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یرتکز هذا البحث الذی یقوم علی الدراسات المکتبیه و المنهجیه التحلیلیه و التوصیفیه،علی نقد روایه الحب فی عصر النفط و هذه الروایه تشکّل علی نظریه الفصل المؤقت بین المرأه و الرجل.اقترحت النسویات فی الفتره الاخیره هذه النظریه لخلق الفرصه المناسبه لاستعاده نفسهنّ و خلق الاعمال القیّمه.یبیّن هذا البحث أنّ شخصیه المرأه التی تکون بطل الروایه للعثور علی الآلهه الإناث و استعادتهنّ تهرب من البیت بسلطه،و هی تعانی باشکال مختلفه من الثنائیه و تناقض الاهداف و القیم.البطله فی سیاق أحداث الروایه و فی البیئه الثانیه تواجه بالظروف التی تکون أکثر مؤسفه و تؤدّی الی فشل خطتها.لهذا تقرّر أن تهرب إلی بیتها.یثبّت تحلیل هذه الروایه بأنّ فیها تبدّل الانفصال عن الحل إلی معضله و تؤدّی شعار النسویات حول عدم التمییز الجنسی فی التوظیف الی الفشل و شخصیه المرأه البطلیه نزلت بعد الهرب و القاریء یتماشی مع شخصیه الرجل الذی یکون ناقضا لحق المرأه و یتعاطف معه.و یُبیّن أنّ جمیع هذه الثنائیات التی تعمل علی النسویه و نظریه الانفصالیه،تکون غیر ارادیّه.من حیث أن کاتبه الروایه،نوال السعداوی،تکون مدافعا للنسویه الاسلامیه،یُحتمل أن یکون جذر هذه التناقضات البدیهیه أکثر من أیّ شیء فی التناقضات الداخلیه لهذا الموقف.

Feminist mind Crisis in routing demands based on ‘Love in the kingdom of oil’, Nawal El-Saadawi’s work

The current essay, based on library studies and analysis and description methods, focuses on the criticism of the novel Love in the Age of Oil, which is based on the theory of temporary separation of women from men. Feminists in the most recent period proposed this theory in order to create a suitable space to recover oneself and create works worthy of this theory. This research shows that the character of the heroine of the story, who runs away from home to find female goddesses and return them to authority, suffers from a mental crisis of ambivalence and conflicting goals and values. In the course of the events of the story, the female protagonist in the second environment faces far more deplorable conditions that lead to the failure of her plan, so she decides to run away home. The analysis of the story proves that in this work, separatism has turned from a solution to a problem, the slogan of feminists about the non-discrimination of gender in employment has failed, the character of the female protagonist has become lower than before by running away, and finally, the singer is a man who violates women's rights. is aligned and empathetic. It also becomes clear that all these ambivalences that work against feminism and especially the theory of separatism happened unintentionally. Since the author of the story, Nawal Al-Sadawi, is a defender of Islamic feminism, these gross contradictions are probably more than anything rooted in the internal contradictions of the said attitude.
