
The relationship between religion and politics is the most important issue that has nowadays engulfed the minds of many theorists of political science. This issue becomes more important when it comes to the phenomenon of Islamic Government (State). In the present world, there are many different interpretations of Islam. Some traditionally believe in the religion’s wide-ranging intervention in politics and some believe in the non-intervention of religion in politics based on the human experience. Theorization on the realm of the presence of religion in politics has entered a new stage. The present research sought to answer the following question: “How religion plays a role in the politics?” Answering the research question, the hypothesis is that the Islamic law, based on the human needs and the epistemological source of revelation, with a maximally reading and interpretation of Islam and in the refuge of the divine theory of the state, has developed a new concept called the “Political Islam”, which is considered the evolved form of the divine theory of government.
