المضامین الاجتماعیه والاخلاقیه فی الأدب الفکاهی لأحمد شفیق بهجت (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
أحمد بهجت 1932- 2011م هو کاتب مصری من المتقدمین فی الأدب الفکاهی العربی. هو صحفی ورئیس تحریر مجله «الرادیو والتلفاز» وقد تعرّف علی آلام وأوجاع جامعته والجامعه العالمیه. هو ناقد اجتماعی واخلاقی وقد أقدم علی کتابه الأوضاع المشهوده من جامعته أمام الحکّام المستبدین والهدف من المقال بیان وإلقاء المفاهیم الاجتماعیه والاخلاقیه فی آثاره الفکاهیه. وفی البدایه نبدأ بشرح الأدب الفکاهی ونظراته فی هذه المقاله، ثم نبیّن حساسیته بعنوان أدیب للفکاهه فی العالم العربی ومسائلهم المطروحه فی حین أنّه یبیّن فی آثاره أهمیه یقظه الشعب لحفظ کرامته وعزته.Expressing Social and Ethical Concepts of Satire from Ahmad Behjat Viewpoint
Ahmad Behjat – Egyptian Writer – is one of the satire pioneers in Arabic proses. He as a writer, journalist and editor – in chief of "Radio & TV" journal is familiar with people's pains and suffers as well as world's messy conditions. His satire works – as a social and ethical critic – are critics of nations' existing conditions and their weaknesses. The aim of the present article is to express and propose social and ethical manifestations in Ahmad Behjat's satire works; initially a brief description about satire is written and then studies his social and literal life followed by social ethical concepts derived from his works in order to introduce his and show his sensitivity to Arabic and Egyptian world.