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عبدالعزیز ملقّب به محیی الحصاری یکی از سیره نویسان نبوی است که در ابتدای قرن نهم می زیسته و در هیچ یک از مراجع و مآخذ، اسمی از او نیامده است. او صاحب اثری به نام متمم السیر فی فضیله خیر البشر است. این کتاب را می توان کتابی تاریخی نیز به شمار آورد؛ زیرا مؤلف افزون بر شرح صفات ظاهری و معنوی رسول و حتی نام بردن از فهرست دقیق اموال و دارایی ایشان و نقل برخی از سخنان آن حضرت، وقایع صدر اسلام را از سال اول تا به خلافت رسیدن امام علی (ع) به طور دقیق و مفصّل بیان کرده است. مؤلف در مقدمه یادآور شده که اثر خود را در دوازده روز نوشته است؛ بنابراین بخش بندی کتاب در دوازده مجلس است. هر مجلس دربرگیرنده یک خطبه عربی و ترجمه فارسی آن است و در آخر خطبه نیز آیه ای نقل شده است که موضوع مجلس در شرح و توضیح آن آیه است. از این اثر، یک نسخه در کتابخانه نور عثمانیه به شماره 2854 نگهداری می شود. این اثر تصحیح شده است و در این پژوهش، با روش توصیفی تحلیلی، به معرفی و گزارش ارزش های این متن و ساختار و محتوای آن پرداخته می شود. این اثر دربردارنده همه وجوه زندگانی پیامبر (ص) و تاریخ صدر اسلام و نیز ویژگی های لغوی و اطلاعات واژه شناسی است و همین بیانگر اهمیت آن است؛ نیز اثری تفسیری، تاریخی، اخلاقی و اعتقادی است که در ذکر مطالب آن به منابع مختلف همراه با نقد آنها استناد شده است. قدمت اثر و منحصربه فردبودن آن نیز بر اهمیت آن افزوده است.

Introducing an Unknown Biography of the Prophet in Motamem al Siar fi Fazilateh Khair al Bashar

One of the prophetic biographers is Abdul Aziz, nicknamed Mohy Al-Hesari, who lived at the beginning of the ninth century and is not mentioned in any of the references. He is the author of the historical book Motamem al-siar fi Fazilateh Khair Albashar . The author, in addition to describing the outward and spiritual attributes of the Prophet, has accurately described the events of the beginning of Islam from the first year until the caliphate of Imam Ali. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the biography of the Prophet in this work. In the introduction, Mohy Al-Hesari states that he wrote his work in twelve days, so the book is divided into twelve chapters. Each chapter contains an Arabic sermon and its Persian translation. A copy of this work is kept in Nour Othman Library No. 2854. The findings of the present study indicate that this work is important in terms of the subject matter as well as lexical features and lexical information. It is also an interpretive, historical, moral, and doctrinal work that has been cited in various sources along with their critiques. The antiquity of the work and its uniqueness have also added to its importance. Introduction The term Sira became popular with special meaning from the end of the first century and the beginning of the second century AH. Its main motive and purpose in the first stage were to compile the speech, behavior, and method that the Prophet (PBUH) had adopted in his life and mission (words, deeds, and narrations). Sira was introduced as a practical model for Muslims. Thus, the books of Sira were works and manuscripts that include the news related to the advent of Islam and the biography of the Prophet from birth to death, all its angles, and dimensions. In this sense, it can be said that any work that deals with one of the topics of the life of the Messenger of God is a kind of tradition, whether it covers the whole period of the Prophet's life or is dedicated to an aspect of his noble life. Motamem al-siar fi Fazilateh Khair Albashar , written by Mohy Al-Hesari, in addition to describing the outward and spiritual attributes of the Prophet, has accurately described the events of the beginning of Islam from the first year until the caliphate of Imam Ali. The present study aims at introducing the work in the Prophetic tradition from the ninth century AH, introducing a rare and unique version, and examining the working method of its author. The valuable subject of this work and the neglect of correcting it as a unique version with remarkable antiquity, as well as the author's specific style in the structure and style of the work, are among the necessities of correcting and introducing Motamem al-siar . Materials and Methods The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical. After carefully reading the text of Motamem al-siar fi Fazilateh Khair Albashar , the data obtained from the content was described and analyzed. Conclusion This work has been compiled into twelve chapters starting from the beginning of the birth of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), ending with his death, and mentioning the righteous caliphs. Mentioning in detail the historical events and the political and social behavior of the Prophet, including resurrection, ascension, migration to Medina, miracles, etc. from various sources and stating reasons and proofs for rejecting or confirming the details of these events are among the features of this work. The structure of each chapter is such that an eloquent sermon begins with the recitation of a verse from the Holy Qur'an , the interpretation of which is expressed by the commentators with the strongest and shortest explanations. There are two types of evidence as to whether or not the text of the amendment is preaching or preaching writing. First, there are characteristics of Sira such as advice or asking the audience to pay attention to the words of the speaker and the prayers and supplications. The final part of each chapter is not seen in this tradition. The title of the work is another reason that this work cannot be considered a type of preaching writing. Also, expressing a lot of content in each section is beyond the patience of a Majles. Also, according to the handwriting, legibility, and the end of all sentences, it can be said that the person or persons addressed in the work did not write the text. Second, there is evidence such as bringing a verse at the beginning of each chapter, a few questions and answers in the text, one or two sections entitled ‘joke’, and also many testimonies to Persian and Arabic poems in the text. Although some of the features mentioned above have brought this work closer to the type of Sira writing, this work cannot be considered a type of preaching writhing.
