
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


ما تتجرّد عنها وجوبا أو جوازا. ویبدو فی بادیء النظر أن هذه الصور مترادفه یمکن إحلال بعضها للآخر. والحقیقه لیس کذلک، بل کل صوره منها تمثل معنیً لطیفاً ودلاله دقیقه تُدرس علی ضوء معانی النحو التی تَمّ تأسیسها بید عبد القاهر الجرجانی، والتی تکشف عن الفروق بین مختلف التعبیرات فی اللغه. هذه المقاله ترید أن تدرس الفرق بین ضروب الحال ترکیزاً علی الحال التی تقترن بالواو أو تتجرد عنها بالاعتماد علی المنهج الوصفی التحلیلی وتمخضت عن هذه لنتائج: اقتران الحال بالواو فیما یجب یعود إلی صیاغه اللغه وفیما یجوز یعود إلی دلاله اللغه ونظم الکلام فی رأی الجرجانی. یحصل الفعل المضارع حالا متلبسا مع عامله؛ وإن دخلت علیه الواو تدل علی استمرار الفعل المضارع إلی زمن التکلم. الحال المفرده تمثل الاهتمام بالحال، وما یقابلها من الحال الجمله الاسمیه المتصدره بضمیر ذی الحال تمثل الاهتمام بالفاعل. تفید الجمله الاسمیه حالا أن الحال کانت أصلا ثابتا مستقرا، إن اقرنت بالواو؛ وإن سقطت الواو منها تلازم العامل والأولی آکد من الثانیه. تدل الجمله الفعلیه المتصدره بالفعل الماضی حالا علی أن الحال حصلت قبل عاملها وانتهت عند اقترانها بالواو، وسقوط الواو منها یدلّ علی التلازم والتزامن بین الحال وعاملها کأن الحال هی العامل وعلی العکس. تلعب الواو الحالیه مع "لم" و"لما" نفس الدور الذی لعبت مع الفعل الماضی حالا لقلبهما المضارع ماضیا.

Investigating the ‘Hal’ and ‘waw Hal’ in Ma’ani Al-Naḥw of Jurjani

The ‘Hal’ is one of the chapters in Arabic syntax (Nahw) that has miscellaneous forms, sometimes it is singular, sometimes it is a sentence, sometimes it accompanies ‘waw Hal’, and occasionally without it. Converging it with ‘waw Hal’ is sometimes essential, sometimes optional, and sometimes not allowed. From the superficial perspective, it is believed that considerable of these sorts of ‘Hal’ are not separate from each other, and there is a familiar connection between them to the extent that they can be used interchangeably. But the fact is that each of these kinds conveys a subtle and delicate meaning that the other sort does not convey such a meaning, and these slight differences are investigated in the shadow of Ma’ani Al-Naḥw and not in educational syntax. The first person who pointed out the Ma’ani Al-Naḥw was Abd al-Qahir al-Jurjani. He thought that the phrases in the sentence connected in a way that pointed to the declaration of purpose and the hierarchy of expressions in speech is according to their order inside. The ranking of meanings is formed at first in the inner self, and the words arrive according to the same order. In acquisition, this ranking relies on a kind of selection of the horizontal and vertical discourses. The arrangement formed between them and the configuration of the speech upgraded from the regular tier to the artistic level, which helps in the best way to reveal the purpose. Thus, this study aims to respond to this query or queries based on the Ma’ani Al-Naḥw of Jurjani using a descriptive and analytical method. The research question is: why sometimes is the ‘Hal’ conjugated with ‘waw’ and occasionally it is not conjugated, and what is the difference between the singular "Hal" and the sentence ‘Hal’? Sometimes the ‘Hal’ is dependent on the forenamed sentence, such as the singular ‘Hal’ or ‘Hal’ comes with the present tense verb, such as: «جاء زیدٌ مسرعا» Zayd came running. «جاء زیدٌ یسرع» Zayd came while running. In these cases, the occurrence of the ‘Hal’ is accompanied by its representative, and sometimes the ‘Hal’ comes independently from the forenamed sentence, such as: «جاء زیدٌ و هو یسرع» Zayd came while having runes. For example, if there is no waw Hal, it cannot be investigated that there is a temporal connection between the Hal and the forenamed sentence, so it may be assumed that the sentence is new. Therefore, waw Hal arrives to convey the time connection, that is, the Hal sentence has appeared independently, while the previous sentence has occurred. Based on this, the Hal has three circumstances: Essential: Like the Hal's that starts with the possessive pronoun: «جاء زیدٌ و هو مسرعٌ» Zayd came with a run. Or the sentences that are without the possessive pronoun: «جاء زیدٌ و السماء ممطر» Zayd came while the sky was raining. And the Hal of the present tense verb that arrives with the letter Qad (قد). In these sentence models, since the establishment of the Hal is independent, the presence of the Hal is essential to demonstrate the link between the two sentences. If there is no waw Hal, it may be considered a forming sentence. Not-allowed: such as the singular Hal or the Hal of a present tense verb that cannot be conjugated with waw Hal due to its dependence on the forenamed sentence. Optional: Except for matters a and b, the conjugation of the other Hals with waw Hal is optional, such as: «جاء زیدٌ سیفه علی کتفه» Zayd came with his sword on his armpit. Or: «جاء زیدٌ و سیفه علی کتفه» Zayd came while a sword was on his armpit. It is worth noting that when we talk about allowability, it does not mean that both cases have the same meaning; rather, the conjugation of waw Hal conveys the importance that is distinct from the case of no waw Hal and one context demands that the Hal escorted by waw Hal and another context requires that waw Hal not to emerge. For example, we sometimes say: «جاء زیدٌ و هو مسرعٌ» Zayd came with a run. And sometimes we say: «جاء زیدٌ مسرعا» Zayd came running. which are different from each other in terms of meaning. This study, as an endeavor to discuss the distinction between Hal in terms of conjugation to waw Hal and unconjugated cases, leaning on comparative models from the Holy Qur'an, led to the following results: From Jurjani's perspective, the circumstance of waw Hal with the Hal in essential and not-allowed cases directs the configuration of the language and optional sorts to the meaning and order of speech. If a verb in the present tense operates in the waw Hal, it implies simultaneity with its mechanism. If accompanied by the present participle, it denotes continuity till the time of conveying. The singular Hal demonstrates proof, and the stress is on the Hal itself and not on the subject, while in the Hal of a nominal sentence that starts with a Hal possessive pronoun, the focus is on the object, not the Hal which is more immersed than the singular Hal. If the Hal of the nominal sentence is escorted by a waw Hal, it demonstrates that the principal Hal is fixed and established and has more emphasis, and if the waw Hal does not appear in it, it signifies the simultaneity of the Hal with its mechanism, without emphasis. If the Hal of the past verb is accompanied by a waw Hal, it means that the Hal occurred before the mechanism and ended, and if it comes without, it means that it is simultaneous with its instrument. Since Lam «لم» and Lamma «لما» replace the meaning of the present tense verb with the past tense verb, waw Hal plays the exact role in it as it does in the past tense verb.
