
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


ترجع أهمیه هذا الموضوع إلى إیداع الله الإنسان إحساساً فطریاً بالزمن.وأعطی القرآن أهمیه بالغه للزمن، فقد ارتبطت معظم العبادات فی التشریع الإسلامی بمواعید زمنیه محدده وثابته کالصلاه، والصیام، والحج، بحیث إن أداءها لایتحقق إلاّ عن طریق الالتزام بأوقاتها حسب الیوم، والشهر، والسنه. وعلی هذا الأساس احتاج الإنسان إلى سجل زمنی یعتمده فی تقدیره وتنظیم ظروف حیاته المادیه والمعنویه، فاهتدی بعد بحث شاق وطویل إلى تسجیل زمنی لأن السنوات وأجزاءها تحتاج إلى ظاهره طبیعیه، حتی یرتکز علیه الإنسان فی برمجه أوقاته.والواصخ أن التقویم الطبیعی هو الذی یعتمد علی الشمس والقمر؛ وجاء فی القصص القرآنیه أن العظماء فی التأریخ من عرفوا الوقت وقیمته وهم من الأنبیاء، ولهذا نجد أن الأنبیاء هم رواد الناس فی هذه الأمور الأربعه، فی الإیمان والعلم، وفی العمل الصالح، والدعوه إلى الله، والصبر علی الأذی، فهؤلاء هم الفائزون الرابحون فی الدنیا والآخره.یهدف هذا المقال إلی دراسه موضوع الزمان فی القرآن لنتعرف علی أهمیته. 

Importance of time in the story of the Qur'an from the perspective of modern fiction Criticism

The importance of this subject returns to God deposited with man an inherent sense  of time. And Koran gave great importance to the time, and most acts of worship in  Islamic law have been associated with specific and fixed time-bounds such as prayer, fasting and pilgrimage, so that their  performance can only be achieved through a commitment to its times up to day, month and year. And on this basis,  human has needed to record the time so that he relies on its assessment and organization of the conditions of his material and moral life, so he was directed to  record the time after a hard and long research, because years and their parts need a natural phenomenon, so that man focuses on it in programming his times. And it is clear that the natural calendars the one that supports the sun and the moon to calculate the time as he said: "He it is Who created the night and day and the sun and the moon, all travel along swiftly in their celestial spheres."(The Prophets Sura,33) And according to the Quranic stories that great men in the history were  who knew the time and its value and who were prophet sent for this, we find that the prophets are the pioneers of the people in these four areas, in faith and science, and in good deeds, and in calling people to Allah, and  in the patience to harm in calling to Allah, and  these gainers are the winners in this world and the Hereafter.
