مهم ترین مختصات معرفت شناختی فضای سایبر (مقاله پژوهشی حوزه)
درجه علمی: علمی-پژوهشی (حوزوی)
ذهن پاییز 1402 شماره 95
حوزههای تخصصی:
شماره صفحات:
۵ - ۳۹
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فضای سایبر -که از آن مسامحتاً با عنوان فضای مجازی یاد می شود- عرصه و زیست جهانِ نوینی است که در پی بروز انقلاب های علمی چند دهه اخیر و پیشرفت بشر در علوم رایانه و فناوری اطلاعات، به دست انسان مدرن گشوده شده است. به موازات انفتاح و بسطِ فزاینده این ساحت جدید، فراهم شدن امکان تعامل فرامکانی و فرازمانی افراد با یکدیگر و با اشیاء و نیز بروز تغییر هستی شناسانه (تغییر در نحوه وجودِ) اطلاعات، یعنی گسست اطلاعات از ماده (کاغذ) و شبیه سازی آن در ماده "بیت" (دیجیتالی شدن اطلاعات)، در عرصه معرفت شناسی بشر و درک او از چیزها نیز دگرگونی شگرفی پدید آمد؛ به گونه ای که می توان، نشستن اطلاعات به جای معرفت؛ تغییر در روش طبقه بندی اطلاعات؛ مرور صفحه نمایش به جای خواندن مطلب؛ تحول در معیار صدق باورها؛ تحول در الگوی توجیه باورها؛ فقدان ملاک تمییز میان حقیقت و مجاز؛ گسترش معرفتِ اجتماع محور؛ و تحول در مسئولیت معرفتی را در زمره مهم ترین مختصات معرفت شناختی فضای سایبر -چونان یکی از اصلی ترین منابع معرفت بشر کنونی- دانست. پژوهش حاضر با روش تحلیلی-عقلی، درصدد تبیین مختصات معرفت شناختی فضای سایبر بوده و اهم تطورات معرفت شناختی این عرصه را به تصویر کشیده استThe Most Significant Epistemological Characteristics of Cyberspace
Introduction: The cyberspace is a novel arena and lifeworld developed and expanded by the modern human, following the progress in computer sciences and information technology during the previous few decades. In parallel with the increasing openness and development of this new arena, communication beyond the boundaries of place and time was made possible both between people and objects. Moreover, the ontological nature of information underwent a change, whereby information was separated from matter and was simulated into “bits”. This in turn drastically revolutionized the human epistemology and understanding of everything. for this reason, the problem of the present research is to describe the most significant epistemological characteristics of the present cyber space, to show the most important epistemological transitions resulted from the openness of this space and to consider and analyze these transitions.
Methodology: The present research uses an analytic-rational method to describe the epistemological characteristics of the cyberspace, and to criticize the epistemic transition resulted from development of this space.
Findings: Cyberspace, a perpetually evolving domain, has just been assumed a world and lifeworld of the modern human, as well as a novel manifestation and flow of Being. It is firmly grounded in the material and physical realm, yet it transcends the realm of matter itself. Moreover, in the wake of technological progress, the clear line of demarcation between the analog and digital realms has been progressively disappearing. Consequently, the identity of the contemporary human, along with his/her mind and epistemic apparatus, have undergone alterations by virtue of his/her being within a distinct world that has become the substrate and bedrock of his/her present consciousness. One could assert that the openness and development of cyberspace have fundamentally impacted the manner in which learning, memory, knowledge acquisition, and even the nature of human perceptual faculties occur, engendering momentous transformations within this domain. Thus, contemplation and discernment regarding the epistemological transitions that have ensued from the advent of this space are entirely necessary and inescapable.
Conclusion: One of the most significant epistemological characteristics of cyberspace, which has resulted in a profound metamorphosis in the processes of learning, memory, knowledge acquisition, and even the nature of human perceptual faculties, can be identified as follows: a transformation in the mechanisms of information categorization; a shift from reading textual material to browsing through visual displays; a substitution of mere information for genuine knowledge; a modification in the criteria for the truth of beliefs; an alteration in the pattern of justification of beliefs; a blurring of the distinction between the real and the virtual; an expansion of knowledge acquisition driven by society-based; and a fundamental shift in the epistemic responsibilities borne by individuals. The epistemological shifts and transformations occurring within the realm of cyberspace encompass both positive and negative dimensions. On the positive side, these changes encompass the expansive reach of cyberspace audiences, encompassing diverse demographics. Additionally, the ease and rapidity with which information is disseminated to cyberspace audiences, as well as their relatively straightforward access to a wealth of information within this digital realm, are noteworthy. These aspects are regarded as constructive elements of the aforementioned changes and transformations. However, the advent of epistemic relativism, stemming from the substitution of information for genuine knowledge, the alteration in the patterns governing the truth and justification of beliefs, and the absence of definitive criteria for discerning truth from error, all contribute to the negative aspects of these cognitive changes. The diminishing potency of human reasoning and memory, resulting from the unregulated and rule-avoidant nature of cyberspace, coupled with the challenges faced by the human epistemic apparatus that may imperil its inherent well-being, constitute the most salient epistemological predicaments associated with cyberspace domain.