
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


القرآن الکریم والإکتشافات العلمیه الحدیثه الملخص إنّ القرآن العظیم کلام الله عزّوجلّ، أنزله علی رسوله الحق، وجعله إعجازا له فی صدق دعوته إلی الله تعالی. فکما أکّد القرآن العظیم بنفسه علی ذلک، إنّه حافل بإشارات وحقائق علمیه دقیقه بصوره مذهله یکتشفها العلماء الیوم، وبعضها حدیثه جداً. وقد أخبر ربّ العالمین فی کتابه العزیز عن تلک المکتشفات قبل 14 قرناً. فإنّ من الخصائص العجیبه للقرآن دقّه کلماتها، ما یثبت صدورها عن الله عزّوجلّ، ومن الإشارات العلمیه التی اکتشفها العلماء حتی الیوم، إشارات علمیه عن الکون والسماء، مثل اکتشاف بدایه الکون ونهایته، وتوسّع الکون، والثقوب السوداء، والنجوم النابضه، والنسیج الکونی، والحیاه فی الفضاء، وغیر ذلک مما یرتبط بالکون والسماء. ومنها إشارات علمیه عن الأرض والجبال، مثل وجود أسرار بدایه الخلق فی الأرض، والکلام عن طبقات الأرض، وهما بحثان علمیان دقیقان. ومنها الإعجاز فی المیاه والبحار، ومنها الإجاز فی علو الطب والنفس، وفیه أسرار عن الشفاء والغذاء، وأسرار عن المخلوقات. 

Quran and new scientific discoveries

The Great Quran is the honorable speech of Allah which was descended to His honest Prophet as a miracle to represent the truth of His mission of summoning people to God. Allah- Glory to Him- has expressed everything in the Quran. As the Great Quran emphasizes, it is full of scientific points and information currently and even very recently discovered by scientists; and it is a wonder that the World God has informed about these discoveries in his high book (Quran), 14 centuries ago. This fact implies that the Quran is the Prophet’s miracle, and God’s speech, with His own words, and the words are not from the Prophet, but the words and concepts are from Allah. One of the wonderful properties of the Quran which substantiates its being descended from the Glory God is that its words are carefully and tactfully selected. One of these scientific cases is the scientific pointing to the universe and the sky; such as the discovery and the proof of the beginning and the end of the world, the expansion of the world, the Black Holes, the stars, and living in space. Other discoveries are about the earth and the mountains; such as the secrets of creation in earth, and others about the layers of the earth which have been proved today. Other miracles are about the maters and the seas, medicine, psychology. They all prove that every word in Quran is from the supreme Allah.
