
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


بنا بر تعریف بینامتنیت، هر متن با بازآفرینی معانی گذشته، صورت متحول شده متون پیش از خود است. رولان بارت با طرح بینامتنیت خوانشی و توجه به مخاطب، گستره نوینی را به روی تاویل معنا و خوانش چندباره آثار هنری و ادبی گشود. در این نوشتار سه اثر از مجموعه آثار فیگوراتیو منصور قندریز، به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، توسط نویسنده و جامعه آماری منتخب وی، مورد خوانش بینامتنی قرار گرفته است. هدف اصلی در این پژوهش، اول: امکان کاربرد روش بینامتنی در خوانش آثاری بدون امکانات ارجاعی مختلف (نوشتار، رنگ و...) و دوم: شناخت میزان و چگونگی بهره-برداری از روابط بینامتنی (همچون ارجاع صریح به متن های دیگر) توسط مخاطبینی با جامعه آماری متفاوت است. بنا بر نتیجه الف) با وجود آنکه این آثار، از وجوه شاخص خوانش آثار تجسمی به روش بینامتنی، همچون کلاژ و نوشتار و گاه رنگ و بافت بهره نبرده اند، اما به دلیل وجود فضای سورالیستی حاکم بر تصویر، خوانش های متفاوتی را پذیرا هستند. ب) بسیاری از مخاطبین، با خوانشی ترکیبی، بطور همزمان از انواع شیوه متنی، بینامتنی و بافتاری بهره برده اند ج) تحلیل خوانش ها مشخص نمود که ارتباط نزدیکی میان شناخت و پیش متن های ذهنی هر فرد با خوانش بینامتنی وی وجود دارد.

Intertextual readings Figurative works by Mansour Ghandriz

The visual and content features in the treasure of the rules and cultural and social traditions that exist in the minds and minds of the author and the audience are pre-existing; creating the effect, and on the other hand, repeated reading of the works of art by the audience. Interpersonal reading by focusing on the audience is the approach put forward by Roland Barth, a cognizant and theoretician of cultural studies, and introduced it into a new area of meanings; instead of examining and introducing texts that At the time of the creation of the work, they have played a role in creating it, looking at the texts that are involved in its reading. In this essay, based on the interpersonal nature of Barthes's reading, three works from the compositions of Manusur Ghandriz's compositions, which have been dealt with a far-fetched, objective, and mythical mentality, have been read. This collection of Qandriz's works, based on the author's information, has never been thoroughly examined, and the artist has been exposed by the collection of works of Tabriz (with people in rural clothing) and most notably with the collection of works of his so-called " Recognize that Reading each image is based on the writer's view and author's chosen statistical society by discovering the basis of the images and returning it to the structure of the elemental elements and recognizing the content and content of the original and presenting the pre-texts in the works. In fact, what matters here is not the pretext of creating works based on the views of the author and the creator of the work, but the preconception of the mindset of the audience, on the basis of which the readings are affected. The main purpose of this research is to first examine the possibility of using the intertextual method in reading works without any referential resources, and secondly, knowing how much and how to use intertextual relationships and explicit reference to other texts is different from the audience with the statistical community. As a result of this, although these works have not benefited from the two aspects of reading the visual effects in an intertextual way, namely, collage and text, sometimes color and texture, but because of the visual and symbolic features as well as the spherical space Ruling on the image, there are different readings. B) Many audiences, combined with syntax, simultaneously use a variety of textual, intertextual, and textual methods. C) Analysis of readings revealed that the close relationship between the cognition and the subtextual contours of each individual with his intertextual reading There is. Based on this, the audience can not be categorically divided into textual, intertextual, and textual audiences, and it can be said that textual reading, universal reading, and intertextual reading relate to individuals with knowledge and mental pretexts. This suggests that there is a relatively close relationship between specialized education and intertextual reading; In other words, there is a proximity between the level of knowledge and the subjective preconceptions of each individual with his intertextual reading.
