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تنوع ترکیب عقیدتی ساکنان مصر و شام و تساهل مذهبی فاطمیان در قرن چهارم و پنجم هجری، مسلمانان را با چالش ها و شبهات جدیدی مواجه کرد. این امر توجه خاص اندیشمندان مسلمان را به حفظ انسجام و تثبیت عقیده معتقدان به دین اسلام در این مناطق به دنبال داشت. پویایی ابوالفتح کراجکی (م.449ق) و توجه پنهان و آشکار او در نگارش آثارش به دفاع از حقانیت دین اسلام، با این مقدمه فهم پذیر است؛ از این رو، با در نظر داشتن روش متکلمان آن دوره یعنی استفاده از تاریخ- در کنار حدیث و استدلال عقلی- برای اثبات عقاید، پرسش اصلی پژوهش حاضر، نحوه بهره گیری کراجکی از گزارش های تاریخی برای دفاع از اسلام است. نتیجه این پژوهش که با رویکرد معناکاوی و بهره گیری از مفهوم «انگاره» انجام شده است، نشان می دهد روش کراجکی در دفاع از حقانیت اسلام، پیوندزدن وقایع تاریخی مشهور با جنبه های اعجازی کتاب خدا (خبر از آینده) و زندگی پیامبر(ص) بوده است؛ امری که امکان وقوع معجزات را پذیرفتنی تر کرده و نفی انگاره های ایجادشده توسط مسیحیان در منطقه و ایجاد دو انگاره «ما هم مانند آنها هستیم» (با برجسته سازی اشتراک معجزات پیامبران) و «ما بهتر از آنها هستیم» (پیوند معجزات و پیشگویی ها با تاریخ به وقوع پیوسته) را به دنبال داشته است. در این روش، پذیرش این معجزات یا انگاره ها، با پذیرش حقانیت پیامبر خدا(ص) و قرآن همراه بوده و درنهایت تثبیت عقیده حقانیت دین اسلام را سبب می شده است.

Karajaki's Defense of the Authenticity of Islam (Based on the Historical Data in Kanz Al-Fava'id)

In the fourth and fifth centuries of Hijri, Muslims faced new challenges and doubts based on the diversity of the ideological composition of Egyptian and Levant inhabitants and the religious tolerance of the Fatimids. The special attention of Muslim scholars was instrumental in maintaining the coherence and consolidation of Muslim beliefs related to Islam in these areas. The covert and overt attention can be understood from this point of view in Abu al-Fath Karajaki’s writings to defend the righteousness of Islam (449 AD). Therefore, the central question of the current research has arisen when considering the method of the theologians of that period, which was to use history along with hadith and rational reasoning to prove their beliefs, and Karajaki's way of using historical reports to defend Islam. This study was conducted using the meaning analysis approach and the concept of ‘Schemata’. It shows that Karajaki's method was to link famous historical events in defending the authenticity of Islam with the miraculous aspects of God’s book (news of the future) and the Prophet’s life (PBUH). It makes the possibility of miracles more acceptable. As Christians created the negation of the schemata in the region, it led to the creation of the ideas ‘we are like them’ (by emphasizing the commonality of the prophets' miracles) and ‘we are better than them’ (miracles and prophecies connected with history). In this way, the approval of the authenticity of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Qur'an are in line with the approval of these miracles or schemata. Finally, it has also led to the establishment of the legitimacy of Islam. Introduction Muslims and followers of other religions have some duties concerning the emergence and activity of some Imami scholars in the areas where Muslims interact with followers of other faiths. It was preserving the unity and belief of Imami Shi’a and protecting the integrity of Islam. A study on Egypt and the Levant was one of them due to the historical background, geographical location, and religious tolerance of the Fatimids. The Imami scholars followed it in their writing regardless of the debates, which were oral matters. Therefore, the study of some scholars’ works such as Karajaki (449 AD), who was active in the Levant and Egypt is remarkable from this point of view. Karajaki is a person who is well versed in many other sciences instead of history, hadith, and theology. He has written many books. The way he wrote Kanz Al-Fava'id was based on some historical data to defend Islam as a worthy consideration issue. The focus of Karajaki’s thought on this matter is revealed in his works, as it is the existence of a rebuttal entitled Risala al-Damiġa Le al-Nasara in the list of his works. Materials and Methods The semantic analysis approach was used in this research. In this approach, every text is assumed to be affected by the author’s opinion. Therefore, the how and why to write is understood especially through the connection between the text, the author, and the life of his political-ideological world. In addition, the concept of ‘schemata’ has also been used for better analysis. A schema is a structure whose content is a set of images formed in a person's mind from various aspects of reality. These images can be close to reality or induced or illusory images. Mental Schemata play an essential role in forming concepts such as ‘self’ and ‘other’. They are in our minds in three ways: 1) They are like us; 2) They are different from us; and 3) They are worse than we are. In most situations, when a group is based on ‘we’ is better than a time it is based on ‘they’. Research Findings The scholars’ lives are closely connected with the current concerns based on their time and place. Karajaki has defended his belief in the legitimacy of Islam with the help of historical reports, like other contemporary theologians. For this purpose, he has tried to prove the Prophet’s prophethood authenticity (PBUH) and the miracle of the Qur'an 's authenticity. Karajaki’s attention is in line with the context of his time: the denial of the Prophet’s prophethood and the miracle of the Qur'an , along with creating some schemata like the deception schemata emphasized on the fakeness of the Prophet’s blessings in the Christian written tradition. Something that leads us to consider the constant connection between text and texture. In addition, there are some texts from Eastern Mediterranean Christians with the same method of conceptualization before and after Karajaki's life period. These books increase the possibility of a minimum current continued in Karajaki’s time conceptualization. It is a trend marginalized by the rise of attention to Jerusalem in Christian beliefs. Discussion of Results and Conclusions  The Karajaki's method is to connect historical events with the miraculous aspects of the Qur'an in defending the authenticity of Islam (news of the future) and the Prophet’s life (PBUH) (linking history and belief). In this regard, he sometimes selects and narrates miracles similar to Christ for the Prophet (PBUH) or news about the future linked to specific historical events. Furthermore, he has described mixed and clear blessings with the Prophet’s historical life. The way was based on the marginalization and negation of the various schemata created about the Prophet (PBUH). He paid attention to the creation of two ideas: ‘they are like us’ (similarity to the prophets’ miracles) and ‘we are better than them’ (the connection of miracles and prophecies), in which they are in the Muslim audience’s mind. In this way, the approval of the authenticity of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Qur'an are in line with the approval of these miracles or schemata. This has led to the establishment of the legitimacy of the Islamic religion.
