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  صدیقه طاهره حضرت زهرای مرضیه u یگانه یادگار پیامبر اکرم 2 و آیینه تمام نمای شخصیت آن بزرگوار است؛ شخصیتی که مدح او در آیات قرآن، سخنان رسول خدا 2 و کلمات ائمه معصومین k متجلی است، کاوش در منابع و مصادر تفسیری، حدیثی و تاریخی فریقین منشوری از این کمالات را در برابر دیدگان ما قرار می دهد تا بیشتر به عظمت و جایگاهش پی ببریم. مسئله اساسی این پژوهش واکاوی گزارش های تفسیری و حدیثی، و استخراج مهم ترین فضایل مشترک آن حضرت با سایر معصومین k و فضایل انحصاری و اختصاصی ایشان است. در این پژوهش تلاش شده با مراجعه به کهن ترین منابع شیعه و سنی و با تکیه به روش توصیفی و تحلیلی منابع اصلی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و بخشی از ویژگی های آن بانوی بزرگوار فهرست شود. مهم ترین نتایج استخراج شده دستیابی به فضایل مشترک آن حضرت در قرآن مانند آیه تطهیر، مباهله، مودت و اطعام است که هرکدام دلالت بر منقبتی عظیم دارد. دیگر نتیجه این پژوهش معرفی فضایل اختصاصی ایشان مانند پاره تن پیامبر 2 ، ام ابیهای رسول خدا 2 ، کفو و رکن علی t بودن و مظهر خیر کثیر است. کلیدواژه ها: فضایل، مناقب، فاطمه زهراu.

Fazail wa Manaqib of Hazrat Zahra (pbuh)

Introduction Introduction: Hazrat Zahra (pbuh) is the best lady who has a privileged and unique position in the perspective of the Qur'an and Ahl al-Bayt. She is the only woman whose virtues and human values ​​are fully embodied in her stature. While she has common virtues with the Ali 'Abā, her sincerity in service and steadfastness in the path of truth, as well as her appearance as a woman, have established specific virtues in the existence of that lady, which only comes true in her stature. Although scholars and scientists have always tried to recount the virtues of her and created many works in this field, the lack of coherence in the form of a short and expressive plan was a gap that this article has tried to fill and to retell Hazrat Zahra's common and exclusive virtues in a coherent and systematic manner and according to the structure of the article for the audience and the scientific community.  Materials and methods In the process of organizing this research, first, data and information (as research materials) were collected from relevant sources and then analyzed using the method of description and analysis. These sources primarily include the Holy Qur'an, in which there are many verses on the dignity of Hazrat Siddiqa Tahira, the traditions of the Sh'n Nozool, and some Shia and Sunni sources of interpretation, such as Ruh Al-Ma'ani, Al-Dur al-Manthur, Al-Kashaf, Al-Tafsir al-Kabir, Al-Burhan, Tafsir al-Qomi, Noor al-Saqalain, etc. revealed these verses. Verses: Tat'hir, Mubahalah, Mavaddat, Kalamat, Dhavi Al-Qurbā, It'am and Ithar are some of the things that show the virtues of her. After the Qur'an, hadiths are the most important source that shaped the materials of this research. These hadiths have been collected and analyzed from some hadith sources of Fariqain, such as al-Kafi, Ma'ani al-Akhbar, Kashf al-Ghumma, Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Sunan Tirmidhi, etc. It should be mentioned that many virtues of Hazrat Zahra have been narrated in tradition works, and in this research, in accordance with its limited capacity, parts of these traditions have been reported from some tradition sources. In addition to traditions, in some cases, the sources of Sirah and history such as Seiar A'lam Al-Nubala and Al-Isti'ab have also been used.  Results and findings Analyzing and questioning some verses of the Qur'an by using interpretive sources and traditions of Sha'n Nuzūl, as well as examining interpretive and hadith reports about the virtues of Hazrat Zahra Marzieh, led to the following results and findings: a. Some virtues are common between her and other al-Kisa companions, which are: 1. Purification from impurity based on the Taṭhir verse; 2. The criterion of right from void according to the verse of Mubahalah; 3. The obligation of her devotion as the reward of the mission based on the verse of Mavaddat; 4. She is one of the examples of Dhavi al-Qurabā; 5. She is one of the people for whom Surah "hal atā" was revealed in praise of her infinite sincerity in feeding the poors and the orphan; 6. Based on some verses and sayings of the Messenger of God, she has infallibility; 7. She is the one who was a Muhaddith and the angels had intercourse with her; 8. She had the Velayat al-Takvini and miracles and could make conquests beyond the laws of the natural world; 9. She knew the knowledge of the unseen and narrated all the incidents and events to Ali until the Day of Resurrection. 10. She has a special place in the Day of Resurrection and is the founder of intercession.b. Some other virtues are specific to the person of Siddiqa Tahira, which are: 1. Hazrat Zahra is Ummu Abi-ha, which represents the peak of the companionship of the Messenger of God with his daughter, and that Prophet sought his peace in her daughter; 2. She was a part of the Prophet's body and a part of her father's existence; in such a way that her father considered her as the fruit of his heart and soul in his body; 3. She was the most beloved person to the Messenger of God; 4. She was the master of women in this world and the hereafter, and this mastery was a title given to her by her father, who called her "sayyedah nisā' al-alamin and sayyedah nisa ahl al-Jannah"; 5. She is Batūl and whatever hinders the worship of God is far away from her; 6. She is the axis of God's anger and pleasure, and whoever offends her, has incurred God's anger, and whoever pleases her, has earned God's pleasure; 7. She is the only equal in rank to Ali, whose marriage was ordered by God. If Ali didn’t exist, there would be no dignity for her. 8. She was the first and foremost defender of the Velayah, and defending the Velayah until her death was something that prevented Ghadir from being forgotten. Conclusion The material that was stated is a documentary list of the prayers of Hazrat Zahra, which was organized based on some Qur'anic data, traditions, etc. What follows from these contents is that in this article, with the aim of presenting a coherent plan and a specific framework of the virtues of Hazrat Fatimah in the format and capacity of an article, drops from the infinite sea of ​​human qualities of that lady were listed; Hoping to guide the reader to a specific framework and order. Achieving this goal never means expressing the set of virtues of the supreme lady of Islam; Because the existential and royal personality of Siddiqa Tahira is superior to being written or spoken. Each of the titles mentioned in this article can be the title of a book or an independent article, and the way forward for researchers is still open, and the author of this research expects others to open new horizons in this direction.  
