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یعد الإبداع من أهم المستلزمات لتحقیق الاکتشافات والاختراعات والتطورات فی مختلف مجالات الحیاه، ویحظى الیوم باهتمام کبیر من جانب الخبراء فی مجال التعلیم. تستهدف هذه الدراسه الکشف عن مدى توافر مؤشّرات الإبداع فی کتب العربیه للمرحله الثانویه الأولى على أساس نموذج بلیسک. منهج البحث فی هذه الدراسه وصفی ومن نوع تحلیل المحتوى. عینه الدراسه هی مجتمع الدراسه نفسه، وهی مکوّنه من جمیع محتوى کتب العربیه (التمارین، والصور، والنصوص)، لهذه المرحله فی المدارس الإیرانیه للعام الدراسی 1398 1399ﻫ.ش / 2019 2020م، ویصل عدد الکتب إلى 3 مجلدات. لتحقیق أهداف البحث، تم استخدام استماره تحلیل المحتوى المعتمده على نموذج بلیسک للإبداع کأداه الدراسه. یتکون هذا النموذج من 13 مؤشّراً موزّعه على ثلاثه مبادئ (الانتباه، والهروب، والتحرک الذهنی)، وأربع مراحل (التحضیر، والخیال، والتنمیه / التطویر، والعمل)؛ إضافه إلى ذلک، استخدمنا منهج آنتروبی شانون للتقییم هادفین تحدید مدى أهمیه العناصر المدروسه فی الکتب عینه البحث. وقد أشارت نتائج الدراسه أن محتوى کتب العربیه فی هذه المرحله ینطوی على حوالی 70٪ من الوحدات غیر النشطه. فی تقییم هذه الکتب على أساس نموذج بلیسک للإبداع، وجدنا أکبر اهتمام للمبدأ الأول (الانتباه)؛ أما المبادئ الأخرى فحظیت بأقل قدر من الاهتمام، بحیث یکون مبدأ التحرک الذهنی موجودا فقط فی کتاب الصف التاسع المدرسی؛ لذا فإن محتوى الکتب المدرسیه المذکوره لا یتوافق مع مبادئ الإبداع فی نظریه بلیسک ویتمتع بأقلّ فعالیه فی خلق الإبداع لدى المتعلمین وتعزیزه.

Content analysis of Arabic textbooks of first grade of high school according to creativity pattern of Plesk

Introduction Creativity is one of the techniques of accessing discoveries, inventions, and different development in various backgrounds of life and nowadays is considered by many of experts of training domain. The results of many scientific research and achievements demonstrate that creativity is not a characteristic of some special people but many people have this hidden ability which can be trained in suitable circumstances at home, school and other life situations (Alodeh, 2006, p 1). Therefore, it is necessary to study the effect of textbooks content on creativity development of students. The present study is to analyze the Arabic textbooks of the first grade of high school according to creativity pattern of Plesk.   The Method The present study is performed by the aim of accessing Arabic textbooks of the first grade of high school to the components of Plesk creativity. The research method is descriptive and content analysis type. Society is consistent to the statistical sample and includes all Arabic textbooks contents (exercises, pictures, and texts) of this grade of Iran schools in in educational years of 2019-2020 (1398-1399 AHS). The numbers of Arabic textbooks are 3.   Research tools The tool is a content analysis form according to creativity pattern of Plesk. The form consists of 13 components which are divided into three elements (attention, escape, mental motion) and four phases (preparation, imagination, development, and action) additionally, Shannon Entropy method has been used for determining importance coefficient of the components of the studied textbooks.   Validity and reliability of the research tools For Validity, first, elements, phases, and components of the Plesk creativity rotation (1997) were achieved from the related references and then the pattern is confirmed by academic experts (one expert in Shannon Entropy and two in Arabic language training), after that, 20% of the content of every three textbooks was selected and coding process was completed according to the Plesk creativity model indices and the procedural definitions by researchers separately. Finally, the percentage of the agreement among encoders was calculated by Pearson correlation coefficient and SPSS software. Correlation coefficient among encoders was 0.84. Data analysis was done by descriptive analytic method. At the first stage, active and inactive units specified separately for every three textbooks. Then, frequency of indices of Plesk creativity rotation according to the designed check list of content analysis was calculated among the active units in texts, exercises, and the pictures of the textbooks. In order to analyze the quantitative content in addition to frequency of the studied indices and also significance coefficient of indices, Shannon entropy method was applied for finding more powerful and reliable findings.   Results The results of analysis demonstrated that the content of Arabic textbooks in this grade is inactive about 70%. In the analysis of the textbooks according to Plesk creativity pattern, it is identified that the element of “attention” is more considered and the element of “mental motion” is only on the textbook of 9 th grade, therefore, the content of the aforesaid textbooks is not consistent with creativity principles of Plesk theory and is less effective in creation and raising creativity in learners.
