
هنر پرفورمنس از جمله نمایش های اجرایی در هنر پسا مدرن هست که دارای مولفه های خاصی است. ویژگی هایی همچون جایگزینی اجرا به جای نمایش، بداهه، نبود طرح و سناریوی پیشین، اتفاقی بودن پاره ای از عناصر نمایش نامه، نامتعین بودن زمان و گاه مکان، تقلیل فاصله میان نمایش و واقعیت و حضور جدی مخاطب از خصوصیات این نوع اجرا است. میان عناصر هنر پرفورمنس و اجراهای عاشورایی که توسط شیعیان و عزاداران عاشورایی شکل می گیرد، نوعی نزدیکی و قرابت به چشم می خورد. در اجراهای عاشورایی ای که توسط گروه ها و هییت های عزاداری اجرا می گردد، نخل گردانی، علم گردانی، زنجیرزنی، سینه زنی، قمه زنی، گل مالی، سنگ زنی، مراسم جوش، شام غریبان، دسته های عزاداری و امثال آنها که عزاداران خود در حال انجام کنشی آئینی هستند، از جمله مصادیق اجرا است. در واقع این اجراها نه جهت نمایش بلکه نوعی اجرا هست که گویی برای اجراکنندگان یک عمل عبادی و آءینی است و صرفا وجه نمایشی، تصنعی و ساختگی ندارد. این مقاله کوششی است که شباهت ها یا تفاوت ها میان اجراهای پرفورمنس آرت و اجراهای عاشورایی را بیان کند و گونه ای خاص از ادبیات نمایشی معاصر را که مخاطبان خاص خود را در دوران پسا مدرن به همراه دارد، در سنجه مقایسه با یک هنر آیینی شیعی قرار دهد و به علاوه مشخص سازد که آیا به نمایش کشیدن شخصیت و چهره معصومین و پیشوایان دینی در هنرهای نمایشی و اجرایی از منظر فقهی مشروعیت دارد یا خیر.

Examining the similarities and differences between performance art and Ashura rites and the legitimacy of portraying religious leaders in performances and performances based on jurisprudence.

Performance art is one of the performance shows in post-modern art, which has special components. Features such as replacing the performance instead of the show, improvisation, the absence of a previous plan and scenario, the randomness of some elements of the play, the indeterminacy of time and sometimes the place, reducing the distance between the show and reality, and the serious presence of the audience are the characteristics of this type of performance. Between the elements of performance art and the Ashura performances that are formed by Shiites and Ashura mourners, a kind of closeness and kinship can be seen. In the Ashura performances performed by mourning groups and groups, palm twirling, flag twirling, chain swinging, chest swinging, machete swinging, financial flower, stone throwing, boiling ceremony, dinner of strangers, mourning groups and the like, which the mourners themselves are doing Ritual actions are examples of performance. In fact, these performances are not for show, but a kind of performance as if it is a religious and ritual act for the performers, and it is not merely a show, artificial and fake. This article is an attempt to express the similarities or differences between performance art performances and Ashurai performances and to compare a specific type of contemporary dramatic literature that has its own audience in the post-modern era with a Shiite ritual art. and also clarify whether it is legal from a jurisprudential point of view to display the character and face of the innocents and religious leaders in performing and performing arts. Drama and performance throughout the history of human life and in the history of art has been a way to narrate and retell the stories of human life, and man has always wanted those stories that are attractive and magnificent or bitter and It was sad, show it. For a long time, before cinema and television entered human life, the possibilities of narrating and narrating life stories were realized orally or through quotations, then through story writing, drama, and sometimes through visual arts such as painting. Storytelling was done. Therefore, the art of performance or in a new term, the art of theater has found a special place in cultural traditions such as ancient Greece, Rome and Mesopotamia. So that one of the most important arts of ancient Greece, as the origin of mythology, philosophy and literature of the West, is dramatic literature, and people like Aristotle, in his art of poetry, leans towards dramatic literature and fiction more than any other art, and discusses aesthetic issues in this context. Pay attention By examining library sources and written documents about performance shows in the postmodern era, as well as examining written and observational works of Ashurai performances, it is clear that many works have been written independently about these two performances, some of which The works in this article have been studied and cited. However, no work has been seen on a comparative study between these two drama traditions. In fact, the comparative study is the product of the measurement and evaluation between two issues, and in this article, an attempt has been made to examine the similarities and differences between these two categories of works in two cultural traditions. But there is no written work about comparative study and no one has addressed it.
