
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


یعتبر أحمد شوقی (1868- 1932م) من أبرز شعراء مصر فی العصر الحدیث. له مکانه شعریه مرموقه بین الشعراء، حتی لقّب بأمیر الشعراء. إنّ القرآن الکریم هو المعین الثری الذی یستمتع شوقی منه فی إنشاد شعره. عندما نعالج أشعاره فنری أن القرآن الکریم یسیطر بصوره واضحه علی خیال شوقی ویستمد منه ألفاظه وصوره ومعانیه فی جمیع أغراضه. القیامه ومشاهدها إحدی المباحث القرآنیه التی نراها فی طیّات شعره.

Images of Doomsday in Ahmad Showqi’s Poetry and his Inspiration from Quran

Ahmad Showqi is one of the outstanding contemporary poets and had such an important state among the poets who were called Poet Laureate. Quran played as a spring which he enjoyed it a lot for his poetry. By studying his poetry we come to conclusion that Holy Quran had a significant effect on Showqi’s poetry and he had used its vocabulary and semantics in all his poetry. Doomsday and its images are the examples of this application among his poetry.
