بررسی تأثیر ساختار قدرت درخانواده بر میزان ابراز عشق و محبت در بین زوجین (مورد مطالعه: خانواده های شهر جهرم ) (مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
درجه علمی: علمی-پژوهشی (دانشگاه آزاد)
مقدمه : ابراز عشق و محبت به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین عوامل در تعیین ثبات و دوام زندگی زناشویی مطرح است. یکی از عوامل موثر بر ابراز عشق و محبت ، ساختار قدرت است. روش پژوهش، پیمایش است. جامعه آماری شامل تمامی خانواده های معمولی شهر جهرم می باشند که 351 زوج به عنوان نمونه تعیین و با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای (مرحله ای) انتخاب شده اند. ابزار تحقیق، پرسشنامه است. برای تعیین اعتبار متغیر ساختار قدرت از روش اعتبار سازه به روش تحلیل عاملی ، برای متغیر ابراز عشق و محبت روش اعتبار صوری، و برای تعیین پایایی، از شیوه هماهنگ درونی به روش آلفای کرونباخ استفاده شده است. یافته ها: نتایج توصیفی پژوهش نشان می دهد که میانگین نمره ابراز عشق و محبت در بین زوجین کمی بالاتر از حد متوسط می باشد.یافته های تحلیلی پژوهش نشان می دهد رابطه ابراز عشق و محبت با ابعاد ساختار قدرت مثبت، قوی و معنادار است. در بین متغیرهای جمعیتی رابطه سن، تحصیلات، شغل مردان، مدت ازدواج، تعداد فرزند، طبقات مختلف با ابراز عشق و محبت بین زوجین معنادار، مثبت و قوی است. نتیجه گیری: تبیین متغیر وابسته برحسب مجموع متغیرهای مستقل، بیانگر آن است که متغیرهای حوزه ها و قلمرو قدرت، تحصیلات مردان، سن، ساختار قدرت (کل) و تحصیلات زنان به ترتیب قویترین پیش بینی کننده ابراز عشق و محبت هستند و قادرند 29 درصد از تغییرات واریانس ابراز عشق و محبت را تبیین کنند.Investigating the Effect of the Power Structure in the Family on the Level of Expression of Love and Affection Between Couples (Case Study: Jahrom Families)
Introduction : Expression of love and affection is one of the most important factors in determining the stability and durability of married life. One of the factors affecting the expression of love and affection is the power structure. The research method is survey. The statistical population includes all the ordinary families of Jahrom, 351 couples were selected as a sample using the cluster (stage) sampling method. The research tool is a questionnaire. To determine the validity of the power structure variable, the construct validity method was used using the factor analysis method, for the expression of love and affection, the face validity method was used, and to determine the reliability, the internal consistency method was used using the Cronbach's alpha method. Findings: The descriptive results of the research indicate that the average score of expressing love and affection among couples is slightly higher than the average. The analytical findings of the research reveal that the relationship between expressing love and affection with the dimensions of power structure is positive, strong and significant. Among the demographic variables, the relationship between age, education, occupation of men, length of marriage, number of children, different classes with the expression of love and affection between couples is significant, positive and strong. Conclusion: The explanation of the dependent variable in terms of the sum of the independent variables shows that the field variables of power, men's education, age, power structure (total) and women's education are the strongest predictors of expressing love , and affection; respectively and can explain 29% of the variance changes in the expression of love and affection. Extended Abstract Introduction The development of urban life, the influence of western culture, modern education, changing values and ideas, the growing importance of sexual life, etc., the emotional relationship between husband and wife have obtained considerable importance. The existence of love and affection between husband and wife is considered an important factor in marital adjustment. Marital adjustment in the aspect of expressing love and affection has affected many aspects of people's personal and social life. On the other hand, the absence of love and affection between couples, in addition to causing problems in the above cases, causes problems in social relations, tendency to social and moral deviations and decline of cultural values among couples. The expression of love and affection between man and woman in the family is affected by various factors, one of which is the power structure. The woman's trend towards increasing power in the family affects the family above all and changes the relationship between husband and wife and children. Social transformations and changes in the life patterns of urban societies and the entry of woman into the society (such as entering the university, the labor market, etc.) have caused a change in the attitude of people in the distribution of roles and, as a result, the distribution of power in the family (Giddens, 2003). In recent years, Jahrom has been affected by social and family changes, and it has affected the expression of love and affection and, as a result, the adjustment of couples. The divorce rate of Jahrom in 1400 was one third of marriages, which is an alarming rate(Moominzadeh, 2002). In this research, in the field of expressing love and affection between couples, theories (consortism, interaction, and role separation of Parsons) and in the field of power structure, theories (resources, role separation of Parsons, Giddens) were selected as the theoretical framework of the research. According to the explanations mentioned, the research tries to answer that, what effect does the structure of power distribution have on the expression of love and affection between couples in the families of Jahrom? Methodology In this research, a quantitative method and a survey have been used as one of the traditional methods in quantitative research. In the research, the standard questionnaire of Spanish marital compatibility (Shad Bakhsh, 1976) was used for the dependent variable of expressing love and affection between couples, and for the independent variable of the research (power structure) the standard questionnaire (Abbott, 1993 and Iswan, 1991) and (Olson , 1969) has been used. In the current study, the families of Jahrom are considered as the unit of analysis. 351 couples were selected as the sample size. The sampling method is a combination (a mixture of different methods such as systematic random, simple, etc.). To measure the validity of the power structure variable questionnaire (independent variable), construct validity was used by factor analysis method and face validity was used for the dependent variable (expression of love and affection). Four items were used to measure the expression of love and affection between couples and 36 items were used to measure the power structure in the form of a Likert scale. In this study, the independent variable are power structure (making power relations, fields of power, ways of exercising power) and demographic variables (age, age gap, number of years of education, employment status, income, ethnicity, number of children, home ownership and social class). Discussion and results One of the factors that creates adjustment between husband and wife is the expression of love and affection between them. The research investigates the influence of power structure on the expression of love and affection between husband and wife. The average expression of love and affection in Jahrom families (among couples) is slightly higher than average. The relationship between all dimensions of the power structure with the expression of love and affection is significant. In the research, in the field of expressing love and affection between couples, theories (consortism, interaction, and role separation by Parsons) and in the field of power structure, theories (resources, role separation by Parsons, Giddens) were selected as the theoretical framework of the research. Symmetrical relationship (commonality between husband and wife) in decision-making can cause more love and affection to be expressed between them and as a result, the adjustment of couples is more. The consultation and cooperation of couples in economic, social affairs and social relations intensifies love and affection between them. Persuasion or shared opinion in decision-making can cause more love and affection between couples, and finally more adjustment between them. The more the power structure is inclined to collaborative decision-making, the greater the marital adjustment and expression of love and affection between husband and wife. Also, the higher the use of persuation, the higher the marital adjustment. The family structure is divided into authoritarian and democratic. Using coercive power affects romantic relationships. Using harsh power methods such as master-slave mode in relationships causes marital dissatisfaction. On the other hand, easy methods of power cause less marital dissatisfaction; Because these methods are more thoughtful and allow them to participate more in setting goals. Giddens believes that the position of women in modern society is changing, which is related to the equalization of women's power with men. He uses term emancipatory politics, which deals with a kind of hierarchical concept of power. Common emancipatory policies call for the reduction or complete abolition of exploitation, inequality and oppression and emphasize the priority of the basic principles of justice, equality and participation. Conclusion The research reveals that the arrival of modernity, increasing urbanization, industrialization, women's employment, beliefs and replacement of modern values instead of traditional values, consumerism and luxury have not had a great impact on the expression of love and affection of the sample couples in this city. Limitations It was very difficult to reach people during the Corona Time, and the researcher faced the dissatisfaction of some couples to collect data. Suggestions - It is suggested to teach the socialization of husband and wife roles, trusting each other, how to meet expectations, how to love after marriage and before marriage through group media and other continuous training. - It is necessary to use family sociologists in pre-marriage and post-marriage education and counseling centers. - Iranian society is transitioning towards modernization, and as a result, the structure of families has changed and diversified; So, it is necessary to conduct research to know the efficient structure of the family. Funds The research is extracted from the author's doctoral dissertation, Social Sciences and Sociology Planning Department, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch. Ethics approval and consent to participate Since the selection of families and couples was random, the cooperation of the participants was voluntary and their consent was obtained. Conflict of interest This article has no conflict of interest Acknowledgment I would like to thank the couples who participated in the study. References Giddens, A. (2003). Sociology, (translated by Manouchehr Sabouri), Tehran: Ney Publication. Horton, P. B. & Hunt, C. L. (1972). Sociology. New York: McGraw Hill. Huston, T. L. & M, H. (2004). The case for (promoting) marriage: The devil is in the details. Journal of Marriage and Family. 66(4), 943-958 . https://www.jstor.org/stable/3600168 Moominzadeh, F. (2002). The Connection of Irrational thoughts and Guhae Deplasty with Zanachoi Sazgary. Payanname Karshnasi Arshad Rawan Shanasi Amo. Daneshgah Shahid Beheshti. [Persian]