until now. Discussion of Results and ConclusionThe correction and introduction of the manuscript version of Saqib's Masnavi shows that Saqib Isfahani in composing the poem utilized various literary and rhetorical techniques, such as simile, metaphor, irony, pun, ambiguity, allusion, alliteration, personification, exaggeration, etc. in proportion to the words and content of his poem. But in general, the language structure of his poetry is not complicated and ambiguous, and innovative and rhetorical techniques flow naturally and far from any kind of artificiality in his mind and language. In addition, the analysis of the style and content of the poem shows that it can be attributed to Saqib Isfahani for several reasons: matching the date of composing the manuscript with the year of the poet's death, comparing the content of the poem with the content of the poet's poems, referring to contemporary biographies in the description of the poet's life and works, mentioning the poet's surname or name in two parts of the manuscript, the volume and number of the poet's beneficences poems in comparison with the volume of admiration poems by Saqib Kermani, and referring to Haft-Band poems of panegyric and Twelve-Band of twelve Imams are among the reasons that strengthen the attribution of the poem to Saqib Isfahani.
