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الاستیعاب القرائی عملیات معقده تقوم على الأسلوب التفاعلی بین النص ومکوناته والقارئ ومهاراته، مما یشکل الأساس لتعلم أی لغه. بأن ضعف الطلاب فی هذه المهاره ربما یکون أساس إخفاقه فی المواد الأخرى، حیث لا یمکن لمتعلمی اللغه الأجنبیه عادهً أن یتحدثوا جیدا، إذا لم یقرؤوا ویفهموا جیدا؛ فیسعی البحث الحالی أن یستخدم إستراتیجیات صحیحه وتطبیقیه بدل الإستراتیجیات التقلیدیه والاعتیادیه لتعزیز وتحسین هذه المهاره. بما أن إستراتیجیات المراقبه الذاتیه (ما وراء المعرفیه) مهارات ینظم بها الطلاب أنشطه التعلم وتوفر القدره على التفکیر الواعی فی أداء المتعلم، فتمّ اختیار 34 طالبا للغه العربیه من المستوى المتوسط فی جامعه فرهنکیان بقم، بصوره متاحه وعن قصد، ثمّ حذفت الإضافات. هذه المقاله تقوم بتقییم أداء المتعلمین خلال الاختبار التمهیدی – التدخل – الاختبار النهائی للقراءه واستیعاب النص قبل وبعد التدخل التعلیمی مستخدمه المنهج الشبه التجریبی وعبر برنامج SPSS واختبار t المزدوج. تشیر نتائج هذا البحث إلى أنّ إستراتیجیات المراقبه الذاتیه لها دور خاص وإیجابی فی تحسین أداء المتعلمین فی قراءه واستیعاب النص العربی؛ لأن الطلاب یتعلمون إستراتیجیات التنظیم الذاتی وحلّ المشکلات ضمن تعزیز الثقه بالنفس، ویکتسبون المزید من القدره على تفکیک رموز المعلومات النصیه والترکیز علیها وحفظها بشکل صریح.

The Effectiveness of Using Self-Monitoring Strategies in Learning Comprehension among Iranian Arabic Language Learners

Reading and understanding serve as a dialogue between the reader and the writer, thus forming the basis for learning any language. If the learner of the second language does not read and understand well, he cannot have a strong conversation most of the time. Therefore, it is necessary to use correct and practical strategies to strengthen and improve this skill. Self-regulatory (metacognitive) strategies provide the ability to learn consciously and reflect on comprehensive performance. The current research was conducted with 34 students of middle-level learners of Arabic language at Farhangian University of Qom. The samples were selected via available sampling. After removing the outliers, the learners’ performances in parallel reading and comprehension tests were analyzed through the quasi-experimental method of pre- and post-test educational interventions and paired t-test, by using SPS software. The results of this study showed that self-regulation strategies played a special role in improving the Arabic language learners’ performances. They gained more abilities to decode the text information, focus on it, and memorize it clearly by learning self-regulation and problem-solving strategies in addition to strengthening their senses of self-confidence.   Introduction Many empirical studies assert that metacognitive listening instruction enhances learners’ knowledge about learning to listen and helps them to implement effective strategies for managing their comprehension, which contributes to their overall listening development (Rahimirad, 2014; Vandergrift, 2007). It is also used to refer to higher-order thinking, which involves active monitoring and regulation of the processes involved in learning (Sonowal & Kalita, 2017). If, for example, cognitive processes involve remembering and understanding, then, metacognition can lead to thinking about this remembering and understanding (Garner, 1987). Metacognitive strategies are the processes that learners consciously use to supervise or manage their own language learning by planning what they will do, checking their progress, and then evaluating their performance (O’Malley & Chamot, 1990).  Moreover, O’Malley et al. (1985) assert that “students without metacognitive approaches are essentially learners without a direction or opportunity to review their progress, accomplishments, and future learning directions. Teachers are also advised to model the mental activities that learners engage in to build their understanding of listening to texts (Aldera, 2015; Goh, 2000; Goh & Taib, 2006). It thus does not help to improve the effectiveness of learners’ listening or resolve their problems (Field, 1998). Based on this, the following questions were proposed: What is the relationship between cognitive intelligence and Arabic language reading and comprehension skills? Does teaching self-regulation strategies have an effect on improving learners' learning and memorization of Arabic vocabulary, as well as their reading and comprehension skills?   Materials & Methods This research was based on a quantitative method. In the first step, which was conducted in a quasi-experimental manner, the learners were asked to answer a cognitive intelligence questionnaire and participate in a reading and comprehension test that was adopted from the content of the book Logha al-E’lam, Derasa Tatbighiyyah in order to discover the correlation between the questionnaire and reading and comprehension skills. In the cognitive intelligence questionnaire, we considered a score between 0 and 60, which was tested with two indicators (doing: 2 points and not doing: 0 point). The results of the questionnaire and reading and comprehension test were examined via a paired t-test, which proved the positive correlation between cognitive intelligence and reading and comprehension skills. Based on this, the students were subjected to the educational intervention of metacognitive intelligence for a total of 6 sessions. Then, in the post-test state, they were subjected to a reading and comprehension test parallel to the first test. The reason for using the parallel test was to maintain the internal reliabilities of the tests in the pre- and post-test states. Their papers were corrected and their scores were recorded. The students' pre- and post-test scores were entered into the SPSS software and analyzed by using the paired t-test. The research results, along with the students’ interpretations and discussions, will be presented in the following section. In this research, 34 Arabic language learners in the secondary course of the book Logha al-E’lam, Derasa Tatbighiyyah were selected through available sampling. To determine the participants’ homogeneity, all of them participated in an Arabic proficiency test based on the mentioned book. The reliability and apparent and content validity of this sufficiency test were investigated by the research group in a preliminary study (Cronbach's alpha coefficient was equal to 0.76). 6 students were excluded from the research as outliers. The remaining 28 students were tested based on a self-intelligence questionnaire and metacognitive strategies through educational intervention.   Research findings Measuring the significance level and Pearson's correlation coefficient between the reading and comprehension tests 1 and 2 indicated that the professors' sufficient awareness and mastery of modern teaching methods, self-regulation strategies, and their goals could play an essential role in the education of learners because learners would not be successful in the practical stage if they gained knowledge about these strategies but did not have the ability to correctly use text decoding. In addition, Schauder (1997) showed that children with comprehension problems do not have the necessary knowledge about the goals, strategies, and properties of the tasks in his cognitive research. It is worth pondering that even if they have some knowledge, they cannot use it well. They rarely ask themselves about strategies or evaluate their performance. In other words, they lack the ability to evaluate their capabilities and choose specific strategies to achieve their reading goals and improve their activities. Therefore, these students make little academic progress and are even sometimes in danger of academic failure because traditional education cannot be useful for them.   Discussion of Results & Conclusion Since the basis of learning any language is its understanding, the results of this research revealed that teaching self-regulation (metacognitive) strategies facilitates this goal for second language learners. Metacognitive strategies cause dynamism, vitality, and activation of students' thinking power in decoding and understanding texts. On the other hand, learners achieve self-regulation and conscious learning by planning and monitoring their learning processes. The present research showed that teaching self-regulation strategies plays a key role in improving understanding of texts and maintaining learners' self-confidence. This was proven after educational intervention in the second reading and comprehension test in this research. In this dimension, the research results are consistent with those of Delclos and Harrington (1991), who attributed the abilities of the 5th- and 6th-grade students to solve computer problems to one of their 3 investigated conditions. Their first group received specific problem-solving training; their second group received self-supervised problem-solving training; and their third group did not receive any training. The supervised problem-solving group solved more difficult problems than the other groups and spent less time doing this task. The group that received problem-solving and supervision training also solved complex problems faster than the control group. The results of their research showed that training of the purposeful and conscious self-regulation strategies in the learning process strengthened their beliefs and increased the permanence and memorability of the material. However, since learners were entrusted with the responsibility of solving comprehension problems, their senses of responsibility in deciphering and understanding the text were significantly reinforced.
