
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


الاستعاره هی سمه لغویه لا تقتصر على جمالیات اللغه بل اتسعت الیوم فی جمیع مجالات الأفکار بل الحیاه بأسرها، ویمکن لها أن تخلق مفاهیم مجرده من المصادر الموضوعیه وتجسدها. المکان فی القصه هو منصه تشکیل الأحداث وبسبب علاقته الوثیقه مع شخصیات الروائیه، فمن الممکن تحلیل الروایه عبر تحلیل المکان. تطرّق هذا البحث إلی دراسه استعاره المکان فی روایتی أنا أطفئ المصابیح و عماره یعقوبیان علی المنهج الوصفی-التحلیلی وأهم ما توصّل إلیه هو: فی روایه  أنا أطفئ المصابیح إنّ البیت وأجزاءه المختلفه هو استعاره لحالات الشخصیه الرئیسیه فی القصه وتعبّر عن وحدتها واحتیاجاتها العاطفیه وانفجاراتها الروحیه وأحاسیسها المکبوته. وفی روایه عماره یعقوبیان ، یعتبر المبنى وسکانه استعاره للمجتمع المصری وشرائحه المختلفه التی تواجه العدید من المشاکل کالفقر واستغلال السلطه لرجال الحکومه و الإهانه للمرأه والارتشاء والمثلیه الجنسیه. ویصور الکاتب أماکن مختلفه فی تشکیل شخصیات القصه وتطورها.

Examining the metaphor of place in the novels "I Turn off the Lights" by Roya Pirzad and 'imārat ya҆qubian' (Yacoubian Building) by Alā Aswani

Metaphor is a linguistic property that is not specific to the aesthetics of language, rather, it is nowadays extended to all aspects of the life and thought and can create abstract concepts from objective sources and embody them. The place in the story is the bed of events formation of events and due to its close relationships with the fictional characters, it is possible to reach the analysis of the novel from the analysis of the meaning of the place. In the following research, the metaphor of place in the novels "I turn off the lights" and ' imārat ya҆qubian ' (Yacoubian Building) are analyzed descriptively and its most important outcome is that: in the novel "I turn off the lights", the house and its various components are metaphors for the states of the main character of the story, which in different situations express his loneliness, emotional needs, outbursts, and suppressed emotions. In the novel Yaqoubiyan Building, the building and its residents are metaphors for the Egyptian society and its different strata, which are facing many problems such as poverty, abuse of power and women, bribery, and homosexuality, and the author portraits different places in the formation of characters in the story and their evolution.
