
آرشیو شماره‌ها:


یعدّ غولدمان رائد البنیویه التکوینیه، أی التولیدیه، وهی عنده لا تُفهم بمعزل عن الزمان والمکان، وترتکز على المادیه الجدلیه والتاریخیه، مؤکده على دور البیئه والخلفیه الثقافیه والتاریخیه فی إنشاء أی عمل أو نظریه؛ ویعطی غولدمان التاریخ دورا محوریا فی البنیویه التکوینیه. بما أن نجیب الکیلانی (1931 1995م)، الذی اعتمدنا روایته، من أبرز الرواد الذین تناولوا قضایا أمتهم ومجتمعهم فی کتاباتهم، ولا سیما روایه أهل الحمیدیه ، فقد رأینا فیها تطابقا للبنیویه التکوینیه الغولدمانیه التی تحقّق وحده بین الشکل والمضمون للنص ذی البعد التاریخی مضیفه البعد الاجتماعی والنفسی على مبادئ البنیویه الشکلیه. نرى من خلال أحداث الروایه، أن الکاتب اعتمد على الظروف المؤاتیه وما یعیشه المجتمع المصری آنذاک من وقائع سیاسیه واجتماعیه. وعلى هذا الأساس، قمنا بدراسه هذه الروایه وفقا للمنهج الوصفی التحلیلی، نبین مدی انطباق خطوات المنهج الغولدمانی على الروایه. تهدف هذه الدراسه إلى معالجه وتطبیق البنیویه التکوینیه الغولدمانیه على روایه أهل الحمیدیه لنجیب الکیلانی؛ ومن هنا یقوم هذا البحث على عده محاور، منها: رؤیه العالم، والطبیعه المفارقاتیه، والوعی القائم، والوعی الممکن، والوعی الخاطئ. ومن أهم ما توصلت إلیه هذه الدراسه، یمکن الإشاره إلى أن مفاهیم ومرتکزات البنیویه التکوینیه الغولدمانیه حاضره فی طیات الروایه التی درسناها، فوعی الطبقه الاجتماعیه قد یتعارض مع رؤیه فئه أخرى، وکذلک أن الرؤیه المطروحه لیست رؤیه فردیه خاصه بالکاتب، ولیست رؤیه جماعیه موحّده للعالم بأسره، لکنها رؤیه جماعیه معینه انتمى إلیها الکاتب فکریا، کما أن الوعی القائم والممکن والخاطئ مشهود فی النص.

Genetic Constructivism Techniques in the Novel Ahlol Hamidiye of Najib Keylani from Goldman’s Point of View

Goldman is considered a pioneer of genetic constructivism. He believes genetic constructivism can't be understood without knowing the time and place and relying based on dialectic and historical materialism. He indicated the role of circumstances and cultural and historical records in the emergence of every theory or writing. Goldman believes history plays a key role in genetic constructivism. In this study, we studied Najib Keylani's novel Ahlol Hamidiye. Najib is one of the most prominent novelists who discussed the issues of his society in his works especially the novel Ahlol Hamidiye. The genetic constructivism of Goldman is applied in the novel. Najib also united the form and content of the historic text and added social and spiritual aspects to formalistic constructivism. In the novel events, the writer considered the current, political, and social circumstances that ruled Egypt. According to this, he studied the novel by a descriptive-analytic method. We tried to state the scale of conformity in the levels of Goldman’s method in which different aspects are clear in the novel. The present study contains different discussions such as worldview and semantic construction and honest and possible knowledge. The results showed that genetic constructivism concepts are clear in the novel since the awareness of one social class conflicts with another and this worldview isn't personal for the writer. The worldview of the whole world isn't incorporated. But, it is the worldview of one specific group to which the writer belongs to and honest awareness is seen in it. The real awareness in the novel Ahlol Hamidiye would be understood clearly by the attitude of Sheikh Motavi towards the present realities of life. Sheikh Motavi has understood very well what has been affected by his ancestors in today's society. He has tried to create the possible awareness and change what he can. So, he has given all his wealth and position to achieve the possible awareness, which is revealed in the prosperity of his only daughter, Malake. The possible awareness is evident in Abdol Moghis's efforts in his political and personal life in which, after the ups and downs of his student life such as being arrested and having unsuccessful suicides, he became a skilled and popular doctor among the people of Hamidiye.
