
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


هذا البحث بعنوان دلالات التصریف القرآنی عند ابن الزبیر الغرناطی من خلال کتابه ملاک التأویل، أوردت فیه الدلالات المختلفه التی ذکرها ابن الزبیر الغرناطی فی کتابه، محاولا بذلک نفی التکرار عن الآیات المتشابهه، من خلال بیان ما تحمله من فروق دقیقه فی دلالاتها، متبعا المنهج الوصفی  التحلیلی فی عرض وجهه نظر مؤلف الکتاب فی معرض دفاعه عن آیات القرآن الکریم المتشابهه. وقد بینا المنهج الذی سار علیه ابن الزبیر وقصده من تألیف کتابه، ثم ذکرنا ما اعتمد علیه من دلالات: اختصاص کل موضع بما فیه، واختلاف التعقیبات، واختلاف المقاصد، واختلاف العطف، ودلاله التقدیم والتأخیر، ودلاله التضعیف، والاختلاف فی الجمع، وزیاده حرف وخلوه فی آیه آخرى، والتعریف والتنکیر، والإجمال والتفصیل، والإیجاز والإطاله، ومناسبه الحال، ومناسبه النزول، ومراعاه ما بنیت علیه السوره، لنفی التکرار عن القرآن الکریم ویشیر إلى مدلولات التصریف القرآنی دون التصریح بذلک؛ ولعل أهمیه البحث تتأتى من أن موضوع التصریف فی القرآن لم یأخذ حقه من الاهتمام والتعریف فی الدراسات اللغویه على مستوى التنظیر والتطبیق، کما أن فیه رد على المشککین بکلام اللّٰه مدعین أنه لو من عند اللّٰه لم تتکرر آیاته. وقد خرج البحث بنتائج، أهمها أن التصریف لفظه قرآنیه ومنهج قرآنی کذلک اتخذه وسیله فی بیان معانیه، کما أن التصریف وجه من وجوه الإعجاز فی القرآن الکریم، ویکاد ابن الزبیر أول من أکمل جهود سابقیه فی هذا المضمار، من خلال ما أورده فی کتابه من دلالات تدحض آراء المشککین والطاعنین فی کتاب اللّٰه.

Conjugation According to Ibn Al-Zubair Al-Gharnati: The Quranic Meanings in Angel of Interpretation

In this research, the indications of Qur’anic conjugations were addressed according to Ibn al-Zubair al-Gharnati’s book entitled Angel of Interpretation, in which various connotations were mentioned, with an attempt to negate the repetitions of similar verses by clarifying the subtle differences in their implications following a descriptive approach. It was also an analytical study considering presenting the author’s viewpoint in his defense of similar verses in the Holy Qur’an. After explaining Ibn al-Zubair’s approach and intention for writing his book, the indications were pointed out based on the specific places they were included, as well as the different comments, purposes, and sympathies. Such indications as the precedence and delay, weakness, difference in plural forms, addition of a letter to a verse and its vacancy in another, definition and denial, generalization and detailed description, brevity and lengthening, application of an appropriate case, and occasion of descent were taken into account with regard to what a surah was built upon so as to negate repetition in the Holy Qur’an and refer to the meanings of Quranic inflections. The importance of this research stemmed from the fact that the subject of conjugation in the Qur’an had not received a lot of attention with an appropriate definition in linguistic studies at the levels of theory and application and that it contained a response to the skeptic views towards considering this holy book as the word of God with the claim that its verses would not have been repeated if it were from God. The results showed that conjugation was a Quranic approach and a policy to explain specific meanings, besides being one of the aspects of miracles in the Holy Qur’an. Ibn al-Zubair was almost the first scholar to complete the efforts of his predecessors in this field through what he mentioned in his book of indications, thus refuting the skeptics and slanderers’ views about the book of God.
