
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إن بعثه الأنبیاء والدعوه إلى الإیمان بهم من المسائل الأساسیه فی الإسلام، وقضیه بعثتهم إلى جمیع الأمم من القضایا القرآنیه والروائیه، فمن هذا المنطلق جاءت الدراسه فی هذه المقاله للکشف عن حقیقه بعثه نبیّ فی القاره الإفریقیه من حیث النفی أو الإثبات. وتظهر أهمیه الدراسه فی کونها الکاشفه عن الحقائق التی أشار إلیها القرآن الکریم وتفنید مزاعم الأعداء واتهاماتهم للکتاب العزیز المنزل من مبدإ الحکمه والعلم الذی لا یفعل ما لا غایه والهدف فیه. وتتکون الدراسه من مقدمه وخمسه مباحث ونتیجه؛ فالأول تطرّق إلى مسائل کلیه من تحدید مفاد المفردات وما یتعلق به. وفی الثانی دارالبحث فی خلق الإنسان والحکمه منه، ثم أشرنا إلى ما خصه الله تعالى به من النعم المتوفره لتحقق هذه الحکمه، بحیث یجوّز إقامه الحجه علیه عند الکفر والعصیان. وناقش الثالث ما یوهم عدم بعثه الأنبیاء فی الجزیره العربیه قبل بعثه النبیّ الخاتم مطلقا، فجاء المبحث الرابع فی إثبات البعثه ومعالجه شبهه عدمه، وانتهى الأخیر بإثبات البعثه فی إفریقیا کباقی المناطق والقارات عموما. واستفاد الباحث من المنهج النقلی والتحلیلی والمقارن بین مدرستی السنه والشیعه للکشف عن الحقیقه والإستنتاج الصحیح. وخرج الباحث بنتیجه إثبات کبرى القضیه عن طریق الأدله الثلاثه، وعجز فی إثبات صغراها، وهی مصادیق الأنبیاء وأشخاصهم المعروفین.


The Mission of the Prophets in Africa; Denial and Affirmation (Quranic and Narrative Perspective)

The mission of the prophets and the call to belief in them is one of the basic issues in Islam, and the issue of their mission to all nations is one of the Quranic and narrative issues. From this standpoint, the study came in this article to reveal the truth about the mission of a prophet in the African continent in terms of denial or affirmation. The importance of the study appears in its fact that it reveals the facts referred to by the Holy Quran and refutes the allegations and accusations of the enemies of the Holy Book revealed from the root of wisdom and knowledge that does not do anything without a purpose and the goal in it. The study consists of an introduction, five topics, and a conclusion. The first dealt with general issues of defining the meanings of terms and its related words. In the second, the discussion revolved around the creation of mankind and the wisdom behind it, then we referred to what Almighty God has singled out for him of the massive blessings to achieve this wisdom, so that it is permissible to establish the argument against him when disbelieving and disobeying. And the third discussed what makes the illusion that the prophets were not sent to the Arabian Peninsula before the mission of the final Prophet at all, so the fourth topic came in proving the mission and dealing with the suspicion of its absence, and the last one ended with proving the mission in Africa like the rest of the regions and continents in general. The researcher benefited from the textual, analytical and comparative approach between the Sunni and Shiite schools to reveal the truth and the correct conclusion. The researcher came out with the result of proving the major issue through the three evidences, and was unable to prove the minor premises, which are the instances of the prophets and their well-known persons.
