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هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تدوین و آزمون الگویی از اثر رهبری مثبت بر رفتار شغلی پویا و توانمندسازی روانشناختی با میانجی گری تاب آوری سازمانی بود. نمونه دربرگیرنده 140 نفر از کارکنان شرکت خدمات بندری بود که با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند و چهار پرسشنامه شامل پرسشنامه رهبری مثبت، پرسشنامه رفتار شغلی پویا، پرسشنامه توانمندسازی روانشناختی و پرسشنامه تاب آوری سازمانی را تکمیل کردند. روش های آماری الگویابی معادلات ساختاری و ایموس برای تحلیل داده ها استفاده شد. نتایج نشان دادند الگوی پیشنهادی از برازش مناسبی برخوردار است. علاوه بر آن، نتایج حاکی از اثر غیرمستقیم رهبری مثبت بر رفتار شغلی پویا و توانمندسازی روانشناختی ازطریق تاب آوری سازمانی بود. براساس یافته های این تحقیق، رهبری مثبت به واسطه افزایش تاب آوری سازمانی نقش مؤثری در افزایش رفتار شغلی پویا و توانمندسازی روانشناختی دارد. پیشنهاد می شود به مفهوم تاب آوری سازمانی با توجه به کاربردهای قابل ملاحظه اش در محیط کار امروزی، به عنوان یک مزیت رقابتی برای سازمان ها توجه ویژه شود.  

Developing a Model for the Effect of Positive Leadership on Proactive Work Behavior and Psychological Empowerment: The Mediating of Organizational Reliance

The present study aimed to design and test a structural model for the effect of positive leadership on proactive work behavior and psychological empowerment via the mediation of organizational resilience. The sample consisted of 140 employees from a port company who were selected by random sampling method. They completed four questionnaires related to their positive leadership, proactive work behavior, psychological empowerment and organizational resilience. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for analyzing the data. The results showed that the proposed model fit the data very well. In addition, the results indicated an indirect effect of positive leadership on proactive work behavior and psychological empowerment through the mediation of organizational resilience. Based on the findings of this study, it can be mentioned that positive leadership has an effective role in increasing organizational resilience and psychological empowerment. It is suggested that specific attention be paid to the concept of organizational resilience due to its applications in today's workplace and competitive advantage for organizations. Introduction Positive leadership involves the implementation of multiple positive practices that help individuals and organizations to achieve their highest production and performance, generate positive deviant results, and create remarkable vitality in the workplace. The primary objectives of positive leadership are to flourish at work, to experience elevating energy, and to reach levels of effectiveness difficult to attain otherwise (Cameron, 2012). Arakawa and Greenberg (2007) reported that positive leadership can increase job satisfaction, attachment and organizational commitment. Moreover, organizational resilience, in the broad sense, is understood as the ability of an organization to adapt, to return to normal activities following shocks or threats, and to use lessons learned as a driving force to bounce-forward. It focuses on the permanent adaptive changes in organizations. Organizational resilience is also characterized by the intrinsic ability to maintain and regain a dynamically stable state that enables organizations to continue their activities after various shocks and work effectively ( Burnard et al., 2018). In addition, proactive work behavior is defined as taking initiative in improving current circumstances or creating new ones. It involves challenging the status quo rather than passively adapting to the present conditions (Crant, 2000). As this definition suggests, there are three main characteristics of proactive work behaviors: self-initiation, future-focus, and change-orientation. Proactive employees do not just react to a situation but they respond to needs or problems at work in an anticipatory manner, without being told or required to do so. Proactive behavior is future-focused and proactive individuals are driven to take actions based on the foresight about future occurrences before they actually happen (Parker  &  Collins, 2010). Furthermore, psychological empowerment has been defined by (Spreitzer, 1995) as the psychological process or state that is manifested in four cognitions, i.e., competence, impact, self- determination, and meaning. The main question of this present study was whether positive leadership could affect psychological empowerment and proactive work behavior through organizational resilience. Based on this question, a model of effect of positive leadership on proactive work behavior and psychological empowerment with mediating role of organizational resilience was developed and tested.   Method The statistical population of the study included employees of a port service and maritime transport company of Imam Khomeini Port, Iran. After coordination with human resource management, 180 participations were selected by simple random sampling method and completed four questionnaires including Positive Leadership Questionnaire ( a = .85), Proactive Job Behavior Questionnaire ( a = .86), Psychological Empowerment Questionnaire ( a =.91), and Organizational resilience Questionnaire ( a = .82). After excluding the questionnaires with missing and screening the data from the study, the sample included 42 females (30%) and 98 males (70%), and the average age of the sample was 31.48. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted via AMOS Version 24 as the main data analysis test of the study.   Results Table 1. illustrates the descriptive indexes and correlation coefficients for the variables in the study.     Table 1. Descriptive Indexes and Correlation Coefficients of Research Variables   4 3 2 1 Maximum Minimum Std. deviation M Variables         1 25 8 4/11 20/90 Positive leadership       1 0/346 ⃰ ⃰ 20 14 3/10 17/48 Organizational resilience     1 0/623 ⃰ ⃰ 0/159 20 12 3/70 15/26 Psychological empowerment   1 0/752 ⃰ ⃰ 0/811 ⃰ ⃰ 0/306 ⃰ ⃰ 30 9 4/88 25/55 Proactive work behavior p <0.01** p <0.05   *   Table 2. The Goodness of Fit Measures for the Proposed and Final Model RMSEA NFI CFI TLI IFI   AGFI GFI c2/df Df c2 Fitting 0/335 0/825 0/91 0/664 0/834 0/568 0/870 16/626 3 49/877 hypothesized model 0/035 0/992 0/999 0/96 0/999 0/992 0/97 1/174 2 3/349 final model As shown in the final model findings (Table 2), the fit index results indicate that the final model have a satisfactory fit to the data and provides a significantly better fit than suggested model     Organizational resilience 0/35   psychological empowerment Proactive work behavior Positive leadership 0/6500 0/80 0/03 0/06                                       Figure 1. Final structural model of the study According to Figure 1, positive leadership had a significant direct effect on organizational resilience ( β = 0/35, p =0/001), but it did not have significant direct effect on psychological empowerment ( β = -0/19, p =0/06) and proactive work behavior ( β =0/03, p =0/42). Furthermore, the direct paths from organizational resilience to empowerment ( β = 0/65, p =0/001) and proactive work behavior ( β = 0/80, p =0/002) were significant. Finally Bootstrap method was used to determine the indirect effects of positive leadership on psychological empowerment and proactive work through organizational resilience (Table 3).     Table 3. The Indirect Effects P Upper bound Lower bound Indirect effect Intermediate path 0.001 0.312 0.133 0.223 Positive leadership → Organizational resilience → Psychological empowerment 0.001 0.374 0.167 0.277 Positive leadership → Organizational resilience → Proactive work behavior The bootstrap method with 95% confidence intervals showed that the distances between the down bound and the upper bound of organizational resilience did not not cross zero. The absence of zero at this distance ensures the significance of indirect paths. Therefore, indirect effect results of the mediation analysis in Table 3 confirmed that organizational resilience exerted a significant mediating role in the relation between positive leadership with psychological empowerment and proactive work behavior. Conclusion The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of positive leadership on psychological empowerment and proactive job behavior via the mediating role of organizational resilience. The results showed that positive leadership was not directly related to proactive work behavior and psychological empowerment, while positive leadership was significantly related to proactive work behavior and psychological empowerment through organizational resilience. Positive leaders in challenging situations can create deep differences in understanding challenges. Such leaders are able to help their followers see threats as an opportunity to thrive and to believe that everyone is responsible for their success. The work environment in which the strengths of the employees are optimized and the recognition of participation and their contribution will lead to the feeling of self-control and experience, consequently, the employees will receive more energy to do their work. It is vital for managers to focus on the strengths of individuals as a way to achieve organizational goals because strengths lead to increased job involvement (Samba et al., 2017). According to the results, it is suggested that positive leadership style is taught through holding training courses for all managers of the company and it is supported as the dominant leadership style in the organization. Taking actions such as delegation of authority and increased autonomy of employees in organizational decision making can provide the ground for increasing psychological empowerment of employees. This will be possible through the implementation of positive leadership style.   Ethical Consideration Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: All ethical issues such as informed consent and confidentiality of participants' identity were respected Funding: This study was conducted with financial support shahid Chamran Univversity of Ahvaz. Ahvaz. Iran (SCU.EP1401) Acknowledgment: The author thanks all participants in the study.   *. Corresponding author
