نویسندگان: اسماعیل نادری

کلیدواژه‌ها: معروف الرصافی الفقر والحرمان المجتمع

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
شماره صفحات: ۱۱۱ - ۱۲۴
دریافت مقاله   تعداد دانلود  :  ۴۴۶


آرشیو شماره‌ها:


ولد الشاعر معروف الرصافی سنه 1875م ببغداد، إنّه لما کبر ونضج أدبه حاول أن یشارک آلام مجتمعه؛ فالکثیر من أجمل قصائد الرصافی تتحدث عن  المسائل الاجتماعیه ولاسیما الفقر والحرمان، حتى لقب بشاعر البؤساء، وهذا یرجع إلى أسباب أهمها هی: السبب النفسانی، بیئه الرصافی، وحساسیّته؛ ما کان الرصافی من الذین رأوا الفقر والحرمان فی المجتمع  فبدل أن یحلّلوهما تلاعبوا وأمحوا صوره المسأله، بل بحث عن أسبابهما وهی: الجهل، العادات البالیه، والتقالید الموروثه الموهنه للإراده، الإهمال والتواکل والتخاذل، والاستعمار؛ وأری الناس طرق مکافحه الفقر وهی: کسب العلم ، الإحسان من جانب الأغنیاء، بث روح التعاون فی المجتمع، وعدم الإسراف والاقتصاد فی الحیاه. 

Maruf Rassafi, Social Analyzer of Poverty and Deprivation

Maroof Al-Rosafee, a best-known poet, was born in1875 in Baghdad.He did his best to reflect his social issues in his anthology. That is why he speaks about social issues specially poverty and poorness in collection of elegiacs. Due to such a fact, he was known as "poets of the poor". The main reasons for such a title were facts like "psychological factors, poet's environment and his sensitivity". Al-rasafee was not a poet who witnessed poverty and social issues in his society. As a matter affect, he was not indifferent to what happened around him.  He was highly keen on finding some solution to the reasons for such social issues as ignorance, old customs acting as a barrier to improve and develop a society, neglecting and colonization. In his works, he also made effort o depict deterring ways of poverty including how to get knowledge, kindness of the rich to the poor, cooperation and being economical in life.
