
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


ما زالت العرب تذکر النیل وما یزال فی أشعارهم قدیماً وحدیثاً فلا یکاد یخلو منه دیوان شعر من دواوین شعراء مصر والسودان. وفتن عقول الشعراء فنشدوا فیه روائع شعریه، تتسم برقه الدیباجه وسلامه الأسلوب وجزاله اللفظ وشرف المعنی.فمنهم الشعراء من أحبوا النیل حبا جماً کالشاعر عبدالله الطیب المجذوب الذی سمی دیوانه «أصداء النیل». النیل عنده یخرج من دائره الحس والماده إلی دائره المعنی، فهو رمز لقوه الإراده وإنّ مجد النیل هو مجد الوطن، ومن ثم التغنی بحب النیل هو غناء بحب النیل، إذ یجد الشاعر عنده الطمأنینه والسکینه بسبب علاقه حمیمه تربط بینهما منذ الطفوله الباکره، وإنّ الصله بینهما هی صله «الحب الفطری» ومن ثَمَّ کان الحنین إلی النیل حنیناً إلی الإنسان والزمان والمکان، فتعلقت روحه بالنیل وأهله، فلا یکاد یستطیع مفارقته. لذلک یتحدث عن النیل فی دیوانه مرّات؛ بل وسمی تسعاً من قصائده ومقطوعاته الشعریه بأسماء النیل.

The Love for the Nile in the Complete Works “Asda Al-Nil” by Abdullah Al-Tayyeb Al-Majzub

You can find the name of Nile River in most of the poetic collections in Egypt and Sudan. The Beauty of this river occupies and captivates the mind of poets. Therefore the poets write their best poems especially about this river. Poems which have special style with a divine structure, strong words, beautiful glossary and worthy concepts. One of the most famous man among the poets is Abdullah Al-Tayeb Al-Majzoob which named his poetic collections “the Echoes of the Nile”, because he Loved Nile River.     In his poems the Nile River changes its characteristic from emotional confine to the meaning horizon and it’s the symbol of strong will, and its dignity and honor lead to elation of the homeland. Therefore whisper of fondness to Nile in his poems shows poet’s interest to this river because this deep relation between them is arisen and developed from his childhood and has deep root in the love formed from inner and soul, and inspires a sense of calmness and security to him. That’s why we can say that the poet’s eagerness and appetite to Nile River is a sign of his kindness and enthusiasm to humanity, time and location and his soul is amorous to Nile and merged to his family and evidently he cannot escape from this infatuation. That’s why he is continually talking about Nile River in his poetic collection and so many odes and poems are adorned with this river name.
