
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إن لکل أمه ما تفاخر به، وهذا حال العرب الذین اعتزوا بلغتهم واشتهروا ببلاغتهم وفصاحتهم وحافظوا علی لغتهم أشد الاحتفاظ إذ کانوا یرسلون أبنائهم إلى البادیه لیحافظوا علی عربیه لسانهم، ومع ذلک فقد وجدنا فی ألفاظهم ما کان معرّباً ودخیلاً، ومن هنا کان اختیارنا لموضوع الألفاظ المعرّبه فی کتاب لسان العرب. فتناولنا هذا الکتاب بالبحث والاستقراء واخترنا فیها بعض ألفاظ معرّبه ودخیله فارسیه ثم بیان معناها وحکمُها. وحاولنا إرجاع کل لفظه إلى لغتها التی جاءت منها مع بیان معناها فی تلک اللغه وما کان ذلک إلا کشفنا عن أثر اللغات الأعجمیه فی اللغه العربیه ومدی تأثرها بها.

A Research about some Persian Loan Words in Lesan-ol-Arab

Each nation has something to proud and glory it, and this is the manner of Arabs who proud about their language and good style, and they maintained on their language because they sent their sons into Al Badaiy desert’ to keep their Arabic language, even with we have found in their language some  Arabic and  Loan words and from here it was our subject for investigating loan words in the book of (Lesan-ol-Arab) by Ibn-Manzoor So we have investigated some Persian loan words in this book  from the point of meaning. Then we have tried to refer each word into its language which is come from to show its meaning in this language and this what we have tried to show the trace of foreign languages on Arabic language and the range of its effect in it.
