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هنرمندان از عناصر مختلفی برای نمایش فکر یا ایده های خود استفاده می کنند و چگونگی کاربرد این عناصر، گویایی یا گنگی پیامشان را درپی دارد. کار پژوهشی گسترده ای روی برخی از این عناصر انجام شده؛ اما عواملی مانند «زاویه دید»، «فاصله» و «قاب بندی» نیمه ی تاریک و چالش برانگیز این مجموعه هستند که کمتر به آنها پرداخته شده. عامل زاویه دید در کیفیت احساسی و بصری تصویر نقش به سزایی دارد. ممکن است از یک زاویه، عناصر داخل کادر بهم فشرده و نامشخص به نظر برسند و از زاویه دیگر، واضح و مشخص دیده شوند. همان قدر که انتخاب صحیح زاویه می تواند مشوق و راهنمای مخاطب باشد، زاویه غلط هم می تواند او را سر درگم و گمراه کند. بنابراین انتخاب زاویه باید با در نظر گرفتن عوامل زیبایی، فنی و احساسی باشد تا به بهترین وجه موضوع تصویر را به بیننده ارائه دهد. در این پژوهش به شیوه تحقیق "توسعه ای" و روش "تحلیلی-توصیفی" مفاهیم از منابع نظری گوناگون برداشت، تحلیل و در طبقه بندی جدیدی قرار گرفته اند تا نسبت به نمونه های مطالعاتی قبلی مفهوم پردازی «زاویه دید» کامل تر ارائه شده باشد. زاویه دید کیفیت فضا و موضوع تصویر را دگرگون می کند و قابلیت القا معانی گوناگونی را نظیر: تجسم منطقی فضا/تجسم غیر ممکن و آزادانه، اغراق و مبالغه/سادگی، سکون/تحرک، خودی/بیگانگی، مرموز/ قابل اعتماد، پیچیدگی/وضوح دارد.

Relationship between variations of “Point of view” and modification of message in visual arts

Visual artists use pictorial elements to show their feelings or ideas in images, so it is important for them how to use these elements to convey the visual message clearly. Researchers have gained valuable result because of significant studies in some fundamental elements as: line, surface, texture, however, some factors like “point of view”, “distance” and “frame” have usually been ignored by them, yet these factors are impressive in visual communications. “Point of view” induces some effects on visual and perceptual quality of subjects in pictures. Wrong angles of view maybe make ambiguous figures, and mislead the seers, so confuse them to understand what they see in picture, in the other hand, correct angles can encourage and direct viewers to see the depicted people, objects and space in ways that image maker want they have been seen by spectator. Therefore choosing the “point of view” is a part of aesthetics, technical and perceptual aspect of image making that indicate actions, emotions, events and the meaning of picture. The approach in this study is “analytical-descriptive” and theories are chosen from different field as: Illustration, graphic design, photography, cinema and animation literatures. meanwhile the writers of this essay not only have influenced by recourses have provided visual trait of “point of view” but also utilized researches in field of anthropology and aesthetics, visual perception and history of art. We would like to claim in this study “Point of view” is conceptualized more completely rather than literal resources we mentioned before. Finally different level of meaning, visual trait and information aspect of “point of view” is put together in a simple category henceforth can be consider as an effective factor in image making. “point of view” can be consider as a significant device in moods of representation. The horizontal angle is a function of the relation between viewer and subject of picture as a frontal or an oblique point of view and there are degrees of obliqueness that these can consider as degrees of involvement of the viewer with the subject.The vertical angle is an impression of power and this is, again, a matter of degree. If the represented subject is seen from a high angle, then the relation between the seer and represented subject is depicted as one in which the represented subject is seen from the point of view of power. If the represented subject is seen from a low angle, then the relation between the seer and subject is seen that represented subject has power over the viewer. If, finally, the picture is at eye level, then the point of view is one of equality and there is no power difference involved. The point of view also excites concepts like: equilibrium/ mobility, exaggeration/ simplicity, ambiguity/ clarity, commotion/ unity. These connotative meanings attach to straight message of picture and can reveal the attitude of image maker. The most of the significant art work in visual communication take advantage by point of view to convey unconsciously the connotative meaning to the viewers.
