أصل اللغة مقاربة لسانیة
تکلم علماء اللغه کثیرا عن موضوع نشأه اللغه وأصل اللغات وکل ادعى ان لغته الأصل مستندین بذلک على ما ورد من نصوص فی الکتب السماویه کل حسب ما یعتقد ویدین، بل ذهبوا الى ابعد من ذلک فقالوا ان لغاتهم هی لغه اهل الجنه وانها هی التی تحدث بها ادم علیه السلام عادین ذلک مزیه للغه التی یتکلم بها دون غیرها، وهذا ما وجدناه عند علماء العربیه أیضا، شأنهم بذلک شأن علماء الأمم الأخرى، کالسریانین وغیرهم، ویبدوا ان القول بالأصلیه له دوافع عدیده ستنطرق لها لاحقا، عند ذکرنا جمله من اقوال المحدثین والقدامى من العرب وغیرهم، فی مسأله النشأه، مقاربین تلک الآراء مقاربه لسانیه حدیثه مستنده على رأی جومسکی الذی طرحه فی نظریته التحویلیه التولیدیه، فضلا عن بعض اراء علماء اللغه المحدثین، وکذلک التوقف عند مسأله الأصل والاختلاف بین اللغات من خلال مقاربتها قرآنیا، الذی نرى انه ینفی ان تکون اللغه العربیه او غیرها هی اصل اللغات بل ان الاختلاف هو الاصل وهو المیزه لکل اللغات بل ان الله تعالى جعل اختلاف اللغات آیه من آیاته التی ابتدعها ابتداء وهی بمرتبه خلق السموات والأرض، کما سیتضح من خلال البحث، وکذلک سنثبت ان الاختلاف لا یعد مزیه للغه، وانما هو وضع طبیعی، وهل نحن بحاجه الى وجود لغه واحده، محاولین التوفیق بین ما جاء به علم اللغه الحدیث وما جاء به القران الکریم، وفی الختام ینتهی البحث بالنتائج سائلین الله تعالى التوفیقThe Origin of Language: A Linguistic Approach
Linguists have spoken a lot about the issue of the genesis of language and the origin of languages, and each linguist claimed that their language is the original, depending on texts from heavenly books according to what they believe or profess. They further said that theirs is the language of Paradise and that it is what Adam (Peace be upon him) spoke. They consider it a merit to their language before all other languages. This is what we found among Arab scholars as well as the scholars of other nations like Syriacs and others. It seems that there are many motives behind this claim of originality, and that will be discussed when we tackle the opinions of old and modern Arab scholars later. We will approach these opinions linguistically depending on the opinions of Chomsky, which he put forward in his Transformational Generative Theory. The issue of the origin and differences between languages will be approached by the Qur’an, which disclaims that Arabic language or any other language is the first one. Rather, the difference is the origin and is the feature of all languages. Indeed, God Almighty made the difference of languages one of His signs that He created in the beginning and it is as great as the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. The research will prove that the difference is not a merit of language, but a natural state, and that there is no need to have only one language, trying to reconcile what was brought by modern linguistics and what came in the Holy Qur’an. The research concludes with the results, asking God Almighty to grant success.