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یکی از موضوعات مهم دوره صفویه، چالش های آنان با بیگانگان در خلیج فارس، مانند پرتغالی هاست. تا پیش از ورود استعمارگران به خلیج فارس، این شاهراه مهم تجاری، محل مبادلات آزاد اقتصادی و کانونی برای مبادلات تجاری اقوام و ملل مختلف بود. تسلط پرتغالی ها بر خلیج فارس، باعث رکود حیات اقتصادی و اجتماعی اهالی این منطقه و از بین رفتن تجارت آزاد شد. سلطه پرتغالی ها که بیش از یک قرن به طول انجامید، سرانجام در زمان شاه عباس اول خاتمه داده شد. یکی از مسائل مهم در خاتمه بخشیدن به تسلط پرتغالی ها بر این نواحی و به ویژه درباره جزیره هرمز، نقش بریتانیاست که از سوی برخی مورخان غربی، بسیار مبالغه آمیز مطرح شده است. این مسئله به صورتی است که برخی مورخان حضور نیروهای بریتانیا را در این نبردها، مهم ترین عامل شکست پرتغالی ها قلمداد کرده اند. این پژوهش، بازخوانی و تحلیل این پیش فرض، با اتکا به روایات ایرانی است. سؤال اساسی آن است که کیفیت و نقش نیروهای بریتانیایی و ایرانی در آزادسازی هرمز، در روایات و متون مهم فارسی مربوط به این نبرد چگونه مطرح شده است؟ به نظر می رسد که با توجه به متون تاریخی فارسی و به ویژه آثار منظوم، نقش و اثرگذاری نیروهای ایرانی در آزادسازی هرمز بسیار بیشتر از انگلیسی ها بوده است. در این پژوهش با روش تحلیلی توصیفی، این موضوع بررسی شده است.

Rereading the Narrative of “the Liberation of Hormuz” Based on the Historical Text in Persian

One of the important issues of the Safavid period is their challenges with foreigners, such as the Portuguese, in the Persian Gulf. The Portuguese domination over the Persian Gulf led to some effects regarding economic and social life in this region and destruction of free trade. The Portuguese rullling, which lasted for more than a century, finally ended during the reign of Shah Abbas I. One of the important issues in ending the Portuguese domination over these areas and especially on Hormuz Island was the British role, which has been exaggerated by some Western historians. These battles are considered the most important reason for the defeat of the Portuguese. This research was based on rereading and analysis of this premise by relying on Iranian traditions. The basic question was whether the quality and role of the government and Iranian forces in the liberation of Hormuz had been specified in important Persian texts and traditions for this battle. It seemed that the role and Iranian forces in liberating Hormuz was much greater than that of the British according to Persian historical texts and especially poems. In this research, this issue was investigated through an analytical-descriptive method. Introduction The history of the coastal and post-coastal regions of the Persian Gulf is one of the subjects which has received less attention in the sources of the Safavid period. The lack of the Safavid navy to play a role in these regions on the one hand and the absence of the Safavid kings on the other hand were two important factors. In addition, the presence of powerful enemies, such as the Uzbeks and the Ottomans, caused the sources of the Safavid era not to be much focused on the events of these regions since they dealt with the events in which the Safavid court and especially the kings had played an important role. In this period, the main focus of the Safavid court was on the eastern and western regions of Iran and the conflicts with the Uzbek and Ottomans with an attempt to repel the invasion of these two Sunni Muslim powers. The failure of the Safavid sources to address this issue caused many ambiguities to be raised about the events of the mentioned areas. One of the important issues in this field was the presence of the Portuguese and their control over the social and especially commercial affairs of the areas. The long-term rule of this colonial force was one of the reasons why Safavid historians did not deal with the issue of the Persian Gulf. This domination finally ended with the actions of Imam Qali Khan, the ruler of Fars during the time of Shah Abbas I. The British also played a role in ending the Portuguese rule. However, the quality of their presence in these battles was narrated differently by Western historians and in some Iranian sources. This research made an attempt to explain the role of the British and Iranian forces in the battle against the Portuguese based on Iranian traditions. The basic question of this research was how the quality and role of the British and Iranian forces in the battle against the Portuguese was presented in Persian texts. The second question was what  the consequences of the British presence in these battles were. It seemed that the role and effectiveness of Iranian forces in liberating Hormuz were much greater than those of the British and the ruler of Fars, while no accurate assessment of the strength and power of the native forces of these areas had been made according to Persian historical texts and especially poems. The role of the British in this battle made them more and more present in the future of the Persian Gulf and gave them privileges and exemptions. So far, some studies have dealt with this issue in a very brief way (Vothoqi and Habibi, 1387, 18). Most of the researches were based on the idea that the British forces freed Hormuz from the Portuguese rule and assigned a very small role of the Iranians in this battle. Like Western historians, many Iranian historians had pointed out the essential role of the British in this battle, which had caused most historians to only retell the western traditions in this matter. Materials and Methods In this research, the mentioned subject was examined by using library sources and an analytical-descriptive method and referring to various sources, especially Persian poems. Using various sources of the Safavid era, the roles of the Iranians and the British in liberating Hormuz from the Portuguese rule were analyzed.   Discussion, Results, and Conclusion The Portuguese influence and domination on the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman, especially the island of Hormuz, led to their monopoly of trade in these areas, disappearance of free trade, and the increasing militarization of the Persian Gulf. This influence and domination of the Portuguese ended with the cooperation of the Safavid and British forces during the reign of Shah Abbas. The ruler of Persia allied with the British without carefully examining the strength of the indigenous forces on the shores of the Persian Gulf, as well as the strength of the Portuguese forces. Although the British took part in the battle against the Portuguese and the conquest of areas, such as Qeshm and Hormuz islands, their role and presence were very small and insignificant. Western sources had described this presence and role with an exaggeration and given the least attention to the role to the Iranians, while the Arab and non-Arab forces native to the shores and back shores of the Persian Gulf played the main role in the defeat of the Portuguese. However, the low presence of British forces in these battles caused more of them to enter the Persian Gulf. It also led to the conclusion of contracts by the Safavid government with them, in which capitulation could be observed and through which exemptions were granted to them. Upon ending the rule of the rulers of Hormuz, the Safavid rule opened the way to riots and separatism in areas, such as Oman, which were previously ruled by the rulers of Hormuz. The Safavids could consolidate their dominance over these areas with the help of the rulers of Hormuz.
