
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


بغض النظر عن الآثار الروحیه والمعنویه العظیمه للقرآن، لقد تأثرت اللغه والمفردات العربیه إلی حد کبیر بوحی القرآن. فی حین تم بحث ودراسه أصل القرآن ومحتواه بعنایه فی فترات مختلفه، ولکن لم یتم دراسه تأثیره علی المفردات واللغه العربیه بشکل منفصل وتفصیلی. یهدف المقال التالی دراسه آثار القرآن علی اللغه العربیه ومفرداتها ومن أهم النتائج التی سوف نحصل علیها من خلال هذا المقال توحید اللهجات وظهور تفسیرات جدیده والحفاظ علی اللغه العربیه واستمرارها وتجمیع الکتب المختلفه فی العلوم المتعلقه بالقرآن واللغه العربیه وغیرها. تم إستخدام المنهج التاریخی والمقارنه فی طریقه البحث فی هذه المقاله وتتضمن هذه الطریقه جمع المستندات حول الموضوع.

The impact of Holy Quran on Arabic language and literature

Apart from the noteworthy spiritual effects of the Qur'an, Arabic language and words have been greatly influenced by the revelation of the Qur'an. Although the Qur'an and its content have been analyzed and studied in different periods, but its effect on Arabic words and language has not been analyzed separately and by mentioning details. The present article has been written for examining the effect of Qur'an on the Arabic language and its words. One of the most important results is the integration of dialects and the emergence of new interpretations and the preservation of Arabic language and its continuation, and the storage of various books on the Qur'anic sciences and the Arabic language and others. In this article, a historical and comparative method is used, which includes collecting documents on its subject.
