Sometimes the audience's understanding of God's word in the Holy Qur'an is different, and sometimes a person's understanding of the divine revelations changes over time. The question is, what is the origin of the diversity and transformation of understanding of the verses of the Holy Qur’an? In this article, which has been done by descriptive and analytical methods, some of the various origins and changes in understanding the verses of the Holy Qur’an are the talent of endless research of the Holy Qur’an, human scientific capacity, evolution of human sciences and insights, differences in audience mores, differences in human needs in the face of the Holy Qur’an, considering or not considering the social bases of verses, taking a group of seemingly different verses and interpreting another group in front of it, differences in perspective, destination-oriented view to verses, using reason in understanding verses, interpretation of verses due to different narrations, differences in the principles of authenticity of appearances of the Holy Qur’an, referring to symmetry or not referring to the symmetry in obtaining the appearances of the verses, differences in recitation and differences in the Iʿrāb.