
بلندمرتبه سازی به عنوان یکی از روش های تامین مسکن شهری است که امروزه بررسی میزان پاسخگویی آن ها در تأمین کیفیت زندگی برای ساکنان بیش از پیش موردتوجه طراحان و پژوهشگران قرار گرفته است. پژوهش حاضر که از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی است و به روش پیمایشی تهیه شده است، ضمن شناسایی عوامل موثر در دلبستگی مکانی اعم از فرمی- کالبدی، ادراکی- احساسی و فعالیتی- عملکردی و رتبه بندی آنها، به بررسی رابطه آن با میزان رضایتمندی سکونتی می پردازد. نمونه موردی این تحقیق مجتمع مسکونی آسمان در شهر تبریز بوده و جامعه آماری آن را ساکنین این مجموعه تشکیل می دهد. نتایج حاصل از نظرسنجی ها بیانگر این است که عامل ادراکی- احساسی با میانگین امتیاز (610/3) و عامل فرمی- کالبدی با میانگین امتیاز (932/2) به ترتیب بیشترین و کمترین تاثیر را در ایجاد دلبستگی به مکان داشته اند. مولفه های حضورپذیری (02/3) از عامل فرمی- کالبدی، مدت زمان سکونت (73/3) از عامل ادراکی- احساسی و رویدادهای محلی خاطره ساز (62/3) از عامل فعالیتی- عملکردی بالاترین امتیاز را در میان زیرمولفه های مربوطه داشته اند. همچنین یافته ها نشان می دهد میان عوامل موثر در ایجاد دلبستگی و رضایتمندی افراد از سکونت در ساختمان های بلندمرتبه رابطه معناداری وجود دارد. بدین معنی که هرچقدر کیفیت این مولفه ها بالاتر باشد و میزان درک افراد از آنها بیشتر باشد، دلبستگی به مکان افزایش خواهد یافت. به تناسب همین ارتقای حس تعلق در افراد میزان رضایتمندی آنها از سکونت در ساختمان های بلندمرتبه افزایش می یابد. با توجه به یافته های پژوهش پیشنهاد می شود معماران، طراحان و برنامه ریزان شهری در طراحی مجتمع های مسکونی، تمامی شاخص های مؤثر بر ایجاد دلبستگی مکانی اعم از کالبدی (فرم و ترکیب بندی، عناصر طبیعی، روشنایی، دید و منظر و دسترسی و ...)، فعالیتی ( خدمات رفاه اجتماعی، تجاری، تفریحی و حمل و نقل، تنوع فعالیت ها و .... ) را بیش از پیش مدنظر قرار دهند و زمینه را برای تاثیر مثبت شاخص های فردی و اجتماعی فراهم نمایند تا رضایتمندی ساکنین از سکونت در مجتمع های مسکونی بلندمرتبه افزایش یابد.

Analysis of place attachment in high-rise buildings (case study: Aseman residential complex in Tabriz city)

High-rise construction is one of the methods of providing urban housing, and nowadays, the examination of their responsiveness in providing the quality of life for residents has been more and more noticed by designers and researchers. The current research, which is of a descriptive-analytical type and was prepared using a survey method, while identifying the effective factors in spatial attachment including "form-physical", "perceptual-emotional" and "activity-functional" and ranking them It deals with the level of residential satisfaction. These components in the formal-physical index include the components of "presence ability", "desired quality", "suitable density", "collective spaces" and "indicative places", in the perceptual-emotional index including the components of "duration of residence". "marital status", "personal income", "gender" and "occupation". The components of "memorable local events", "social interactions", "special activities", "suitability of activity to needs" and "cooperation" are also included in the sub-components of the activity-functional factor. The case study of this research is the Aseman residential complex in Tabriz, and its statistical population consists of the residents of this complex. The results of the surveys show that the perceptual-emotional factor with an average score of (3.610) and the formal-physical factor with an average score of (2.932) had the greatest and least impact on creating attachment to a place, respectively. The components of "presence" (3.02) from the formal-physical factor, "duration of residence" (3.73) from the perceptual-emotional factor and "memorable local events" (3.62) from the activity-functional factor have the highest score. among the relevant sub-components. Also, the findings show that there is a significant relationship between the effective factors in creating attachment and people's satisfaction with living in high-rise buildings. This means that the higher the quality of these components and the higher the level of people's understanding of them, the greater the attachment to the place. In proportion to this promotion of the sense of belonging in people, their level of satisfaction with living in high-rise buildings increases. According to the findings of the research, it is suggested that architects, designers and urban planners in the design of residential complexes, all the effective indicators on creating spatial attachment, including physical (form and composition, natural elements, lighting, visibility and access and ...), activities (social welfare, commercial, recreational and transportation services, diversity of activities, etc.) should be taken into consideration more in advance and provide the basis for the positive impact of individual and social indicators in order to achieve satisfaction. Residents will increase from living in high-rise residential complexes Extended Abstract Introduction:       As one of the important indicators of sustainable urban development, the housing category, if unhealthy, endangers the health and quality of life of a wide range of people in the society and consequently the health of the city. Regarding high-rise buildings and their level of satisfaction, many researchers believe that one of the effects of living in complexes with high population density and unfavorable environmental quality is the weakening of social ties between residents, which itself is the basis for reducing stable communication, non-participation, decreasing the sense of belonging and gradual deterioration of these collections. High-rise construction is one of the methods of providing urban housing, and nowadays, the examination of their responsiveness in providing the quality of life for residents has been more and more noticed by designers and researchers. In Iran, residential complexes in different forms are used as a solution to provide housing, but the examination of the response rate of these complexes to ensure the quality of life for the residents has not been given much attention. Measuring housing satisfaction is complex and depends on many factors. Regarding high-rise buildings and their level of satisfaction, many researchers believe that one of the effects of living in complexes with high population density and unfavorable environmental quality is the weakening of social ties between residents, which itself is the basis for reducing stable communication, non-participation, decreasing the sense of belonging and gradual deterioration of these collections. Given that satisfaction, like human nature, is a complex phenomenon with diverse and different indicators, in the present research, the effective factors in place dependence and satisfaction of citizens from living in high-rise buildings were investigated. The factors influencing the creation of a sense of belonging to a place can be considered to be caused by the person and the surrounding environment (with all its characteristics). This is the case with the factors of the "environmental" and the factors that are affected by the social factors, and the social factors. Local cooperation and local visas create memories, etc., and personal factors include mental images and personal characteristics, etc. Such as mental images, satisfaction, security, relationships, expectations and previous belongings, and personal characteristics have the factors of job, type of residence, reference culture and length of stay. Methodology: The current research, which is of a descriptive-analytical type and was prepared using a survey method, while identifying the effective factors in spatial attachment including "form-physical", "perceptual-emotional" and "activity-functional" and ranking them It deals with the level of residential satisfaction. These components in the formal-physical index include the components of "presence ability", "desired quality", "suitable density", "collective spaces" and "indicative places", in the perceptual-emotional index including the components of "duration of residence". "marital status", "personal income", "gender" and "occupation". The components of "memorable local events", "social interactions", "special activities", "suitability of activity to needs" and "cooperation" are also included in the sub-components of the activity-functional factor. The case study of this research is the Aseman residential complex in Tabriz, and its statistical population consists of the residents of this complex. The questions raised around each indicator were prepared and completed by the statistical community based on the five-point Likert scale. In order to determine the validity of the questionnaire, the content validity method was used qualitatively. The reliability of the questionnaires was also evaluated using Cronbach's alpha calculation method equal to (0.876). Finally, the collected data were processed with SPSS software at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics and analyzed with Pearson's correlation coefficient test.   Results and discussion: The results of the surveys show that the perceptual-emotional factor with an average score of (3.610) and the formal-physical factor with an average score of (2.932) had the greatest and least impact on creating attachment to a place, respectively. The components of "presence" (3.02) from the formal-physical factor, "duration of residence" (3.73) from the perceptual-emotional factor and "memorable local events" (3.62) from the activity-functional factor have the highest score. among the relevant sub-components. Also, the findings show that there is a significant relationship between the effective factors in creating attachment and people's satisfaction with living in high-rise buildings. This means that the higher the quality of these components and the higher the level of people's understanding of them, the greater the attachment to the place. In proportion to this promotion of the sense of belonging in people, their level of satisfaction with living in high-rise buildings increases. In the interpretation of these findings, it can be pointed out that the satisfaction of citizens has a deep relationship with a person's understanding and feeling about an object, subject, place, etc. Events, images, people and belongings in an environment create a memory and mentality in a person and cause feelings such as happiness, enthusiasm, sadness, sadness and memories in a person, which is associated with the creation of attachment. Form-physical factors as well as activity-functional factors, although each of them has some kind of effect in creating a memory and place attachment, but considering that the form-physical factors undergo changes over time, such as additions, colors and lighting, etc. and the activity-functional factors also cause the removal and addition of some activities by changing the use and converting some spaces into future needed spaces to other factors. Conclusion:      In a general summary and according to the findings of the research, it can be concluded that all three mentioned factors had a positive effect in creating a sense of belonging and place attachment, but the effect of perceptual-emotional factors was better. So, It is suggested that architects, designers and urban planners in the design of residential complexes, all the effective indicators on creating spatial attachment, including physical (form and composition, natural elements, lighting, visibility and access and ...), activities (social welfare, commercial, recreational and transportation services, diversity of activities, etc.) should be taken into consideration more in advance and provide the basis for the positive impact of individual and social indicators in order to achieve satisfaction residents will increase from living in high-rise residential complexes.
