
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


تعتبر السیره الذاتیه من أحدث الفنون النثریه التی عرفها العرب. وقد بدأت تحقق لنفسها مکاناً متمیزاً فی الثقافه والمجتمع بحیث أصبحت جنساً ادبیاً مستقلاً تثیر فی الأنفس من حبّ للإطلاع علی ما ظهر وخفی من حیاه کاتبها. فکاتب السیره الذاتیه یعالج فی سیرته العدید من القضایا الشخصیه والعاطفیه والاجتماعیه والسیاسیه. وفی کل جانب من هذه الجوانب یحاول أن یقدّم خلاصه أفکاره وآرائه وقناعاته. یُعدّ کتاب «الأیام» نموذجا للسیره الذاتیه الفنیه التی کثر عنها الجدل. بعض یقولون انّها روایه وبعض آخر یعدّونه توفیقاً بین الروایه والسیره الذاتیه. یتعرض هذا المقال مع رؤیه نقدیه إلی دراسه خصائص السیره الذاتیه فی کتاب الأیام حتی یصل إلی حقیقه الأمر. الکاتبه تعتقد هذا الکتاب یکون من أجمل السیر الذاتیه إلّا طه حسین لم یراعِ بعض شروط کتابتها، کعدم تبیین دوافعه عن الکتابه او إنّه التزم الصدق والصراحه إلّا أنّه فی کشف عواطفه تمسک بالصراحه الحکمیه أو بالحکمه فی الصراحه.

Autobiographical features in the book "Days" by Taha Hossein

Autobiography is one of the newest literary techniques that Arab writers are familiar with it. This art has a special position in contemporary culture and society. Autobiography is an independent genre of literary types that arouses human curiosity in discovering the obvious and hidden aspects of the author's life. The author of the autobiography deals with a variety of topics, including personal, emotional, social, cultural, and political issues, and in each of these areas, expresses his views, thoughts, and tendencies. The book "Days" is an interesting example of an autobiographical art that has caused many controversies. Some believe that "Days" is a novel and others consider it a combination of novel and autobiography. This article examines the features of autobiography through content analysis to discover the truth. As it is common in autobiography, Taha Hussein wrote his own life story and followed the technical order of writing. In an interview with Raymond Francis, he stated that "Days" is his own life story. The author believes that the book "Al-Ayam" is one of the most beautiful works of autobiography, but at the same time, Taha Hussein did not observe some conditions for writing it. As if he has not stated his purpose for writing his biography. Or that he is bound by honesty and frankness in expressing past events, but in expressing emotional issues, he has used wise frankness or rationality in honesty.
