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قابلیت مفهومی نوپا در گفتمان معماری است که ضمن پاسخگویی به چالش های مرتبط با مسئله معنا این امکان را فراهم آورده از منظری نو به اثر معماری بنگریم و مبتنی بر اندیشه ای نو درباره آن بیندیشیم. ماحصل این تحول، استحاله نظام مفهومی معماری و زایش و برجسته شدن سلسله ای از مفاهیم دیگر است. تبیین این مفاهیم گام نخست در تضمین کارایی و هوده مفهوم قابلیت در مقام نظر و عمل خواهد بود. این پژوهش با دغدغه بی هوده و ابتر ماندن این مفهوم، متوجه اقتضائات مفهومی حضور قابلیت در گفتمان معماری شده است. بر همین مبنا، ضمن طرح مفهوم قید به عنوان زوج مفهومی قابلیت در تلاش است بستری نظری برای تبیین این مفهوم بگشاید و به ارائه مدلی نظری برای تدقیق فهم آن بپردازد. رویکرد این پژوهش کیفی است که مبتنی بر استدلال منطقی و روش توصیفی_ تحلیلی محقق شده است. در همین راستا نخست برخی اقتضائات نظری مفهوم قابلیت از طریق بسط آن و با تکیه بر مفاهیم کنج و شبکه تعاملی اثر معماری تبیین می شود و مبتنی بر آن وجاهت و اعتبار مفهوم قید معماری عیان می گردد. در ادامه وجوه و حدود قید معماری از طریق ترسیم ساختار مفهومی آن تبیین می شود. این ساختار ماهیتی سه وجهی دارد که با تکیه بر سه مؤلفه مولد، کارکرد و قلمرو قید چارچوب بندی شده است. ساختار ترسیمی مبتنی بر ویژگی هایی طیف گونه همچون همسازی، ماهیت سلسله مراتبی، سختی و حقیقی بودن قیود امکان تمییز گونه های مختلف قید معماری را از یکدیگر ممکن می سازد و بدین طریق فهمی عمیق تر از قید معماری به دست می دهد.

Constraint in Architecture Typology and theoretical basis with reference to the concept of affordance

Abstract This research, concerning the effective presence of the concept of affordance in contemporary architectural discourse, addresses the overemphasis placed on practical aspects of the concept of affordance and the ignorance of theoretical thinking about this concept and the inevitable conceptual evolutions which emerge. Consequently, the concept of constraint is going to be introduced and clarified while providing a theoretical basis in reference to a more developed understanding of the concept of affordance in architecture.  The research concentrates on explaining a clear ontology and introducing a conceptual structure for the concept of constraint, which leads to a comprehensive typology of architectural constraints. This research is conducted through a qualitative approach and relies on the most recent scientific theories to develop a compatible concept of affordance in architecture. Furthermore, based on logical thinking and analytical methods the concept of constraint is going to be developed. At the first step the concept of affordance is developed based on the Heideggerian point of view. Consequently, a theoretical basis is established to introduce and clarify the concept of constraint through developing the concept of niche into architectural interaction field. (A.I.F). Then a three-dimensional conceptual structure based on the origin, function and domain of the architectural constraints is organized.The results of this research provide the basic theoretical knowledge required to have a deeper understanding of the two fundamental concepts of contemporary architectural discourse: affordance and constraint. The study confirms the undeniable essential role of constraint in the perception and creation of architecture. Constraints are the value of the architectural characters, being put by the members of A.I. F. Constraints guarantee the affordances architectural work is going to afford. Consequently, they guarantee the meaning and the truth of architecture. Thinking on constraint brings about the potential to prove a new perspective in theoretical aspects of architectural knowledge and consequently affects the practice of architecture. Key words: affordance, constraint, architecture, architecture interaction field, niche.Structured Extended AbstractIntroductionAffordance, emerging in the last few decades as a new fundamental concept in architectural discourse, not only addresses the challenges of meaning in architecture but also offers a new fresh perspective on architectural issues. This new orientation leads to the evolutions in concepts of architecture: the emergence of the new ones and the reorganization of the current. Identifying these changes can be considered the first basic step forward to guarantee the efficiency and effectiveness of this new concept. This research concerning the fruitful life of the concept of affordance in contemporary architectural discourse addresses the over emphasis placed on practical aspects of this concept and the complete ignorance of theoretical thinking about it. Accordingly, one of the emerging changes in architectural concepts rooted in the presence of affordance, is going to be studied through introducing the concept of constraint being paired with the concept of affordance. To provide a deeper understanding of this emerging concept, the research concentrates on explaining a clear ontology and providing a Conceptual structure for the concept of constraint, which leads to a comprehensive typology of architectural constraints.Research methodThis research is conducted through a qualitative approach and relies on the most recent scientific theories to develop a compatible concept of affordance in architecture. Furthermore, based on logical thinking and analytical methods the concept of constraint is going to be introduced and clarified.Results and DiscussionAs the first step the concept of affordance is developed based on the Heideggerian point of view, which leads to a more comprehensive and compatible understanding of the concept of affordance in architecture and the emergence of the concept of architectural interaction field (A.I.F) through developing the concept of niche. Consequently, a theoretical basis is established to introduce the concept of constraint. Then a three-dimensional conceptual structure is organized to provide a more compatible and deeper understanding of the concept of constraint in architecture.From Gibson point of view, affordance attributes the meaning and the value of architecture to the action opportunities the work of architecture offers. It also emphasizes the unique and bilateral relation between each architectural work and its niche. Based on the Heideggerian relational ontology the concept of niche could be developed into a world that each architectural work contains. the world which could be called architectural interaction field (A.I.F). A.I.F is a network of relations and interactions bearing the meaning of that architectural work. A.I.F contains all the ways in which architecture interacts with its addresses both human and non-human and contains the structured set of affordances it affords for them.Each specific work of architecture is created to offer a set of main and fundamental affordances satisfying the specific hierarchy of needs of the users of that architectural work, which requires many sets of supporting human and non-human affordances to be offered, and a set of many relations between A.I.F characters to be established. The A.I.F characters can be classified as inside and outside characters in terms of belonging to the work of architecture. Inside characters are related to architectural elements and their properties, and outside characters are of human, nature, space, time, or human-made objects. To afford affordances architectural characters should have been subject to the constraints of A.I.F members. Constraints guarantee the affordances. They place value on the architectural characters. they determine the essential or desirable properties or relations. In this research based on three aspects of constraints including their function, domain and origin, a three-dimensional structure is introduced. The conceptual structure clarifies the typology of the constraints in architecture and develops a deeper understanding of constraints. In terms of origin two types of constraint is recognized: interior and exterior. Interior constraints are the ones generated from within architectural characters while the exterior constraints generate from human, nature, place, time, or human-made objects. Constraints place the value of architectural elements including mass and space characters in three different scales by determining their physical/constructional, functional, and symbolic/meaningful properties and relations.Conclusionthe results of this research provide the basic theoretical knowledge required to have a deeper understanding of the two fundamental concepts of contemporary architectural discourse: affordance and constraint. This study confirms the undeniable essential role of constraint in the perception and creation of architecture. Constraints are the value of the architectural characters, being put by the members of A.I. F. Constraints guarantee the affordances architectural work is going to afford. Consequently, they guarantee the meaning and the truth of architecture. Thinking on constraint brings about the potential to prove a new perspective in theoretical aspects of architectural knowledge and consequently affects the practice of architecture. 
