
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


قضیه اللغه ومدى تأثیرها على الوعی الجمعی وعلى تشکیل الرؤیه العالمیه قضیّه أثارت انتباه علماء اللغه. ذهبوا إلى أنّ آلیات اللغه بإمکانها أن تُشکّل وجهه نظر صاحبها وتحدّد ملامح الهوّیه الثقافیه لدى أی مجتمع من المجتمعات. للمفردات ومدى تلائم مستویاتها (المستوى المعجمی والسیاقی والصرفی والصوتی) دور بارز فی النظام اللغوی والإفصاح عن روح أصحاب اللغه. یهدف البحث هذا إلى الحصول على قراءه جدیده لمفردتی "الشکّ" و"الحسب" فی القرآن الکریم. هاتان المفردتان تنتمیان إلى الحقل المعرفی حیث الدلاله على نوع من مفهوم المعرفه جعلتهما فی حقل دلالی واحد؛ رغم هذا الاشتراک الدلالی فلا یمکن إنکار هذه المسأله أنّ لکلّ منهما بصمه فی نظام القرآن الکریم ودراستهما فی القیاس مع بعض قد تبیّن الاختلافات الدلالیه والرؤیه العالمیه التی تنشأ منهما. انطلاقا من کیفیه تلائم مستویات المفردات فی إیصال رؤیه عالمیه إلى المخاطب أردنا أن نعالج رؤیه القرآن الکریم إلى العالم من منظار کلمتی "الشکّ" و"الحسب" وتلائم مستویاتها بالاعتماد على المنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی. فحصلنا على أنّ المستویات الأربعه للمفردتین فی التلائم والتعانق مع بعض فی إیصال الرؤیه العالمیه للقرآن الکریم إلى المخاطب. یبدو أنّ العلاقه الدلالیه بینهما هی من نوع علاقه التضادّ حیث تتناسب المستویات الأربعه لمفرده الشکّ مع مفاهیم الجهل والجمود الفکری والخمول العقلی والاستبدادیه وتتناسب المستویات الأربعه لمفرده الحسب مع مفاهیم العلم والتحوّل الفکری والتجدّد والخصوبه العقلیه والفکریه.

Embraces the four Levels of the vocabulary “Al shakk” and “Al hasab” in conveying the Quranic Weltansichten

The issue of language and its impact on the collective mind and on shaping the world vision is an issue that has drawn the attention of linguists. They argue that the mechanisms of language can shape the viewpoint of its owner and determine the features of the cultural identity of any society. Vocabulary and the extent to which its levels fit (lexical, contextual, morphological and phonetic levels) have a prominent role in the linguistic system and in revealing the spirit of language owners. The word study system is divided into four levels: 1- the lexical level 2- the contextual level 3- the morphological level 4- the phonetic level. The lexical level is the detection of the primary significance of the word or what is related to its lexical meaning, the contextual level is the detection of a figurative or secondary significance of it depending on its context, the morphological level is the study of the internal structure of the word or its internal structure, and the phonetic level is the detection of the significance of the sounds of the word. These levels are in an intertwined and cohesive relationship with each other. It is not enough to study one of the levels and dispense with the other levels. The Vocabulary “Al shakk” and “Al hasab” in the linguistic system of the Qur’an belongs to the field of knowledge and denotes a concept that ranges between hesitation and certainty, or a knowledge that puts a person in an intellectual conflict between accepting or rejecting something, or a position in which a person is ambiguous. Whatever the case, the extent of semantic similarity or semantic difference between these two words and the world vision that emanates from them requires studying within the four levels. As for the main goals that we aspire to reach, they are to present the new reading of the two words “al shakk” and “Al hasab” in the Qur’an and then reveal the semantic relationship between them. This research aims to obtain a new reading of the Vocabulary "Al shakk" and "Al hasab" in the Holy Qur'an. These two Vocabulary belong to the field of knowledge, where the denotation of a kind of concept of knowledge made them in one semantic field; Despite this semantic participation, it is not possible to deny this issue that each of them has an imprint in the system of the Noble Qur’an, and their study in analogy with each other may reveal the semantic differences and the world view that arise from them. Starting from how the levels of vocabulary fit in conveying a global vision to the addressee, we wanted to treat the Holy Qur’an’s vision of the world from the perspective of the words “Alshakk” and “Al hasab”, and to match its levels by relying on the descriptive-analytical approach. We concluded that the four levels of the two words are in harmony and embrace with each other in conveying the global vision of the Holy Qur’an to the addressee. It seems that the semantic relationship between the two vocabulary is of a type of antagonism, where the four levels of the vocabulary of “Alshakk” correspond to the concepts of intellectual stagnation, mental lethargy, and authoritarianism, and the four levels of the vocabulary of account correspond to the concepts of intellectual transformation, renewal, and mental and intellectual fertility. The word “Alshakk” at the lexical level denotes stabbing and violating with a weapon, but the linguistic system of the Qur’an at the contextual level creates semantic proportionality in the relationship between the first connotation (stabbing and breaching with weapons) and the second connotation (what confuses a person). This indication was able to implant a modern global vision, which is that the presence of doubt in the human being leads to the stopping of the flow of his life and his standing in the fixed place, the loss of the categorical and the movement, and the robbery of efforts from him to reach the stage of certainty, as it causes the person to be unable to change his opinions, as if un
