The present article aimed at recognizing the barriers of E-leaning in front of Tabriz Payame Noor university students and providing a model. The statistical society was Tabriz Payame Noor university students during 2018-2019; among them, 384 students were selected in the random classified way through the Cochran formula. The researcher`s self-made questionnaire was used as the instrument of the study with content validity and 0.84 reliability was gained through Cronbach’s alpha technique. The data were analyzed through SPSS software; through exploratory factor analysis six indexes of 1. Lack of skills and continuous communication, 2. Lack of motivation, 3. Inaccessibility to the technology, 4. The inability of learning through media, 5. Lack of online group conversation, and 6. Lack of aligned issues with success in E-Learning as the barriers of E-learning for students. The model of E-learning barriers was designed too. The obtained results of the Friedman ranking test revealed that due to the lack of skills and continuous communications between students and professors of the university; this factor was the most important barrier in the process of university students’ E-learning.