
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


إن خصوصیه المنجز األدبی وتمظهراته تفرض سؤاال معرفیا حول أیهما أکثر تأثیرا فی صیاغه نسق إبداعی محدد، هل هو الحقل البیئی المجتمعی أم قراءات الإدیب، بغض النظر عن اتساقها أو عدم اتساقها مع البیئه المجتمعیه؟ وأیهما األقدر على رسم المحددات المباشره وغیر المباشره فی حقل  اإلنتاج األدبی؟ وأیهما تمثل معرفه متعالیه ومعرفه محایثه للنص اإلبداعی؟وعلى هدی الرؤیه السابقه، سیتبنى البحث تحدید األطر المنهجیه وآلیات التطبیق فی قراءه طبیعه تکون المنجز اإلبداعی، وعلى وفق المفردات اآلتیه: اعتماد المقاربه البحثیه المرتکزه على المرجعیات الفکریه والثقافیه، وتحدید أثرها فی تبیئه المفاهیم المنهجیه، واألسئله الوارده فی البحث تحدد نمطا إجرائیا یکون مقدمه لسلسله من العملیات الالحقه التی تستلزم إجراء استبانه للمبدعین، بوصفهم عینه الدراسه، لتوضیح وتحلیل طبیعه الظاهره التی یتبنى البحث قراءتها؛ ومن المجموع اإلجرائی المتقدم تتحدد استنتاجات البحث، بوصفه نوعا متخصصا من اإلجراء.

An Applied Study of Contemporary Iraqi Creative Achievement: A Reading Reference or a Community Reference?

The research vision was determined in choosing the intellectual-cultural approach and using it in reading the experience of literary creativity. Because the intellectual and cognitive references affect the considerations of the creative understanding of expression patterns governed by preconceived visions that formed the cognitive reference for them, the most important of which is how the creator established his awareness and the references he employed and drew from them to form his specialized and transformative vision at the same time. The civilized system on which the Arab environment was built derives its power from religious, cognitive, and cultural spaces and patterns that extend with coherent roots in civilized and human activities characterized by influential and effective achievements that led to the emergence of schools. Each aspect of schools has its own distinct lines by which they are known, but this differentiation did not prevent the structural connection between the various fields of knowledge to be identified in the ranges of civilizational formation so that this relational interaction resulted in specialized aspects known as the Arab creative achievement, which is considered a testament to the impact of the environment on the creative phenomenon and its formation. However, the specificity of the literary achievement and its manifestations pose cognitive questions: Is it the environmental-community field or the literary readings regardless of their consistency or inconsistency with the societal environment? Which manifestation is best able to draw direct and indirect determinants in the field of literary production? Which one represents transcendental knowledge and immanent knowledge of the creative text? This study adopts the identification of methodological frameworks and application mechanisms in reading the nature of the creative achievement. The specific theorizing vision of the nature of the research approach is based on intellectual and cultural references and their impact on the development of methodological concepts. The questions contained in the research define a procedural pattern that is an introduction to a series of subsequent operations that require a questionnaire for the creators (as the study sample) to clarify and analyze the nature of the phenomenon that the research adopts to read. The research was organized into four sections: 1) the methodological limits of the research, 2) defining the concepts of reading and community reference, 3) the practical aspect, and 4) conclusions and recommendations. The results of the study showed that the reading effect was clear in determining the creative writing experience of poets, writers, and novelists. The aesthetic dimension coincides with the societal importance in the formulation of contemporary poetic and prose experiences, emphasizing the importance of the reading act as an important reference, which was demonstrated by the third sequence of percentage weight. The creative awareness does not consist of a single system far from other systems, but rather intertwines between them in a specific hierarchy, as shown in the third sequence of percentage weight. Also, the writer cannot completely separate the references without a forced separation far from the true vision of the writer, which is what was produced by the percentage weight of the fourth sequence. The reading reference often prevails, despite its overlap with other references, but this reference may already overlap significantly with the societal reference. The results of the statistical research are capable of achieving a disciplined scientific vision of the nature of critical approaches related to the nature of literary creativity and the nature of its formation in the awareness of the creator and achieving it as a cultural and cognitive structure. Adopting disciplined cognitive foundations in dealing with creative texts, especially in the monetary system, and establishing specialized research centers that adopt preparation for the formulation of an Arab critical theory consistent with the Arab knowledge, civilization, and creativity structures are recommended.
