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هدف این پژوهش واکاوی ابعاد و مولفه های مدل توسعه یافته جانشین پروری مبتنی بر شایستگی درسازمان های آموزش محور با رویکرد فراترکیب می باشد. این پژوهش از نظر هدف کاربردی، از نظر نحوه جمع آوری داده ها به شکل کیفی و از نظر روش اجرای پژوهش با رویکرد فراترکیب می باشد. جامعه آماری پژوهش، شامل کلیه مطالعات انجام شده در بازه زمانی برای پژوهش های لاتین از سال 2022-1990 و پژوهش های فارسی 1384 تا 1401می باشد، در این راستا 282 پژوهش در زمینه موضوع موردنظر ارزیابی و درنهایت 41 مقاله به صورت هدفمند انتخاب گردید. استخراج مولفه ها و شاخصها از بررسی پیشینه و مبانی نظری به دست آمد و سپس برای تحلیل از کدگذاری استفاده شد. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از روش فراترکیب و سپس از طریق کدگذاری باز و محوری و انتخابی و از نرم افزار MAXQDA 2020 استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد که 7 کد 53 مفهوم و 24 مقوله تعیین و شناسایی شد که کدها شامل (شایستگی ها و توانایی های کلیدی, تعیین خط مشی جانشین بروری, بسترسازی ارزشی, حمایت و پشتیبانی سازمانی, برنامه ریزی استراتژیک در حوزه جانشین پروری, شناسایی استعدادها و تشکیل خزانه استعدادها, آموزش و بهسازی استعدادها) می باشد.

Analyzing the dimensions and components of the developed model of competency-based successor training in education-oriented organizations with a meta-composite approach

The purpose of this research is to analyze the dimensions and components of the developed model of successor training based on competence in education-oriented organizations with a meta-composite approach. This research is applicable in terms of purpose, qualitative in terms of the method of data collection, and with a meta-composite approach in terms of the research implementation method. The statistical population of the research includes all studies conducted in the period of time for Latin research from 1990 to 2022, and for Persian research from 2005 to 2022. In this regard, 282 researches were evaluated in the field of the subject and ultimately 41 articles were selected purposefully. Extraction of components and indicators was obtained from background investigation and theoretical foundations, and then coding was used for analysis. To analyze the data, the meta-composite method was used, and then through open, axial, and selective coding; and MAXQDA 2020 software was used. The results showed that 7 codes, 53 concepts, and 24 categories were determined and identified, which codes include key competences and abilities, determination of successor training policy, value foundation, organizational support, strategic planning in the field of successor training, identification of talents and forming a fund of talents, training and improvement of talents. Extended Introduction Today, all organizations compete with each other to attract qualified human resources, and as soon as these people feel that their merits are not recognized and appreciated in an organization, they choose another organization to work; therefore, identifying, recruiting, cultivating, promoting and maintaining competent human resources with the aim of optimizing the organization's ability to face new changes is undoubtedly the main concern of today's organizations (Aref & Moradi Shirazi, 2017). Successor training as a system in the field of human resources management creates the confidence in the organization that the circulation of human resources does not have an erosive and destructive effect on the organization. In simpler terms, succession management and planning assures the organization that it will have the right and competent employees to take on the jobs they deserve and at the right time. Also, successor training planning can be seen as an attempt to design a plan for an appropriate and competent number of managers and employees with key skills in such a way that they will be suitable successors at the time of retirement, death, illness, and promotion of other employees and even new positions that are created in the future plan of the organization (Azar & Khorrami, 2020). Therefore, considering the importance of competencies in formulating the successor training system, the aim of this research is to identify the dimensions and components of the developed model of successor training based on competence in education-oriented organizations in the field of human resources management, which can cause mutual reinforcement between each of the human resource management sub-systems of education-oriented organizations based on merit, which will improve the performance of the organization and establish succession management. Therefore, according to the issues raised, the current research intends to answer the question: what are the dimensions and components of the developed model of competency-based successor training in education-oriented organizations with a meta-composite approach?  Theoretical Framework Succession Successor training is not a secret strategy to quickly replace people in specific positions; it is a systematic process whereby professional and personal development is aligned with the strategic plan to ensure that there are people, with the skills and the right attitudes at the right time, ready to fill any vacant position. Organizational successor training means the transfer of an organization due to the owner's desire to retire or leave the organization for numerous reasons. Succession can include the transfer of position to family members, employees, or outside buyers. Successor training is a flexible, long-term and growing approach in future recruitment. Organizational successor training planning is a type of planning that regularly nurtures both leadership successors and the next generation (Amini Dehaghi et al, 2023). Amini Dehaghi et al, (2023) conducted a research with the aim of analyzing the phenomenon of managerial successor training in women's championship sports. The model obtained in total included 16 components as the phenomenon of managerial successor training in women's championship sports in two stages of interactionism and structuralism. Therefore, in order to institutionalize successor training in women's sports management, the interests and mindset of women towards managerial positions should be evaluated, the managerial activities of women in sports should be monitored, people inclined to managerial positions should be identified, and finally the performance mrthod of women in managerial positions to provide positive feedback and strengthen positive image of women's management should be reviewed and reflected. Rahimi & Sadeqiarani (2023) conducted a research with the aim of designing and explaining the successor training management system in Kashan water and sewage industry. The type of research was applicable in terms of purpose, and qualitative-quantitative in terms of measurement. This research was done in several phases; the first two of which were qualitative, and the rest were quantitative. The first phase included the identification of competencies from university scientific sources as well as water and sewage company resources, and eighty competencies were identified in this phase. In the second phase, the identified indicators were evaluated by the managers and elites of the water and sewage company, and the competency model of the managers of the water and sewage company was designed by using the Delphi research method; with 33 competency indicators, which includes individual, managerial and occupational. In the third phase, according to forty management positions in the company, the competencies identified for prioritization were polled, and prioritization was done for each position by using the TOPSIS multi-criteria technique. Also, the general situation of Kashan Abfa Company based on individual competencies and management-organizational competencies shows that Kashan Abfa has the highest score in the competencies of belonging and organizational loyalty, moral intelligence, and work commitment; and the lowest score in the competency of successor training and people management, performance management and project management. Research Methodology This research is applicable in terms of purpose, qualitative in terms of the method of data collection, and with a meta-composite approach in terms of the research implementation method. The statistical population of the research includes all studies conducted in the period of time for Latin research from 1990 to 2022, and for Persian research from 2005 to 2022. In this regard, 282 researches were evaluated in the field of the subject and ultimately 41 articles were selected purposefully. Extraction of components and indicators was obtained from background investigation and theoretical foundations, and then coding was used for analysis.   Research findings To analyze the data, the meta-composite method was used, and then through open, axial, and selective coding; and MAXQDA 2020 software was used. The results showed that 7 codes, 53 concepts, and 24 categories were determined and identified, which codes include key competences and abilities, determination of successor training policy, value foundation, organizational support, strategic planning in the field of successor training, identification of talents and forming a fund of talents, training and improvement of talents. Conclusion The present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the dimensions and components of the developed model of competency-based successor training in education-oriented organizations with a meta-composite approach. According to the obtained results, the present research is aligned with the results of Amini Dehaghi et al, (2023), Rahimi & Sadeqiarani (2023), Ismailzadeh et al, (2023), Mohammadi Dayani et al, (2022), Milaninejad & Jalalundi (2023), Janahmadigol et al, (2022), Teimouri et al, (2022), Bano et al, (2022), Ghazali et al, (2021), and Dahlan Gunawan et al, (2021). Ghazali et al, (2021) showed that the cultivation of talent along with competence in higher education institution is an important part of successor training planning. Even if an institution has a well-organized plan, successor training planning will not progress smoothly unless the institution has a willing, able, and fully prepared successor. Competency-based successor training planning models provide a blueprint for building the necessary competencies now and in the future, as well as a benchmark for assessing academic leadership requirements. According to the obtained results, the following suggestions are provided: Clarity and transparency of the organization's strategy regarding the successor training plan in such a way that the capabilities, skills and competence of the managers who must realize the goals of the programs can be extracted and determined, which of course requires a positive and optimistic view and understanding by the senior managers of the organization about this matter. Using the positive and successful records and experiences of other organizations in implementing new ideas and techniques of successor training management in recent years, such as the proposal system of Kaizen problem solving teams and the appointment of middle and senior managers within the organization.
