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تاریخ های محلی با وجود تمایزات و ویژگی های مختصِ هر اثر، اشتراکاتِ شکلی و محتوایی درخور توجهی دارند؛ ازجمله اشتراکاتِ موضوعیِ تاریخ های محلیِ سنتی، وجودِ برخی روایاتِ اساطیری است و در رابطه با محلی است که دامنه جغرافیایی کتاب به آن محدود شده است . در این پژوهش تلاش خواهد شد تا با اطلاق و کاربستِ مقولات و مفاهیمِ اسطوره شناختی و روان شناختی، به معانی و مفاهیمِ ژرف تری در پسِ ظواهرِ این اساطیر دست یافت. مفاهیم و مقولاتی همچون کهن الگو، مرکز، نمونه مینوی، اسطوره آغاز، ناخودآگاهِ جمعی و... لایه هایی از معنا را از حجاب خارج می کند؛ زنجیره ها و شبکه هایی از معنا که غالباً معطوف به تقویتِ شکیبایی و تاب آوریِ شعله لرزانِ هستیِ انسان در برابرِ مرگ و نیستی است. در عینِ حال این اساطیر، کارکردهایی همچون ارائه سرمشق و الگو نیز ایفا می کنند. از چشم اندازِ فردی- در مقابلِ رویکردِ جمعیِ اشاره شده در عباراتِ فوق- و بر مبنای رویکردِ روانکاوانه نیز می توان این اساطیر را تحلیل کرد. از این منظر، مضمونِ بسیاری از این گزاره ها ذیلِ دو مقوله « تقدس » و « تشخص » طبقه بندی می شود. براساسِ نظریه تحلیلِ رفتارِ متقابل و به انضمامِ نظریه بازی ها، نیتِ ناخودآگاهِ نهفته در پسِ این قبیل اسطوره ها و مضامین، ایجادِ آرامش و تسکین از پیِ بازیِ «من برترم از تو» است. در این مقاله، با تمرکز بر تواریخِ محلی و با بهره گیری از مفاهیمِ نظریِ اسطوره شناسانه و روان شناسانه و با رویکردِ تحلیلی، موضوعِ مذکور بررسی شده است.

Mythological and Psychological Analyses of Local Historiographical Texts of Isfahan, Khorasan, and the Caspian Coastal States up to the 9th Century AH

Abstract One of the themes in almost all texts of traditional local histories is mythical narratives. In this research, an attempt is made to achieve deeper meanings and notions behind the appearances of these myths by applying mythological and psychological concepts and categories. Concepts and categories such as the collective unconscious, the archetype, the center, the celestial models, the myth of the origin, etc., unveil layers of meaning. Chains and networks of meaning often aim at strengthening the patience and endurance of the trembling flame of human existence in the face of death and inexistence. At the same time, myths also play a role in providing role models and patterns. These myths can also be analyzed from an individual perspective, as opposed to the collective approach mentioned in the above statements, and based on a psychoanalytic approach. From this perspective, the content of many of these propositions can be classified into two categories: ‘sanctity’ and ‘individuality’. According to Transactional Analysis Theory and Games Theory, the unconscious intention behind such myths and themes is to create calm and relief, through the ‘I’m better than you’ game. Introduction In the study of local historiography, to the extent that it has been searched, no independent research has been done on the content analysis of the mythological materials of a locality. Myths make up a significant portion of the contents of local history books. Such materials can be analyzed in light of the concepts and categories of mythological knowledge. One of the pivotal terms in the analysis of myths is the archetype. On the other hand, the science of psychology has not been indifferent to myths. Examining books of local history, it became clear that many narrations can somehow conform to the ruling archetype. It is an archetype that, by combining with other archetypes, becomes the inductor of an example of worthy and deserving kings and princes. Another part of this study focuses on showing a celestial model of fences, gates, and cities. In the mythological dualistic ontology, every earthly phenomenon has a supreme and celestial pattern, and whatever does not conform to its pattern and parable is superfluous, imperfect, and doomed. Myths can also be analyzed from an individual perspective. If these narrations and myths are dealt with from this angle, two prominent themes can be abstracted and extracted: the theme of individuality (index and uniqueness) and the sanctity of the city or region and its people. Materials and Methods The present study focuses on local histories using mythological and psychological theoretical concepts and an analytical approach. Discussion of Results and Conclusions One of the forms of archetypes is the archetype of the wise and just ruler. In local myths, too, this archetype appears in various forms, sometimes like Alexander, at times like his mother, and occasionally like Kasra Anoushirvan. On the other hand, the duality of the mythical worldview is also reflected in the myths of local history. The mythical fence of Isfahan and its gates are drawn corresponding to the sacred celestial bodies, and the tomb of the sons of the Messenger of God in Herat is also reflected on the throne of the heavens. On the other hand, the "center" is also manifested in such myths. The first fortress of the world, built by Manouchehr, is interpreted as the mountain, and as a sacred center, it becomes the point of contact between earth and sky. In this way, both the great beginning of eternity and the beginning of the world are drawn along with the beginning of the city and the province. The evasion of death and the attainment of immortality also appear in these myths in a bold and dynamic way. With the eschatology hidden in the myths, Manouchehr represents the city and his country as safe and secure and forces the aggressors and oppressors to the abyss of destruction and annihilation The contents written about the merits and virtues of a region can be included in the form of two categories of sanctity and individuality. Myths, by mentioning the unique and extraordinary historical, natural, and geographical phenomena of a particular region, lead to mystery, individuality, and unity. On the other hand, by attributing holiness and divine blessings to the city or region through the burial and prayers of religious leaders, the region is ‘sanctified’. The two elements of sanctity and individuality, along with their overt and covert comparisons with other regions and peoples, give the idea of ​​the superiority of the city and its inhabitants, and in the form of the game "I am better than you", subconsciously transmit psychic enjoyment and interest.
