
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


السلیقه اللغویه حصیله لازمه فی اللهجه العامیه فی جمیع اللغات؛ والبحث هنا یختص بالعربیه. فالمعجم الذهنی الذی یرتضعه الطفل، یؤدی به ذلک إلى أمیه الابتعاد والانحراف والغربه تماما عن القرآن وإرث العربیه أو یوقع المتعلم فی البیئه المدرسیه فی تبعات الازدواج اللغوی الذی یجعله یکابد التصویب اللغوی فی جمیع مراحل التعلیم. وهذا الخضوع یهدد منذرا بموت الفصحى بین طبقات مختلفه من البیئه اللغویه العربیه؛ بسبب انحرافها عن الإرث اللغوی للفصحى، وعن عربیه القرآن نطقا ودلاله؛ لذلک جاء التنبیه على التنشئه البیتیه والإعداد المدرسی فی بناء وعی لغوی سلیم ینأى بالطفل عن مکابده الازدواج اللغوی فی مراحل تأهیله الثقافی، بما یغرس لدیه القدره التولیدیه على المستوى الصوابی فی الصوغ القیاسی؛ وقد نبه البحث على الاختلاف بین العامیه والفصحى على مستویات صوتیه، وصرفیه، ونحویه ودلالیه، وأشار إلى علاقه المعجم الذهنی بالقدره التولیدیه، ثم عرض إستراتیجیات تعین على استیعاب الحصیله اللغویه، وعرض لجهود علماء العربیه فی بیان علاقه السلیقه اللغویه بالصوغ القیاسی، وختم فی نتائج البحث ومقترحاته بالإشاره إلى دلاله الوعی الحضاری فی العربیه الفصحى، وإلى دور معطیاتها فی استنهاض الوعی الحضاری.

Mental Dictionary and Standard Forms between Colloquial Arabic Dialects and Classical Arabic

Human languages suffer from the negative aspects of the phenomenon of bilingualism. When the competition of foreign languages with the national language represents a conflict on the cultural level, the most dangerous conflict or the most profound impact is consolidation of slang and its verbal and semantic dictionaries in people’s minds with one linguistic structure through the circulation of its customary and grammatical forms. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the danger of colloquialism in instilling a level of sanity in the youthful language, which makes its subconscious subordination to the circulating dialect as the language of live social interaction. Hence, the student’s suffering emerges when the school seat forces him/her to replace an alternative cultural format at the level of words and semantics. Al-Saliqa represents an expression of rooting of the linguistic faculty in the individual’s mind and society and it is a compulsive root that links the linguistic outcome with feelings and motives. Guidance is a necessity of proper learning in childhood so as to confirm integrity of the recipient’s correct scale in his/her linguistic communication with his/her surroundings. A sound mental dictionary will be the basis for the making sounds, while every word will carry a live awareness in the future. Hence, the role of school is preparation and guidance to help the child break out of the vernacular and enter the system with the new text of the classical language so that the student can interact constructively with his/her legacy. Culture as an arena of struggle, especially in the repertoire and uniqueness of Arabic, passes emotional translation as a substitute for an unconscious stock of colloquial custom imposed by social communication. There are different dialects of the Arab world and we are restricted to understand some of them, which compel us to communicate in standard language and receive a clear support. To develop linguistic awareness by activating the mental dictionary, this research presented some strategies, including linking strategy, repetition, grouping, classification of general categories, inference strategy by the first letter, story strategy, meditation strategy, and finally interaction strategy, which could enable the student to enrich his/her various skills in language functions as technical mechanisms and teaching aids. Then, a research was done on the relationship of linguistic predicate with the process of standard formulation as an unconscious process that develops in the child’s mind from the beginning of his/her learning the language from his/her environment. Due to ignorance of the rules and vocabulary of classical Arabic, the research presented useful data to replace a positive alternative in the process of substitution and concluded with a statement about the relationship of civilizational awareness with the Arabic tongue with reference to the factors accelerating sound language acquisition and awakening self-awareness of the cultural and cognitive heritage of the tongue of the Holy Qur’an.
