
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


الملخص لاشک فی أن الاحتلال یؤدّی إلی المقاومه فی الدفاع عن الحق فی الحیاه والحصول علی الاستقلال والسیاده علی الوطن ویمکن القول بأن الشعر الذی یحتوی علی هذه المضامین فهو شعر المقاومه والشاعر المقاوم یدافع عن وطنه وقضیّته ضد المحتلّین بسلاح کلمته المتشعّبه بالصمود والتحدّی. یعدّ الشاعر المسیحیّ اللبنانی شیخ إبراهیم المنذر(1875- 1950م.)، من أکبر الشعراء المقاومین فی إبان فترات الاستعمار الأروبی علی البلاد العربیّه.کان المنذر ثائراً وطنیاً، مصلحاً اجتماعیاً، ومعلماً انسانیاً وقد کان یحاول فی أشعاره إذکاء روح المقاومه والوعی لدی الأمه العربیه. یهدف هذا البحث إلی دراسه ملامح المقاومه ضد الاستعمار فی شعر المنذر المقاومه علی المنهج الوصفی - التحلیلی. تدلُّ نتائج البحث علی أنّ الشاعر التزم فی شعره بمواقفه الوطنیه والقومیه، وقدنظم قصائد وطنیه جیّده یعبر فیها عن شعوره الوطنی. فیثبت أن الوطن والدعوه إلی الأخوه والوحده العربیه والقومیه، و إثاره نخوه الرجوله فی قلوب الأبطال، والغضب والتمرّد علی مُؤتمر السَّلام، وصرخه استغاثه للإخوه العرب بسوریا والعراق، وقوه الإراده وعلو الهمه فی الجهاد والابتعاد عن القعود، والشهاده فی سبیل الوطن، ونشر العلم والتربیه الوطنیه والحفاظ على اللّغه العربیه هی من أهم ملامح المقاومه فی شعر هذا الشاعر اللبنانی.

Nationwide resistance against colonialism in the poetry of Lebanese poet Ibrahim al-Munzer

There is no doubt that colonialism forces resistance and protection that the defenders endeavor to achieve freedom; This poem has harmonies and ideas that inspire others to resist and protect against the colonialists. Ibrahim Munzer, a Lebanese poet, is one of the most prominent poets who stood up against the colonialists; he was a superpatriotic poet whose poetry retains the spirit of resistance. The outcomes of this study indicate that this poet is a resolute poet who has the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, irritation and rebellion against the colonialists and communication for brotherhood among the Arabs, and martyrdom for the cause of the motherland and the evolution of science and the conservancy of the Arabic language in There is his poetry. There is no doubt that colonialism forces resistance and protection that the defenders endeavor to achieve freedom; This poem has harmonies and ideas that inspire others to resist and protect against the colonialists. Ibrahim Munzer, a Lebanese poet, is one of the most prominent poets who stood up against the colonialists; he was a superpatriotic poet whose poetry retains the spirit of resistance. The outcomes of this study indicate that this poet is a resolute poet who has the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, irritation and rebellion against the colonialists and communication for brotherhood among the Arabs, and martyrdom for the cause of the motherland and the evolution of science and the conservancy of the Arabic language in There is his poetry.
