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دانش بین رشته ایِ جامعه شناسی هنر، برای شناخت جوامع، به آثار هنری نیز رجوع می کند. در این مقاله، هنر نگارگری دوره ایلخانی و تیموری ازنظر جامعه شناختی بررسی می شود. هدف اصلی این تحقیق بنیادی که با روش توصیفی و نمونه پژوهی انجام گرفته، یافتن عوامل مؤثر بر هنر و هنرمندان این دو دوره تاریخی است. فرضیه اصلی نیز بر تأثیر عوامل اجتماعی، سیاسی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی بر هنر و هنرمندان، در مقابل تأثیر هنر بر جامعه مبتنی است. برای این منظور، دو نگاره از کتاب های جامع التواریخ رشیدی و ظفرنامه تیموری به عنوان نمونه، تحلیل تطبیقی می شوند. وجه اشتراک این دو نگاره، تأکید بر عظمت مقام شاهی است و تنها وجه تمایز این دو اثر، در نوع نگاه هنرمندان به پادشاه است که در شرایط سیاسی و اجتماعی این دو دوره تاریخی ریشه دارد. در جمع بندی کلی، ارتباطی دوسویه در عظمت بخشی به حاکمان و هنر این دوره ها دیده می شود. بنابراین، می توان گفت هنر نگارگری دوره ایلخانی و تیموری، نقش بسیار مهمی در بقا و القای عظمت این حکومت ها داشت و درواقع، حمایت از هنر، قدرتی والا برای پادشاهان به ارمغان می آورد.

A Comparative and Sociological Study of Rashid's Jami al- Tawarikh and Timur-Zafarnama's Pictures*

Sociology of art is one of the branches of sociology that knows art as the reflection of the social, political, economic and cultural processes. This branch of sociology studies artists, artworks, art audiences and the politics of art and culture.The interdisciplinary science of sociology of art refers to the artworks in order to identify societies. Therefore, this article is a sociological study of Ilkhani and Timuri΄s Persian painting. This fundamental research based on descriptive method and case study aims to investigate the factors affecting art and artists of the aforementioned historical periods. The main assumption of this research is based on social, political, economic, and cultural factors influencing the arts and the artists and also the impact of art on society. This article will try to study the art of Persian painting which deeply linked with policies until thirteen centry.For this purpose,the art of Ilkhani and Timurid will be studied, and to understand the social influence of art in these periods, two paintings of Jami- al-Tawarikh and Timur Zafarnamah are chosen to be comparatively analyzed. The subscription of the paintings is focused on the greatness of the king. The only distinction between the two works is in artist΄s view of the kings which in Jami-al-tawarikh, a terrible space of Holagokhan΄s arrival has shown, but in the picture of Timur Zafarnamah, a quite space of Timur΄s presence is shown along with his courtiers. This distinction relates to the political and social conditions and we see a greater cultural and political stability in the Timurid period. Art works of these periods express Ilkhani and Timuri's political, social, and cultural conditions as well. The main cultural wealth of Ilkhani΄s artists was Robe- Rashidi΄s building , by construction of this building, the artists of this period came together to scribe and visualise the Scientific and historical books and in this regard, they also benefited from the support of the Mughal rulers. From this date onwards, the tradition of team work was established in Mughals and continued in later periods. Undoubted in such a cultural atmosphere, exchanging ideas between artists were led to the development and growth of arts. On the other side, Ilkhani and Timurid rulers reach to political stability by supporting Art and Artists. In fact art had aristocratic aspect for them to represent themselves great. In general, the artists were trying to draw the kings consent and on the other hand the kings tried to provide a good environment for artist, so it can be said that there is a two-way relationship between magnifying the rulers and the arts, especially in the period of Timurid because the Timurid rulers supported more artists than Ilkhani rulers. It can be stated that throughout the history, arts including Persian painting in two periods of Ilkhani and Timurid had a critical role in the survival and induction of the governments, thus supporting the arts had brought magnificent power to the kings
