
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إن القصص الغرامیه نوع من الأنواع الأدبیه التی کانت و لاتزال موضع إهتمام کبیر علی مستوی عالمی بحیث أبهرت أبصار القارئین و المخاطبین. و نظراً إلی الصله العریقه بین العرب و الفرس و آدابها لقد اتخذنا من بین الحکایات الغرامیه قصتی « لیلی و مجنون » و یوسف و زلیخا، لندرسهما فی هذا المقال و إنها من القصص المشترکه بین الأدبین الفارسی و العربی إلا أنهما انحدرتا من أصل عربی ثم وجدتا طریقهما إلی الأدب الفارسی لتیثر إعجاب الشعراء و الأدباء الایرانیین أمثال ابی القاسم فردوسی و عبدالرحمن الجامی و امیر خسرو الدهلوی و مکتبی الشیرازی و غیرهم. لقد رکزنا جلّ اهتمامنا فی هذا المقال اولا علی دراسه مقارنه تحلیله بین هاتین القصتین (لیلى مجنون و یوسف و زلیخا). تحلیله فی الأدبین العربی و الفارسی و ثانیاً من ثم بذلنا مجهودنا فی إطلاق الضوء علی وجهات نظر الشعراء و مشاهیر الشعر الإیرانین الذین اتخذوا من هذه القصص وسیله لإبداء أفکارهم و رُؤاهم.

Love stories in Arabic and Farsi literature:Focusing on "leile- wa- Majnoon" and "yousof- wa- Zoleokha" stories.A comparative analysis study.

Love stories are kind of literary works inter nationally considered and have widely dazzled the readers. Because of the close relation between Arabs and Iranees and their literatures we have chosen two stories "Leila- wa- Majnoon", and "yousof- wa- zaleikha" to analyze them in this article. These two stories are among the vast stories in common between the two literatures but these two are originally Arabic stories found their way to the Farsi literature impressing Iran’s writers such as "Abi ALKasem Ferdosi", "Abdul Rahman Jami", "Amir khosro Dehlawi", "Maktabi shirazi", and others. These two stories in Arabic literature are very simple and naive and presents clearly the simple intellectual and cultural environment of Arab world in ancient times. But these two stories has taken asophic texture in Farsi literature after intering Farsi literature, and the Farsi poets have taken the materialistic love as a means for expressing their thoughts and sufi believe. And to make the personalities appearing in the stories as symbols and icons for edification and reaching perfection. Leavng behind superficial contents and meanings and heading to wards the sophical and spiritual purposts in order to reach God and realize the reality of God’s existence. By analyzing these stories, it is obvious that the cultural and intellectual trends of Iran’s poets indicates the existence of aheavenly and regenerated manifestation in Farsi literature.
