
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


نظرات عالمه طباطبایی بازتاب وسیع و تأثیر چشمگیری بر آثار قرآنی معاصر شیعه داشته است. البته مفسران معاصر شیعی عالوه بر بهرهگیری گسترده از نظرات مؤلف المیزان، در موارد قابل توجهی نیز آرای ایشان را مورد بررسی و نقد قرار دادهاند. پژوهش پیشرو که با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و با استفاده از ابزار کتابخانهای انجام شده، با مطالعهی آثار تفسیری معاصر، بهکشف و استخراج ادلهی مفسران در نقد آرای مؤلف المیزان)پیرامون آیات سورهی بقره( و ارزیابی آنها میپردازد. برخی از مفسران در مواردی نظیر: چیستی حروف مقطعه، کشف معانی واژگان قرآنی، تعیین مصادیق واژگان و عبارات قرآنی، تبیین مفهوم و مفاد آیات به نقد نظرات عالمه پرداختهاند. مهمترین دالیل مورد استناد ناقدان عبارتنداز: مبهم خواندن، خالف واقع دانستن، ناسازگاری با منابع قرآنی و روایی، ضعیف و نامعتبر دانستن، ناصواب و قابل اثبات نبودن، مغایرت با مفهوم آیات، ناسازگاری با ادلّه و آیات قرآنی، عدم داللت آیه بر تفسیر و... پس از این مقاله مستخرج از رسالهی دکتری دانشجو میباشد. amannaseri@gmail.com :مسئول نویسنده  03 | فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه معارف قرآنی | سال سیزدهم |شماره 94 | تابستان 0930 بررسی و سنجش آرای ناقدان، حاصل پژوهش چنین بیان میشود که اغلب این نقدها نامعتبر بوده و با آسیبها و اشکاالت اساسی مواجه است. البته در موارد معدودی نیز نظرات ناقدان صحیح و معتبر بوده و ضعف دیدگاههای عالمه پذیرفته میشود.

ypology and evaluation of critiques of contemporary Shiite commentators on the views of Allameh Tabatabai (Case study of Surah Al-Baqarah)

Allameh Tabatabai's views have been widely reflected and have had a significant impact on contemporary Shiite Quranic works. Of course, contemporary Shiite commentators, in addition to widely using the views of the author of Al-Mizan, have also examined and criticized his views in significant cases. Leading research that has been done by descriptiveanalytical method and using library tools, by studying contemporary interpretive works, explores and extracts the arguments of commentators in criticizing the views of Al-Mizan author (about the verses of Surah AlBaqarah) and evaluates them. Some commentators have criticized Allameh's views in cases such as: what are the syllables, discovering the meanings of Quranic words, determining the instances of Quranic words and phrases, explaining the meaning and contents of verses. The most important reasons cited by critics are: vague reading, know the opposite, incompatibility with Qur'anic sources and narration, consider weak and invalid, incorrect and  Corresponding Author: amannaseri@gmail.com How to Cite: Shamkhi, M., Mosalaeipour Yazdi, A., Bostani, Gh., Naseri Creimond, A. (2022). Ypology and Evaluation of Critiques of Contemporary Shiite Commentators on the Views of Allameh Tabatabai (Case Study of Surah AlBaqarah), A Research Journal on Qur’anic Knowledge, 13(49), 29-62. 03 | فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه معارف قرآنی | سال سیزدهم |شماره 94 | تابستان 0930 unprovable, contradiction with the meaning of verses, incompatibility with Qur'anic evidences and verses, lack of meaning of the verse on interpretation, etc. after reviewing and evaluating the opinions of critics, the results of the research show that most of these criticisms are invalid and face major harms and problems. Of course, in a few cases, the opinions of critics are correct and valid, and the weakness of Allameh's views is accepted. Of course, in a few cases, the opinions of the critics are valid and the weakness of Allameh's views is acceptedAllameh Tabatabai's views have been widely reflected and have had a significant impact on contemporary Shiite Quranic works. Of course, contemporary Shiite commentators, in addition to widely using the views of the author of Al-Mizan, have also examined and criticized his views in significant cases. Leading research that has been done by descriptiveanalytical method and using library tools, by studying contemporary interpretive works, explores and extracts the arguments of commentators in criticizing the views of Al-Mizan author (about the verses of Surah AlBaqarah) and evaluates them. Some commentators have criticized Allameh's views in cases such as: what are the syllables, discovering the meanings of Quranic words, determining the instances of Quranic words and phrases, explaining the meaning and contents of verses. The most important reasons cited by critics are: vague reading, know the opposite, incompatibility with Qur'anic sources and narration, consider weak and invalid, incorrect and  Corresponding Author: amannaseri@gmail.com How to Cite: Shamkhi, M., Mosalaeipour Yazdi, A., Bostani, Gh., Naseri Creimond, A. (2022). Ypology and Evaluation of Critiques of Contemporary Shiite Commentators on the Views of Allameh Tabatabai (Case Study of Surah AlBaqarah), A Research Journal on Qur’anic Knowledge, 13(49), 29-62. 03 | فصلنامه علمی پژوهشنامه معارف قرآنی | سال سیزدهم |شماره 94 | تابستان 0930 unprovable, contradiction with the meaning of verses, incompatibility with Qur'anic evidences and verses, lack of meaning of the verse on interpretation, etc. after reviewing and evaluating the opinions of critics, the results of the research show that most of these criticisms are invalid and face major harms and problems. Of course, in a few cases, the opinions of critics are correct and valid, and the weakness of Allameh's views is accepted. Of course, in a few cases, the opinions of the critics are valid and the weakness of Allameh's views is accepted
