
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


الحجاج التداولی یدرس الخطاب مقام التخاطب، وأغراض المتکلم، وانتظارات السامع، والمعارف المشترکه بین المتکلم والمستمع؛ وهذه المعطیات ضروریه لفهم الملفوظات فهمًا صحیحًا ومکتملًا. تهدف هذه الدراسه إِلى الکشف عن أبعاد الحجاج التداولی فی خطاب السیّد نصر الله، وعن المقاصد والغایات التی أراد الإضاءه علیها من أجل خلق نهضه فکریه، قوامها الوعی بالقیم الدینیه والسیاسیه والاجتماعیه والوطنیه. سیتمّ فی هذا البحث درس الخطاب المنطوق من قبل السیّد نصر الله، وتعالج الحجاج التداولی الذی ظهر فیه، وبالتحدید الشخصیه من خلال الإشاریّات وأنواعها کالإشارات الشخصیّه، والإشارات المکانیّه، والإشارات الزمانیّه، والإشاریَّات الاجتماعیه، وأسماء الإشاره، وأفعال الکلام وأنواعها. نستنتج أنّ لمفهوم التداولیّه خط کبیر فی خطاب السیّد نصر الله؛ فمن إشاریات وإحالات على الشخصیه والمکان والزمان، وصولًا إلى الإشاریات الاجتماعیه، وانتهاءً بالفعل الکلامی الذی یتمیّز، بأنه فعل لفظی، إِنجازی، تأثیری. الإشاریات تساهم فی تأسیس العلاقه الإیمانیه والاجتماعیه بین السیّد نصر الله وجمهوره، کما تؤشر إلى الانتماء إلى جماعه المضحین المقاومین، فی مقابل جماعه المحبطین والمتخاذلین، ویظهر أیضًا الجمع بین المتکلم والمخاطب، وهذا من الوظائف التداولیه أو القصدیه، وهی موافقه الخطاب مقتضى الحال، حیث یرى الجمهور نفسه کجمهور مقاوم ومضحٍ، یختلف ویتمایز عن أولئک الذین فی الطرف الآخر. الأفعال التعبیریه فی خطاب السیّد نصر الله تعبّر دائمًا عن غضبه تجاه العدو الصهیونی، ومحبته للجمهور، وافتخاره بالشهداء والمضحّین. فقد اعتمد الباحث فی دراسته هذه على المنهج الوصفی -التحلیلی إذ یقوم على استقراء الخطب السیّد حسن نصرالله ومن ثم تحلیلها من ناحیه تبیین عناصر التداولیّه.

A Study of the Deliberative Dimensions of the Political Speech of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah According to John Searle’s Theory

The present study investigates the operative speech of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah and deals with the deliberative dimensions that appeared in his speech. It mainly discusses the character through the signals and their types (i.e. personal, spatial, temporal, and social signals). Moreover, the study explains pragmatism and its importance in linguistic analysis. The speech samples of the study include nine speeches in 2008 that revolve around the victory over the Zionist enemy and its retreat from Lebanon. Among the selections, there are some religious speeches that interfere (overlap) with political ones. These speeches uncover the intellect of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah that relies on the religious and cultural inheritance related to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Ahl Albait (AS). His argumentative speech attracts his followers (i.e. the public) and tries to convince his rivals to reach his purpose of reviving the nation and holding its beliefs and aims based on cognitive bases. The two research questions posed in the study are as follows: What is the most important deliberative dimension in Sayed Hasan Nasrallah’s speech? How did Sayed Hasan Nasrallah employ the elements of pragmatism in influencing his public? Pragmatism enables us to set a new method for the analysis of the linguistic issues of the speakers. Many topics have emerged from pragmatism. Although they may be different in their starting points, they agree in the fact they all deal with linguistic use in the light of the context. We can sum up the most significant concepts of pragmatism as indicatives, speech verbs, conversational imperatives, and inclusions of saying. As the study of all these concepts needs a wide purview, we had enough examples in this research by types indicators and speech verbs in the speeches of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah according to John Searle’s theory, in order to reach a concrete result. The results of the study show that the language in the speech of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah is declarative, seeking a definite goal linked to the daily life of the community and its future plans. It holds the elements of stability without the cancelation of others or rejecting it. That is why he always asks for discussion and understanding in order to reach a common ground and solutions for the crises the country is passing by. His speech seeks the implantation of definite values, proving a vision, or dissuading the receiver from a specific issue. It includes a series of partial compound mental operations that go together in a specific communicative context, and in a frame of a common language between Sayed Hasan Nasrallah and the public, till the communication function is realized. His speech influences the receiver, persuading him to grab the content of the message or the intention of the sender. Sayed Hasan Nasrallah uses multiple language formations. The concept of deliberation has a big share in the speech of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah, ranging from directives, personal referrals, time and place, to social signals, and ending with verbal actions. Deliberation focuses on the producer and receiver of the speech, the context of speech production, and the scope of reception. To understand spatial, temporal, personal, social, and other directive elements used by Sayed Hasan Nasrallah, the authors of this study used the context in order to frame the speech and describe it in the required dimensions. It helps in understanding the speech background, and the different relations overwhelming it. This makes the receiver ready, pensive, and aware of the dimensions of the speech, in addition to the verbal actions that express the intentionality of Sayed Hasan Nasrallah. This also makes the speech an executive force when it becomes a behavior. Directives contribute to the establishment of the faith and social relationship between Sayed Hasan Nasrallah and his public. It also indicates belonging to a group of resistant sacrifices against a disappointed and languid group. The combination of the speaker and the addressee is also shown, where the public sees themselves as a sacrificing and resistant group that is different and unique from those on the other side.   There is a group of contextual factors that control the use of social directives. The first is the respected status of the characters about whom Sayed Hasan Nasrallah talks and their position. The second factor is the nature and status of the relation between Sayed Hasan Nasrallah and these characters, as well as the relation between the public and these characters. These directives help to understand the dimensions and purposes Sayed Nassrallah seeks to strengthen the bonds between the leadership and the public, attracting all to continue the path of these leaders. The expressive verbs in Sayed Nassrallah’s speech always reveal his anger towards the Israeli enemy, compassion for the public, and pride in the martyrs. Informing verbs are also among the widely used elements in Sayed Hasan Nasrallah’s speech that serve two executive purposes. They are apparently descriptive but can be analyzed in terms of the verbal action format. Next, they help us know the dimensions and goals of uttering them.
