
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


استان سیستان و بلوچستان منطقه ای است که همواره مشکلات عدیده ای داشته است. بدون شک برنامه ریزی اقتصادمحور نقش بسزایی در ثبات یا پراکندگی جمعیت دارد. منظور از توسعه اقتصادی محلی بالابردن ظرفیت اقتصادی یک منطقه به منظور بهبود شاخص های اقتصادی آن است که با بهبود شاخص های اقتصادی به جد می توان از مقوله مهاجرت نه تنها جلوگیری بلکه منطقه را به منطقه ای مهاجرپذیر تبدیل کرد. بنابراین هدف اصلی در این مطالعه یافتن الگوی توسعه محلی است که براساس رویکرد دارایی محور تدوین شده است. در این مقاله از روش پژوهش منطق فازی استفاده می کنیم. شیوه جمع آوری داده ها کتابخانه ای و میدانی است. در روش میدانی از مشاهده، پرسشنامه، مصاحبه و جمع آوری اطلاعات مورد نیاز بهره می گییم. پس از جمع آوری اطلاعات، برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از مدل منطق فازی استفاده می کنیم. با توجه به اهمیت کار و گستردگی منطقه از مدل منطق فازی برای شناسایی اولویت های سرمایه گذاری بهره می گیریم. سرانجام با توجه به اطلاعات به دست آمده از مدل ها و اطلاعات جمع آوری شده راهکاهای راهبردی و اجرایی ارائه می دهیم. همچنین با توجه به ظرفیت های منطقه ای و اجتماعی به دست آمده و الگوی اقتصاد محلی، پیشنهادهای راهبردی و اجرایی در زمینه های افزایش امنیت پایدار، توسعه و آمایش سرزمینی استان سیستان و بلوچستان و ایجاد اشتغال ارائه می دهیم.

Regional potentials in the flourishing of local economy (LED) in Sistan and Baluchestan

The desire to live better and move towards a bright tomorrow and have a land full of prosperity has been one of the great goals and ideals of all nations, and people always pursue and imagine the achievement of this goal and their ideal in the efforts of politicians, statesmen and thinkers of their society. On the other hand, the lack of regional balances and the unbalanced distribution of services and facilities in an inappropriate manner are among the main characteristics of third world countries and Iran. Today, several factors have caused the creation of a network of central places or settlement hierarchies that have affected other surrounding areas, while regional inequalities in all their forms and levels can have unfortunate consequences. In order to know the difference in the level of development of the regions, it is necessary to first examine the existing situation of the region so that it is possible to plan accordingly to reduce or eliminate the differences. At the regional level, creating a logical balance between people, employment and services is one of the desirable ideals. Also, inequality undermines the political legitimacy of the government and gradually puts the government on the path of destruction. In addition, the existence of inequality and its different dimensions are important signs of underdevelopment. Lack of accurate knowledge of the priority economic sectors of the province and their growth capacities has caused that the capital, facilities, support and development policies of the province are not properly focused on the priority sectors with the ability to grow, which has caused the loss of opportunities for the development of the province. Therefore, recognizing the advantageous part of the province to focus support measures and optimal management of economic resources and to promote economic efficiency is one of the most important needs of the province to achieve its development goals. In this research, we want to identify the capacities of local economic growth and development in this province, and present a codified program with the aim of economic growth in this province, followed by the growth and stability of the population in this region. The asset-oriented development of regions is based on the identification of existing capacities and funds, their strengthening and exploitation. This approach emphasizes the process instead of the outcome and seeks to build capacity by mobilizing local funds. In this approach, the perspective of planning and management from the bottom up is based on the empowerment and collective participation of residents. The underdevelopment of any region can challenge human security and national security. This issue has a double effect on the marginal and border regions, because if the marginal regions lag behind in development and the statesmen of a country do not solve the problems and issues of the marginal people in the periphery, migration from the periphery to the center will inevitably occur, and this migration is also an objective dimension. And it also has a psychological dimension. So that the immigrants will bring the problems of the periphery to the center, and at a distance closer to the center, they will create a new periphery where the security risks of these margins are tens of times higher than the previous type of periphery. In addition, the emptying of border and marginal areas of the country increases the vulnerability of borders and human and national security of the country. Now, according to the mentioned cases, with the aim of identifying the regional capacities in the prosperity of the local economy of Sistan and Baluchistan, the question is raised, what are the regional capacities in the prosperity of the local economy of Sistan and Baluchistan? The current research is descriptive and correlational. Considering the nature of this research, it is preferable to use both qualitative and quantitative methods at the same time. In the first part, we have created a conceptual model and theory related to the subject under study by using library documents and reviewing previous studies, and then we have evaluated the indicators and the current situation using quantitative criteria and tested the conceptual model. The statistical population of the research is experts in the field of local economy and development, and the sampling method of experts is also random. In this research, we used descriptive and inferential methods in two separate parts to analyze statistical information. At the level of descriptive statistics, we have used the indicators of frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation. In the inferential statistics section, we use quantitative methods using SPSS, EXCEL and SWOT software. In this research, the factors extracted from the factor analysis for each economic sector form the normal value of membership functions, and the upper and lower limits of this membership function are obtained by adding and subtracting one and two standard deviations from the normal value. Therefore, for each part, five membership functions are defined, which show very high, high, normal, low and very low levels. The results of the data-output table of Sistan and Baluchistan Province show that none of the economic sectors of the province have been able to provide more than 50% of their intermediate needs from within the province. On the other hand, none of the departments of the province have a strong relationship with other economic sectors in terms of product supply; Therefore, most of the economic sectors of the province provide a part of their intermediary needs by importing from other provinces and abroad. This causes the province to be an importer of labor from other provinces and abroad despite having the capacity to attract labor. In other words, the weakness of inter-sectoral links in the province has caused this province to provide its inter-sectoral needs through imports and to use the labor force outside the province and the country for production. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the problem of unemployment in the urban areas of the province with appropriate investment in user sectors such as construction, wholesale and retail services, and transportation and storage services, and in the current situation, besides direct job creation in the sectors, indirect job creation should also be paid attention to. For example, the sectors of other public and social services, real estate services and agriculture are indirectly effective in creating employment. Finally, one of the problems of Iran's economy is the high unemployment rate of university-educated people. Unfortunately, until now, Iran's Statistics Center has not published the statistics related to university-educated workers by major economic sectors. The publication of these statistics can determine the capacities of economic sectors to attract university-educated people and in this way help to solve the unemployment problem of these people.  
