
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


هنر سفالگری ایران، از دیرباز به عنوان قدیمی ترین نمونه آثار تولیدی، مهم ترین شاخص های فرهنگی، اجتماعی و هنری ایران را بازنمود ساخته است. در این میان، شیوه سفالگری زرین فام، نقطه اوج سفالگری اسلامی در ایران است. در اوج دوران تولید سفالینه های زرین فام در سده هفتم هجری قمری، هنرمندان ایرانی به خصوص خاندان های صنعتگر و هنرمند مانند خاندان طاهر کاشانی، با توسعه روش های ساخت آثار زرین فام به چنان توانایی در این عرصه دست یافتند که این فن را در کتیبه کاشی ها و محراب مهم ترین اماکن مقدس ایران به کار بستند. این مقاله در بستری تاریخی و تطبیقی، به بررسی نمونه های موجود در مزار حضرت فاطمه معصومه(س) و چگونگی رابطه آنها با نمونه های دیگر در ایران پرداخته است. بر این اساس، همکاری خاندان ابی طاهر به صورت خاص «محمد بن ابی طاهر» و «علی بن محمد» و شخص «ابوزید» در تولید این آثار بر اساس رقم های موجود، مشهود است. اهمیت آثار به حدی است که رقم «ابوزید» را در دو کتیبه مجزا می توان مشاهده کرد. همچنین تاریخ 602 ه.ق و رقم بانیان کاشی ها می تواند آنها را قدیمی ترین نمونه کتیبه کاشی های موجود در این سرزمین معرفی کند.      

Investigation of Lustre Tiles of Fatemeh-Masumeh Holy Shrine in Qom

Since a long time ago, the Iranian pottery has been the oldest method of production and this art work has presented the most important cultural, social and artistic characteristics of Iranian people. Meanwhile, the method of lustre pottery, as the Islamic climax of pottery, includes numerous characteristics in the field of Iranian art. In the 7th century AH., the golden time of lustre pottery production, Iranian artists and industrialists such as Taher Kashani family developed production of lustre pottery and gained mastery in this field, they also used this technique in the inscriptions and sanctuaries of the most important holy places in Iran. This article studies some existing types of the lustre tiles in Fatemeh-Masumeh’s tomb in Qom and their relationship with other types in Iran. Regarding the signatures on the inscriptions, we can find the oldest lustre tile. The Islamic Iranian pottery improved significantly in different cities of Iran by the development of the science, culture and civilization. From the 5th century AH onward, a style has been grown according to Iranian national and religious concepts that the best ones can be sought in 7th century AH. The technical and artistic complexity and glory in the development of the methods of the lustre tiles were presented in the inscriptions of lustre tiles in the early 7th century AH. By the support of some founders of that time, some artists like “Abu Zeid” and “Taher Kashani” families could tie the lustre tiles to the body of Fatemeh-Masumeh’s tomb for the first time. The work finished in 602 AH., and it was the first work that included all the artistic and historical features in itself. Perhaps the work of the lustre tiles of Fatemeh-Masumeh’s holy shrine and Imam Reza’s holy shrine which were done in 612 AH. by these groups of artists were the last attempts and works in Kharazmshahian era and before the Mogul invasion to Iran. The name of “Muhammad Ibn Abi Taher” is written on the inscriptions as the manufacturer and calligrapher. In this work like the other works, “Abu Zeid” had done the decoration of the tiles. The name of “Abu Zeid” was written on two separate tiles. Also, in the following decades and probably in 663 AH., “Ali Ibn Muhamad” the son of the “Muhammad Ibn Abi Taher” installed the tiles with different designs and techniques in the tomb. The name of its founder “Muzafar Ibn Ahmad Ibn Ismael” and its installer who was one of the Kharazmshahi rulers were written on the inscription. This collection is a precious and national work and it also shows the religious respect of its creators to it. It has been an artistic indicator and one of the prominent and oldest examples in the terms of pottery and ceramic. “Caiger-Smith” believes that the lustre tiles innovation was the most important achievement of Muslims in the field of ceramic.
