
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


الموت من المحاور الرئیسه عند سمیح القاسم إذ تحتفل أشعاره بقضیّه الموت. یهدف البحث الی دراسه إیدئولوجیا الشاعر فی رؤیته نحو الموت، کما حاول أن یبیّن دوافعه التی تشکّلت فی شعره. لأنَّ رؤیته الجمالیه نحو الموت تقوّی روح المقاومه عند شعبه حتّی تغیّرَ لون الموت فی عقائدهم فیعتبر الموت عنده التزاماً فی الأبعاد السیاسیه والوطنیّه والقومیّه والذاتیه. اعتمد البحث المهنج الوصفی والتحلیلی بالترکیز علی دواوینه؛ إتّضح لنا بعد دراسه أبعاد الموت أنّه وقف عند هذه المسأله علی مستویین: ذاتی وجماعی، فدرسناهما فی القضایا السیاسیه والقومیه والوطنیه، وکشفنا عن رؤیته الجمالیه فی معجم الموت ودلالاته فی التعبیر عن واقع الاحتلال.

Thinking about Death and its manifestation in Samih Ghasem works

Death is one of the main issues in Samih Ghasem works; because he paid special attention to it in his works. The present paper studies his ideologies about death as well as his motivations on expressing this issue. His aesthetic view strengthens resistance spirit in his hometown fellows and causes changing in their view point on death. This article has been done in descriptive – analytic method and focused on his poetry. At last we have found out that death has two aspects from his point of view: intuitive and calculated. Then studied this phenomenon from political, national and ethnic aspects and decoded the aesthetic view about death and expressing its realities.
